See if your mind will let you read through this EPIC (relatively speaking) article despite the trecherous distraction demons and your flaccid focus muscles (no offense, but I'm just saying).
See if you can stay with it, despite wanting to skip over it because it's not a brief encounter.
See if you can do it.
See Dee Eeee F Gee H I dare you.
Doing something like this a little at a time strengthens your focus muscles.
There seems to be a loss of concentration going around.
HEY! over HERE!... See what I mean? Your mind was beginning to drift. Luckily I noticed. I'm acquainted with the dilemma.
Here is an example of where my mind goes sometimes when I attempt to write my book:
- log onto IMDB to check Renee Russo's age (56)
- reorganize my bookshelf (by color versus subject - I don't recommend it),
- check to see how much cat hair got stuck in my keyboard (so much I formed another cat with it).
- return to Facebook to see if anyone "liked" my post (I'm pathetic to admit this and yet I still like me).
It's never just one thing either is it? We are multi-talented and pride ourselves on the multi-tasking that robs our ability to go deep with ONE thing.
And guess what? Creativity requires that you go deep with one thing at a time, even if you have three projects going on.
The Internet, though filled with instant information and immediate gratification is also training our brains to spend very little time doing ANYTHING.
The TV started that retraining and the Internet has beautifully tagged-teamed up with the tube (or excuse me, the flatscreen) so our short attention spans are flitting like hummingbirds from one form of the nectar to the next and never staying long enough in one place to write the story of the Hibiscus's Dream. What joy are you scarificing because you can't concentrate? (I know.. I spelled "sacrificing" wrong.. but scars are scarier than sacs and that's what I'm going for - boo).
Lack of focus is only a problem if you want to be creative.
If you’re reading this newsletter, creativity may be a value of yours.
However, that creative idea requires the kind of concentration that is beginning to become endangered.
Those of you who have truly gotten into the FLOW know that you get there by penetrating layers of distracting debris, plugging into a focus with determination, dancing with the idea - staying there musing, tinkering, playing, rearranging, tossing, connecting, cutting, slapping your forehead, playing some more, sweating nails, failing, abandoning, returning, hurdling the chaos, and finally following a thread into a flow that timelessly dazzles every cell in your body with a feeling so divine you wonder if you are still of the Earth (you're not).
So whataya do? Forcing yourself sometimes works but there are better ways. The process may be pleasing for the results to be in alignment with joy.
Join me Thursday, August 5th in a free teleconference about how you can get your focus back or if you never had it in the first place... GET IT, so getting to and staying with your creative passion becomes easier.