Up in the Air
I love the smell of airplanes as I board, the sounds of airports; the sense of souls in transit. I especially love it alone, hurtling through space, that white hum around me, like an air bubble enclosing souls in transit.
Airborne, uplifted, solo, detached, cut loose - electronics silenced! - for a moment the mind-body-soul unit is as though propelled into meditation together, in space.
Mm, maybe it says something about my excessive cyber ties and duty ties, that I feel so liberated up in space, so tether-free!
And that's one reason for travel. At least, for solo travel, or new ventures into inner OR outer territory, especially on our own.
What do we get so tied to that we are inextricably identified with it? Our work roles, family roles, social roles? Our achievements, successes, reputations? Even our identity as an enlightened yogi, free of attachments?
Being alone, in space or in meditation, gives a breather to remind ourselves of the central question: who are we?
Who are you? Where are you?
2 Hour Restorative
Mother's Day, come take a break from the world for two hours, at Pure Yoga East with me and my assistants as I guide you through a handful of gentle, supported Restorative Yoga poses, and let you melt into them, in dim lighting and soothing music, with aromatherapy and hands-on presses, and healing meditations.
Register early as space are limited, and receive a $10 discount for prepaid registrations. Open to members & non-members of Pure; treat yourself or anyone you know needs a little loving mothering care.
Every registrant receives a token aromatherapy lotion gift. Sweetness and delight. From me to you. From you to you. This spring.
Let Flow & Let Go
There are no mistakes, according to yogic wisdom. There are longer and shorter paths of learning; we sometimes call the longer ones "mistakes." Just as there are no wasted moments on a path of learning, so too there are no ordinary moments, as Dan Millman reminds us in "The Peaceful Warrior." So give feedback. Shape your world. Let your life know where it stands. Ask for what you need, from your colleagues, your relationships, your teachers, your studios. And then, receive.
That's use of 5th, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th chakras, specifically. Then let go of expectations: and that's the 7th chakra. Ah yes. Whew. That's a tough one. That's why 7th chakra is a lifelong development. Love it all, and simultaneously let it go.
Life application? You find it. Report back.
Feeding America
When we grab a bargain in a store we glow with glee. OK, I speak for me: I glow when I find a perfectly good item, be it plane tickets, avocados, or fun earrings, at a giant discount. So, when I see what Feeding America does with fresh unsold food and produce by timely shipping from stores to America's hungry, I glow with excitement.
1 in 6 Americans are at risk for hunger. 1 in 8 Americans receives food assistance through the Feeding America system annually.
Through efficient food transport funded by this organization, $15 becomes $210, $25 becomes $350 worth of perfectly good unsold food delivered to hungry Americans. It may be more blessed to give than to receive; but it is equally blessed to connect the givers and the receivers. To be the link, we are the multiplier of wealth. We are the magic power of Lakshmi, who embodies abundance.
YogaFit® Restorative Trainer
Virginia in February, then Dallas in April. Mary has joined YogaFit® Training Systems Worldwide as their Restorative Teacher Trainer! 2010 will see her leading trainings in Minneapolis, Palm Springs, and Atlanta; and across the river in Weehawken, New Jersey in September! So can you excuse her writing so weirdly about herself in the third person?
Some of you expressed an interest in Restorative teacher training. Yes this does count toward your Yoga Alliance certification hours. Yes, my NYC trainees may receive a modest registration discount. More to come, the weekend is Sept. 16-17 (Thurs-Fri) and possibly to include Saturday.
Photo Thanks
My very big thanks to my lovely photographers Aranka Israni for Mary & Matt pics; Megan Jolly for Triple Scoop (Mary, Deven, Chris); Lauren Fabrizio for Park pics; Greg Franklin for Restorative with Marion-Krista; Matt Giordano for Lulu pic of Mary & Stephanie Caplan. Also thanks to my other photo models, from top: Adam Woolley, Olivier David, Matt Giordano. Thanks to Feeding America, and to the Restorative trainees and Rx Team for YogaFit®'s Dallas Mind Body Fitness Conference April 2010. Thanks to CircusYoga® and Kevin O'Keefe and Erin Maile O'Keefe.
Privacy; Reply; Forward
I honor this cyber sangha, community, and value your privacy. I don't share emails and I only keep you on my monthly subscription by your permission or request. Please feel free to reply, unsubscribe, or forward at any time.
Many blessings on your journey. May you enjoy each luminous leaf and petal, every iridescent blade of grass, every divine whiff of air, caress of sunshine and delicious drop of refreshment along your way.
Namaste ~ my light salutes your light.
Here, Now, Joy: "BE The Evidence"
"The accumulation of time as the psychological burden of past and future greatly impairs the cells' capacity for self-renewal. So if you inhabit the inner body, the outer body will grow old at a much slower rate, and even when it does, your timeless essence will shine through the outer form, and you will not give the appearance of an old person.
Is there any scientific evidence for this? Try it out and you will BE the evidence."
~ Eckhart Tolle, "The Power of Now"
Pure AcroYoga®
Pure West is growing a sweet community of playful, fun, joyful AcroYogis. Come see what the buzz is about! No prior partner yoga experience is required; we plentifully supply the partners, the technique and the sheer adventure of exploring fun, while getting a great workout for strength, flexibility, balance, and technique!
Come, feel your heart expand and your body rejoice in pure playful physicality as it did when you were five and the world was yours to conquer and recreate.
Check the online schedule for the Tuesday evening AcroYoga® class and the Acro Gym practice hour that follows class. Non-members welcome.
Lululemon Flying
One weekend day a month, I fly an AcroYoga® demonstration with a partner, at Lululemon East 66th Street and another day at Lululemon Lincoln Square.
In the summer months we are more often outside the windows than in; all year 'round, bystanders may sign waivers and be flown by myself and my AcroYoga® partner.
The month of May:
Saturday May 1 East 66th/3rd Ave, 1-3PM (Raindate: May 2)
Saturday May 15 Linc. Sq/Bway at 64th, 1-3PM (Raindate: May 16)
Bring a hair tie; bring a camera, bring your friends, empty your pockets of keys and change, and come up in the air to view your city aerially; or just enjoy the show!
Bryant Park Yoga: May 20
Come share in the sheer joy of grass, sky, skyline, breathing bliss, in the heart of Manhattan! Thursday May 20, I will lead the 6-7pm Open level Vinyasa class on the Bryant Park lawn, along with over half a dozen loving assistants from my little army of teachers and assistants! Bring a mat, bring a friend, bring yourself!
All summer long, check the 2x weekly schedule below for free Yoga in Bryant Park, brought you by Lululemon Athletica.
Folks ask: can we join in Park play? Yes!
Sundays 3-6PM, "mid spring into the fall" on "warm, dry days" as CircusYoga® website puts it, Circus and AcroYoga® fans share completely free-flowing open-air play in Central Park Sheep Meadow. CircusYoga® especially welcomes all ages. For Sunday Park Days, workshops, trainings & more info see web link below.
NB CircusYoga® community workshops are June 11 & 17, and Level 1 & 2 Trainings are June 11-18 at Karma Kids in New York. Expect to see me in CircusYoga® training, upping my playfulness quotient! Clowns of the world beware! Make room for Mary. ॐ