ONE FLU OVER... WHAT???: Vol. I, No. 23

One Flu Over... what???

Today, October 3rd, we are celebrating the 90th anniversary of chiropractors saving tens of thousands of lives during the Great Flu Pandemic of 1918, with our "One Flu Over the Duck's Nest" party here.

 Leading up the party, two things have occurred that are noteworthy. Many who I, and practice members, invited from outside the practice were confused: "What does Chiropractic have to do with the flu?" At the same time, people were reporting to me that it is That Time of Year, the Big Hustle for Flu Shots.

 You see the signs all over the place, in every supermarket, drug store, etc., plus people getting hustled by their own doctors. I think that it's really funny, selling flu shots in Safeway. Perhaps they should expand to 7-11's, dry cleaners, gas stations. Last year my gym was offering the shots. Why don't they go all the way, and sell the shots from McDonald's and Jack-in-the-Box. Wouldn't it be cool to drive up to the drive-up window and here, "Would you like a shot with those fries? Do you want to super-size that shot?" You could just stick your arm out the car window. Are you seeing the insanity of this? How can you think that this is serious science, that this is professional health care?

 I advise anyone and everyone to get the facts on the flu shot, not from your M.D., who may be intelligent but cannot reason, and not from some clerk in Safeway. There are some good sites on the net. You can begin with the site of the National Vaccine Information Center. (I believe that it is .) I just got in a brand new pamphlet about the flu shot. Come in and get one. No, get several, and hand it to people who might be on course to get the shot. They'll be plenty at the party, as well as copies of the article I wrote in the Chronicle five years ago, "An Alternative To a Failed Flu Vaccine." You can also read this on my website ( ), under "Published Articles."

 Once you have the facts, you will easily figure out that the flu shot is (1) ineffective, and (2) dangerous. In fact, to my experience, I have seen that getting the flu shot is the easiest way to get the flu! Dangerous? You betcha! There are truly poisonous substances in those shots. (Look it up!) No, you don't get healthy, or even forestall disease, by taking in poisonous substances. To have this knowledge and still get the shot, "because The Doctor told me to," is well, less than intelligent. Why would you do something that doesn't do the good things that are promised, while exposing yourself to needless damage and risk? You say that you get the flu shot every year? Well, if you're a smoker, you can use the same argument to keep smoking.

 Back to the question that many people had: "What does Chiropractic have to do with the flu?' More broadly, one might ask, "What does Chiropractic have to do with the functioning of the immune system?" Well, everyone knows that the immune system protects us from infectious disease. What people do not know, and what medical folks fail to appreciate and fully comprehend, is the incredible complexity and scope of the immune system. When I go back into my books on immunology, I am awed. What has been discovered from the time I was in school until now is truly amazing. Yet, while these parts and functions of the immune system were not yet discovered, and for that which has not yet been discovered, the immune system goes on, doing its miraculous job, as it has for millions of years, without the help of medical science. How does it function? Obviously, it doesn't require a textbook or a researcher from Johns Hopkins or Stamford, or your own internist, to tell it how to organize, and what to do under what circumstances. All this is done under the aegis of your Innate Intelligence. Your immune system is controlled and coordinated through your nervous system. When there exists an interference to the proper functioning of your nervous system (Vertebral Subluxation), coordination of the body, including the immune system, is replaced by chaos. The immune system cannot and will not operate properly. (No, trying to fool it by vaccination is no substitute, by any means.)

 So, when a chiropractor does an adjustment, in order to remove subluxation, the body, including the immune system, is allowed to work at a higher level. That incredible Innate Intelligence is allowed to express itself more fully. That's the theory. In practical terms, I cannot count the number of practice members, over the years, who have told me that, since they have been under chiropractic care, the number of colds and flu they have experience have been either reduced to the extreme, or totally eliminated. What happened during the Great Flu Pandemic of 1918? Read my article, and find out the exact figures. (A side issue, but an important one, to be gleaned from the statistics in my article, from Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, Iowa... While all chiropractic care was wildly more successful (life-saving) than either Medicine or Osteopathy, the figures showed that the results were approximately twice as good within the BJ Palmer Clinic at the college, compared with field practitioners throughout the state of Iowa. Chiropractic is good, very good, but quality counts!

 There are plenty references of how Chiropractic relates to immune function. Just last week, "Chiropractic and Neuroimmune Function" was published in the Jnournal Of Vertebral Subluxation Research,

 Is Chiropractic a substitute for the flu shot? No. The flu shot is worthless and dangerous. Why would you want a substitute? Get healthy and stay healthy. If you aren't under chiropractic care, it is about time. If you are under "casual," "I go when I need it" chiropractic care, time to get real. Time to get a straight, scientific chiropractor, who is not there to be a bottle of Advil in human form. The job of the chiropractor is to detect, analyze and remove Vertebral Subluxation (interference to your nervous system controlling and coordinating your body properly). Period. Nothing else. Nothing else is needed.


My mission: To create and offer the highest quality chiropractic care, and to educate people to understand and appreciate Vertebral Subluxation-Centered Chiropractic as the most critical part of Health. This will, in time, help to move Chiropractic to its proper place in society, as Health Care, leading to better Health, better lives, and, ultimately, a fuller expression of the genetic potential of individuals, of families, of the human species.

· Read the HARTE OF HEALTH, and enjoy, which will further underline the importance of continuing chiropractic care
· Use the HARTE OF HEALTH as an intellectual and emotional tool, to further think for yourself, and question both standard "medical wisdom" and the latest "medical advances."
· Forward the HARTE OF HEALTH to people you know who have particular health challenges, or their children have particular health challenges, whether that challenge be the "chiropractic-typical," like sciatica, neck pain, knee pain, or diseases and conditions from multiple sclerosis to depression to diabetes to ADHD to GERD to chronic infections to vertigo to heart disease to insomnia and chronic fatigue. They are all better off with less VSC, less interference, more health.
· Forward the HARTE OF HEALTH to everyone else you know. Obvious health problems or not, whether they live here in the Bay Area, or they live half way around the world, they all need to hear this message. Send copies of this letter to at least two other people. 20 would be even better.
This issue especially, please forward on to every parent and grandparent who you know. Kids will be way better off with a lot less drugs, and a lot more chiropractic care.
Chiropractic Today…
for a Better World Tomorrow!


Cool Stuff, etc.

Some very interesting stuff. read this, and marvel upon the complexity of the body. Think on Innate Intelligence:

Toughness of Bone, Lawrence Berkeley Lab: Click Here

In This Issue:

One Flu Over... what???
Cool Stuff, etc.
Special announcements, schedule changes, etc.:
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!


(The correct answer will be found at the end of this ezine.)

Which profession is more scientific, Medicine or Chiropractic?


(This quote will also be found in the office this week, tacked onto opposite walls of the rest room.)

"New ideas are always criticized, not because an idea lacks merit, but because it might turn out to be workable, which would threaten the reputations of many whose opinions conflict with it. Some may even lose their jobs."                       

  - an anonymous physicist


Study published by researchers at the CDC and Columbia University intended to refute the vaccine autism relationship. Read the facts here: CLICK HERE:

Antidepressants cause a five times higher rate of premature delivery as well as a doubled rate of miscarriage and stillbirth as well as heart defects and often fatal PPHN. CLICK HERE

Special announcements, schedule changes, etc.:

IT'S Today!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, October 3rd, 4-7:30 PM
(We are extending it to 7:30 PM)

The Party, celebrating
27 years in practice
113 years of Chiropractic
90th anniversary of a chiropractors savingTENS OF THOUSANDS OF LIVES during the GREAT FLU PANDEMIC OF 1918

A Benefit for
LIVE MUSIC (Blues electric piano)     GREAT FOOD

Too late to RSVP. Just show up, with friends.
If you need directions, phone (460-6527)
or email ( )

We will be closed for the Jewish High Holy Days as follows:

Wednesday, Oct. 8th at 12:30 (open in the morning, 10-12:30 only)
All day Thursday, Oct. 9th, for Yom Kippur

"Chiropractic: The Big Idea" class schedule, all at 7:30 P.M.:

Tuesday, October 7th
Tuesday, October 14th
If you aren't yet a Member of this Practice yet, make a reservation for one of these classes now. 460-6527. WHAT COULD YOU POSSIBLY BE WAITING FOR? (Are you any healthier from last week when you last read this?) This class is free. Come. Then you can decide to do the sensible thing for yourself.
In the meantime, check out the website:


Q: Which profession is more scientific, Medicine or Chiropractic?

A: I know what the "unwashed masses" would say. Now, let's get to the Truth, OK? Science is what is logical, what works in the natural world. In fact, in ancient times, science was referred to as "natrual philosophy."

Medicine is the diagnosis and treatment of disease. research shows that diagnosis is wrong far more often than not. Therefore, you are being treated for the wrong thing, more often than not. And, what is treatment? It is the bludgeoning of your disease, which doesn't solve the problem, and often causes new problems. Malpractice rates make the rate of failure obvious for all to see. When they try to venture into prevention (which is NOT health), they stumble with foolishness such as the flu vaccine. The history of Medicine is a history of fads.

Chiropractic is scientific. It is based upon an unchanging Principle, that the body is self-regulating, self-healing and even self-perfecting. When there is interference in the direction of the body, dis-ease, a lack of ease, results, leading to dysfunction, disease, disability and premature death. Chiropractors remove interference, allowing the body to heal itself. Healing is not from a bottle of pills. Healing is only from Above-down, Inside-out.

What works, works. One hundred thirteen years of Chiropractic, despite brutal medical opposition, government oppression, and lesser chiropractors screwing up, proves the Principle. All the medical pomposity in the world does not change a thing.

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!

Thank you to the following Practice Members who have cared enough to go out of their way to refer people to this office, and for those who live distantly, to hook them up with chiropractors where they live.

Veronica Saggio
Lisa Slatkin


"One day I came across Dr. Harte's story, and I knew he was the chiropractor for me. Mainly his belief in God, his mannerism and his humor. His office is comfortable, and he will take the time to answer questions, which most (medical) doctors will not. I am now able to swallow water and food without choking. Before Dr. Harte, I was taking four to six prescription medications a day for my breathing problems. Now, I am down to one or two."    --Anita Torres,  San Anselmo


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