And the List Keeps Growing:
New Featured Authors Added to Line-Up |
The extraordinary group of featured authors who will be speaking and signing at the Gaithersburg Book Festival continues to grow. Here are a few whom we’ve added since the December newsletter. For the complete – and constantly growing – list of featured authors, visit the GBF website.
Eleanor Brown is the author of a very highly-anticipated debut novel, “The Weird Sisters,” which was recently featured in USA Today’s Winter Books Preview and named a Barnes & Noble “Best Book of the Month” for January.
Johnny Mo is an author, chef, restaurateur and rock star, who dazzled the GBF crowd in 2010 with his sizzling combination of offerings made to please the taste buds and electrify the ear buds. Now “the musical chef” of the Eastern Shore is back for another course, with his cookbook “Rock the Party.”
Stanley Plumly has been the State of Maryland’s Poet Laureate since October 2009. He is the author of nine books of poetry, most recently “Posthumous Keats: A Personal Biography.” Plumly's work has been recognized through eight Pushcart Prizes, a Rockefeller Foundation fellowship in 2001, the Academy Award in Literature from the American Academy of Arts and Letters in 2002, and the Paterson Poetry Prize in 2007.
Wendy Wan-Long Shang is the author of the children’s book, “The Great Wall of Lucy Wu,” her debut about an 11-year-old girl coming to terms with her multicultural heritage. The Los Angeles Times called it “A delightful story about assimilation and family dynamics… sure to appeal to young readers struggling with issues of self-identity, whatever their heritage.”
Seth Stern is co-author of “Justice Brennan: Liberal Champion.” Stern is a legal affairs reporter at Congressional Quarterly. His articles and reviews about the Supreme Court have also appeared in Slate and the Washington Post.
Stephen Wermiel is co-author of “Justice Brennan: Liberal Champion.” Wermiel spent 12 years as the Wall Street Journal’s Supreme Court reporter. He now teaches constitutional law and a seminar on the Supreme Court at American University’s Washington College of Law.
Michael White is the author of six novels, including “A Brother’s Blood”, which was a New York Times Book Review Notable Book and a Barnes and Noble "Discover Great New Writers" nominee; and his latest, “Beautiful Assassin.”
Michele Wolf is the author of the upcoming book of poetry, “Immersion.” Her previous books are “Conversations During Sleep,” winner of the Anhinga Prize for Poetry, and the chapbook “The Keeper of Light.” Her poems have appeared in Poetry, The Hudson Review, Boulevard, and many other journals and anthologies.
Spreading the Love:
GBF Thanks its Sponsors and Partners |
The great literary endeavor that is the Gaithersburg Book Festival would simply not be possible without the generous support of and partnership with businesses, non-profit organizations and individuals.
Over the last month, we’ve been very grateful to receive financial support from:
We also want to recognize Holiday Inn Gaithersburg, Johns Hopkins Montgomery County Campus, Washington Parent magazine and The Elegant Envelope for their offers of in-kind donations, and all GBF Committee members, who volunteer significant amounts of their time and talents to organizing the event.
It is a pleasure to work with some great partner organizations, including Barnes & Noble, the Gaithersburg-Germantown Chamber of Commerce, Washingtonian Center and The Writer’s Center.
And our Festival also enjoys grant support from the Maryland State Arts Council.
We’re off to a great start, but we still need the support of additional sponsors to make the 2011 Gaithersburg Book Festival even better than last year. There are sponsorship levels to fit all budgets. Please visit the Gaitherburg Book Festival website for more information about 2011 sponsorships. |
Show Your Stuff at GBF 2011 |
The Gaithersburg Book Festival is a terrific event at which to showcase your literary-related wares!
Whether you’re an author, poet, publisher, literary agent, bookstore, or have any other sort of business that caters to the book industry, here’s a great opportunity.
For a very modest price, you’ll get a booth for the day and have a chance to meet and interact with thousands of attendees.
For more information on becoming an exhibitor at the festival, please view our Exhibitor & Vendor Application.
Book Festival
May 21, 2011
10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
H.S. Short Story Contest Entries Due Jan. 31 |
High school students from across the Washington, D.C., Metropolitan Area have only a couple weeks left to finish their work for the Gaithersburg Book Festival's first annual Short Story Contest.
To participate, the story must be no longer than 1,000 words and start with one of three lines provided by author Sarah Pekkanen.
The deadline to submit a short story is January 31, 2011, at 5 p.m. ET.
The winning story will be announced during the Gaithersburg Book Festival on May 21. The winning author will receive a $100 Barnes and Noble gift certificate, courtesy of the Johns Hopkins Montgomery County Campus.
For more information and rules for the contest, please visit the Short Story Contest page on the festival website. |
We Want You:
Volunteers Needed |
The Gaithersburg Book Festival is an enormous undertaking, which would not be possible without the generous assistance of numerous volunteers.
We are continually recruiting volunteers for a number of opportunities. SSL hours are available for high school students. You must be at least 16 years old to apply.
Visit the GBF website for more details.
If you're interested in becoming part of this great event, take a few seconds and sign up to volunteer. We'll be in touch to coordinate as we get closer to the event. |