Protect your Familly from Lyme Disease

Welcome to our September eNewsletter

Protect your familly from the fastest growing epidemic in Massachusetts... Lyme Disease.
Chronic Lyme disease can be frightening and debilitating, ruining lives for many years. You should read below to find out how to protect your familly kids and even your pets, it could save your loved ones a lot of suffering.

We have three exciting seminars for you this month:
1. Diet-Detox One-Week Program, Geoff & Po D'Arcy.
2. Trigger Point Therapy, Dr. Kouch.
3. Fire Dragon Qigong & Healing Circle, Grandmaster Zhang.

We are proud to welcome Oceana Rames, a wonderful Naturopath and massage therapist, who is joining oue Clinic in October.

Wishing you the very best of health this Fall.
Geoff D'Arcy, Lic. Ac., D.O.M.

CLICK read more about our Clinic.

Lyme Disease (LD), The Ticking-Time Bomb in our Backyard.

**In 2007, Massachusetts is estimated to have well over 30,000 people infected each year.
**Acton is estimated to have 5% infected.
**Dover may have 10% of its residents infected with Lyme disease.

Lyme disease (LD) is an infection caused by Borrelia Burgdorferi, a type of bacterium called a spirochete that is carried inside the stomachs of ticks, and these ticks are in-turn carried by deer, mice and chipmunks. Ticks can be as small as the period at the end of this sentence.

If left untreated or undefeated by our immune system and a beachhead is established, this amazing stealth bacterium can thrive and multiply. It travels through the bloodstream, establishing itself in various body tissues. It has a special affinity for joints, collagen skin, knees, (joint pain and swellings) aqueous humor of the eye, meninges of the brain and heart tissue.

Alarmingly, more ticks are infected every year, increasing our exposure to LD from 34% to 60%, and over the last 4 years, nearly 100%.

Many of us have heard that the first sign of a tick bite is a circular rash that looks like a bulls-eye. The rash usually appears 3 to 30 days after the bite - however, it is actually believed only 30-50% of those infected have a rash. Some of us know that it can progress into arthritic symptoms, yet most are surprised to learn that if left unchecked, and becomes chronic the symptoms may cover a broad spectrum, often camouflaging diagnosis, by appearing similar to other diseases.
Chronic LD can range In symptoms:
> Meningitis,
> Bell's Palsy
> Heart problems
> Nervous system abnormalities
> Neurological complications
> Headaches
> Depression
> Disturbances in memory and/or sleep

The amazing stealth bacterium of LD can remain hidden in the body for months; some experts believe years after initial infection, buried deep in cells, can activate much later, when conditions are favorable. That is why it is so important to take the right steps outlined below at the very beginning.

Lyme-Literate MD, Acupuncture & Herbal Protocols

Blood tests are often inconclusive so it is extremely important to work with a "LD-Literate MD" such as Dr. Gertler at our Wellness Clinic. It is important to avoid inappropriate treatment protocols, i.e., prednisone, often given for inflammed joints, because it further lowers the immune response that fights the LD infection.

Acupuncture is a great anti-inflammatory and immune building therapy for LD in its acute or chronic phase. I believe LD's spirochetes seek out stagnant areas, where blood and "qi" are not flowing well.

Acupuncture is great at getting inflammation down and ridding the area of the stagnation of blood and energy, taking away a friendly home-site for the infection. Also acupuncture helps the body detoxify chronic LD's neuro-toxins, that can overwhelm the bodies detoxifying pathways.

We have extensively researched herbs and produced two herbal formulas:
1) LD-Support, for acute and chronic LD Borrelia burgdorferi infection.
2) LD-CO, to fight co-infections with other bacterias that complicate the infection with the LD Borrelia burgdorferi.
Please the highlighted article: Integrated Herbal Protocol for Lyme.

READ ARTICLE...Integrated Herbal Protocol for Lyme

Fight Back: Herbs to Combat Lyme: LD SUPPORT FORMULA

Stay strong and fight back against LD with LD SUPPORT.
This LD SUPPORT formula incorporates herbs known to either directly kill LD's bacteria and/or aid the body in eliminating the spirochete bacteria that causes Lyme.
It includes three anti-lyme spirochete herbs at strong concentrations.
1. Andrographis (standardized to 10% andrographolides.)
2. Japanese Knotwood (5:1 concentrate)
3. Cats Claw

Syptoms of LD might include the following, with or without a
Fever and/or chills,
Arthritic-like, myalgia, joint pain, swelling,
Chronic Fatigue, malaise,
Nervous system abnormalities, numbness, pain, and depression;
Disturbances in memory, mood, or sleep patterns,
Neurological complications,
Sensations of numbness and tingling in the hands or feet,
Neuro-psychiatric symptoms,
Bell's Oalsy,
Heart problems (lyme infection related).

CLICK HERE TO BUY LD-SUPPORT... Special Introductory Offer.

10 Tips for Tick (and Lyme) Prevention

1. Dogs and Cats. Pets should not be allowed in bedrooms, nor on beds or other furniture.
2. Remove leaves and clear brush and tall grass around houses and porches.
3. Avoid tick-infested areas.
4. Wear light-colored clothing so that ticks can be spotted more easily.
5. Carefully spray insect repellent, containing DEET, on clothes.
6. Wear a hat and a long-sleeved shirt for added protection.
7. Walk in the center of trails to avoid overhanging grass and brush.
8. After being outdoors, remove clothing and wash and dry it at a high temperature.
9. After a known tick bite, preventive antibiotic and herbal treatment may be warranted.
10. Removing infected ticks within 48 hours of attachment can reduce the likelihood of transmission. (Save tick if you can for analysis.)

CLICK HERE.... to read more on tick/lyme prevention.

Dr. Oceana Rames, LMT, ND, Naturopathy & Massage

DWC is proud to anounce that Dr. Rames will be joining us Tuesdays starting in Mid-October.

Dr. Rames received her Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine degree at the National College of Naturopathic Medicine in Portland, Oregon, the oldest accredited naturopathic college in North America. She is a nationally Board-Certified in Naturopathic Medicine, and is a member of the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians.

Oceana approaches her work by applying the core principles of Naturopathic Medicine: finding the cause of illness using standard and alternative medical testing, diagnostics, and lab work; treating the whole person, not the disease, using the healing power of nature; and with an emphasis on prevention.

She treats patients through a combination of diet and nutrition, botanical medicines and homeopathy, in addition to hands-on work in massage, myofascial work.

Fire Dragon Qigong & Healing Circle. October 4th, 2008

Come join the Grandmaster Yuanming Zhang for an invigorating class of Fire Dragon Qigong and Healing Circle. He will teach and guide us in the study of one of the most powerful healing systems in the world. Grandmaster Zhang will also assess the energy field and transmit energy during the workshop.

The participants will benefit in the following ways:

• Replenishment of energy in the five major organs
• Increase blood flow throughout the entire body
• Reinforce your Immune System
• Increase oxygenation to your brain cells
• Clearing of toxic build up
• Calming sensation of your nervous system

October 4th 2008
3:00 PM to 6:30 PM
Cost: $85.00
To register, please email Betty Woo, Lic. Ac. at

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1) ---D'Arcy Naturals Herbal News
2) ---Herbs-for-Pets
3) ---Hep B & C
4) ---D'Arcy Wellness Clinic


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Trigger Point Therapy Workshop. Tuesday, Sept. 30th, 2008

Tuesday September 30th, 6-8 pm with Dr. Pheng Kouch.
Cost $20.
Seminar Room at the D'Arcy Wellness Clinic.
Couples encouraged. Light refreshments will be served.
Please call Dr. Kouch on 508-654-3500 to reserve your space. (limited to 8 couples)

Join Dr. Kouch with your significant other or a friend and get relaxed and have fun with trigger point therapy. An essential tool for any relationship!


The ONE-WEEK Diet-Detox Program starts Wednesday, Oct 1st & 8th 6:30-8:00 pm at the D'Arcy Wellness Clinic. We meet for 2 Wednesdays, covering a 1-week period.

Please call to reserve your place - this is the last group for the year so don't miss out. We would love to have you join us for this transformative program!
$60 for the program, includes program book.

READ MORE...Cleansing Diet benefits by Geoff DArcy

In This Issue:

Welcome to our September eNewsletter
Lyme Disease (LD), The Ticking-Time Bomb in our Backyard.
Lyme-Literate MD, Acupuncture & Herbal Protocols
Fight Back: Herbs to Combat Lyme: LD SUPPORT FORMULA
10 Tips for Tick (and Lyme) Prevention
Dr. Oceana Rames, LMT, ND, Naturopathy & Massage
Fire Dragon Qigong & Healing Circle. October 4th, 2008
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Schedule an appointment with your practitioner on-line!
Trigger Point Therapy Workshop. Tuesday, Sept. 30th, 2008
Contact Info

Your Resource for Natural Health and Beauty Care

63 South Main Street
Natick, MA 01760
CALL: 508-650-1921

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