
Your Donations Are Needed More Than Ever!
The consequences of our actions in 2011 may determine the health of our people and our planet for decades to come. Time is running out for developed countries to begin limits on carbon emissions and abandon REDD and other climate schemes designed only to make the rich richer and displace and destroy Indigenous Peoples and their homelands from every corner of our Mother Earth.
And We need your help to continue the fight!
This last year we saw how governments along with their corporate backers manipulated and dominated the UNFCCC COP 16 meetings in Cancun.
WikiLeaks provided proof that behind closed doors negotiations took place to escalate and expand the Canadian Tar Sands and how a government successfully stole ancestral lands from Indigenous Peoples by disguising the move as conservation.
With these clandestine and truly criminal manipulations our water, land and air are continuing to be destroyed and polluted- and are causing new and virulent cancers and debilitating diseases. Learn more below.
Indigenous Peoples are the first to suffer the consequences of global climate change and disease from the greed of a few but ultimately this fight is for a sustainable and equitable future for the human race.
The tireless efforts of our staff, organizers, partners and affiliates are concentrated on climate and energy justice- fighting against big oil, coal, uranium, and gas companies by lobbying our governments to limit and regulate out of control industries or for them to make real investment in renewable, clean, and sustainable energy sources.
During this coming year more important decisions are going to be made about our health, safety, and environment but without your help our voices may not be heard. World governments are now gearing up behind closed doors to roll back existing protections and block needed progress. We can’t let this happen and we have to start today preparing for the next UNFCCC COP 17 to be held in Durban South Africa in 2011. Indigenous Peoples have to be given a place at these negotiations and only YOU can help us with a tax deductable end of the year donation to accomplish this primary goal in ensuring real climate justice for all.
The oil and coal industry, electric utilities, weapons manufacturers, and big agribusiness have deep pockets, friends in powerful places, and are solely focused on protecting their own narrow interests. Without your help we can’t fight and we surely can’t win the important battles ahead. |
| WikiLeaks Reveals Marine Reserves Role in Denying Chagossian Right of Return |
| A U.S. State Department cable released through WikiLeaks reveals that that the British government cynically used the creation of a massive so-called marine “protected” area, the largest on the planet, as a tool to deny the native Chagros Islanders the right to return to their homeland in the Indian Ocean. Read More.
The Troubling Truth About the Canadian Government's Efforts to Derail U.S. Climate Policy |
Did you ever think you’d hear a Canadian diplomat describe their job as ensuring the “oil keeps-aflowing?” Or that they’d call recommendations to clean up Canada’s oilsands “simply nutty?” You heard it this week. Newly released documents obtained under Access to Information legislation reveal the Government of Canada is pursuing an orchestrated strategy to undermine U.S. efforts to combat climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Read More. |
Boliva Ambassador to UN Pablo Soln Responds to Secret U.S. Manipulation of Climate Talks Revealed in WikiLeaks Cable |
Secret diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks have revealed new details about how the United States manipulated last year’s climate talks in Copenhagen. The cables show how the United States sought dirt on nations opposed to its approach to tackling global warming, how financial and other aid was used to gain political backing, and how the United States mounted a secret global diplomatic offensive to overwhelm opposition to the “Copenhagen Accord.” We speak to Bolivia’s ambassador to the United Nations, Pablo Solón. Several of the cables addressed Bolivia’s opposition to the U.S.-backed accord. Read More.
You CAN make a difference - DONATE NOW! |
| High Court Declines Uranium Review |
| The U.S. Supreme Court has refused to review a 10th Circuit Court of Appeals decision to allow in situ leach uranium mining in Church Rock and Crownpoint communities in northwestern New Mexico, attorneys said. Read More.
Mexico: Huichol Reject The Mining Project On Protected Wirikuta Land |
A delegation of Mexican Indians came to Cancun to denounce the transnational mining project by Canadian First Majestic Silver in an Wirikuta protected natural area. Read More.
B.C. protesters block road to new mine |
First Nations protesters are blockading the road into the Mount Milligan copper and gold mine northwest of Prince George. The $1 billion open pit mine won approval Nov. 2 from the federal environment ministry over the objections of the Nakazdli First Nation, which has mounted the roadblock. Read More. |
Your support is needed for our Grassroots Community Mining Mini-Grant Program. |
This IEN program in partnership with Western Mining Action Network (WMAN) is designed to help communities impacted by mining to protect their health and well-being.
The program awards “mini-grants” of up to $3,000 per applicant. Since its inception in 2006, the program has awarded nearly $400,000 to over 140 communities across the U.S. and Canada. As organizations working with mining impacted communities, we are all too aware of the dire need to get funding to smaller very grassroots groups; groups that don’t ordinarily have access to funding support, but who are struggling daily, on the frontlines, in their communities to responsibly address and respond to mining and its effects on their livelihoods, land, sacred sites, water, culture, and health.
We are seeking a match of $100,000 to help ensure continued funding from our current funder and, to expand the range of the mini-grant program so that in addition to the U.S. and Canada, we can provide funding support to some communities in the Global South.
With Increased Demand for minerals, uranium, coal, and precious metals more destruction will take place. Donate TODAY to support CLIMATE JUSTICE FOR ALL!
| Beaver Lake Cree Nations Adds Its Voice to The Outrage |
| As oil giant BP and its partner Husky Energy Inc. announced plans to move forward with the large-scale Sunrise project, Beaver Lake Cree Nation’s Chief and Council say the extraction project demonstrates why First Nations need to remain strong in the fight to stop the ecologically disastrous plan. Read More. |
Royal Society Report on Tar Sands Ignores Traditional Knowledge
Indigenous Peoples, Community Members and Allies raise concerns.
Edmonton - The Royal Society of Canada report on the tar sands released today, spurred concern by directly impacted communities and allies today as conclusions were put forward around the impacts of tar sands development within the region.
“With data coming from primarily government and industry sources, this report will likely lead to further inaction on addressing the concerns of community members who live in fear of drinking their water or from consuming traditional foods or medicines," said Clayton Thomas-Muller, Tar Sands Campaigner of the Indigenous Environmental Network. “This situation violates International Human rights laws and Canada’s own constitutional laws pertaining to First Nations rights."
Canadian First Nations Deploy Giant Human Banner Demanding an End to Tar Sands Development |
Indigenous Peoples of Canada and their allies from around the world are in Cancun at the COP-16 climate summit demanding real action to reduce fossil fuel pollution. Over twenty people with color-coded T-shirts that spelled out the words “Shut Down the Tar Sands” in both English and Spanish gathered in front of the Maya building to directly deliver their message to UNFCCC delegates. Participants included Indigenous community representatives from fossil fuel impacted community across Canada and the U.S., many carrying personal banners linking tar sands with the destruction of their territories. Read More.
The Work Continues - Only with Your Year End Donation! |
The health of our earth is linked to the health of its inhabitants. This fact is no more evident than in communities affected by environmental disasters and destruction. Clayton Thomas-Müller, a campaigner with the Indigenous Environmental Network, discovered this intricate linkage in his work campaigning against Canada’s tar sands.
Production of oil in the tar sands means acres of deforestation and water pollution; producing 1 barrel of oil requires pollution of 2 to 5 barrels of fresh water. Read More.
| IEN Statement: Cancun Betrayal: UNFCCC is WTO of the Sky |
| As representatives of Indigenous peoples and communities already suffering the immediate impacts of climate change, we express our outrage and disgust at the agreements that have emerged from the COP16 talks. As was exposed in the Wikileaks climate scandal, the Cancun Agreements are not the result of an informed and open consensus process, but the consequence of an ongoing US diplomatic offensive of backroom deals, arm-twisting and bribery that targeted nations in opposition to the Copenhagen Accord during the months leading up to the COP-16 talks. Read More.
Tom Goldtooth: Statement On Expulsion from COP-16
“The Voices of those Who Speak for Mother Earth Must Not Be Silenced” |
I have come to the UNFCCC COP-16 climate talks in Cancun, Mexico as a member of Grassroots Solutions for Climate Justice — North America a delegation of Indigenous Peoples and representatives from fossil fuel impacted communities who are on the frontlines of addressing the climate crisis.
Read More.
Indigenous Peoples MUST HAVE A VOICE in their own future! Donate Now to Ensure Our Future! |
| Learn more - follow our participation throughout the UNFCCC COP 16 in Cancun - Video, Audio, References... and more.... |
| IEN's Cancun Blog, RedRoadCancun cronicals activities, protests, and actions taken by Indigenous Peoples during the COP 16 negotiations. We've provided replay of live video broadcasts, radio interviews, and archival material that will help you understand the very complicated, convoluted and so-called climate change solutions. REDD and other "mitigation" schemes are being veiled as the only way to reduce carbon emissions and deforestation, when in fact they are simply methods to strip Indigenous Peoples of their lands, health, and future welfare as they create more wealth and prosperity for a select few corporate raiders and goverment officials.
PLEASE HELP US in educating everyone and to encourage and empower more people to demand truth and real solutions and stand up to the power brokers within world goverments.
Only YOUR Donations will keep us working toward economic, social, and climate justice for the NEXT SEVEN GENERATIONS.
We would like to thank everyone who supports us in their own way---- whether that is with monetary donations, sharing our newsletters, joining us on Facebook, and working within their own communities affecting positive change through education and service to their family, friends and neighbors. Truly it takes each and every one of us living as sustainably and responsibly as possible to change our collective future.
With Respect,
IEN Staff, Board and Volunteers |