Fuel for Learning Partnership...
Fairfield Warde High School...
Sponsored by Fuel for Learning Partnership, a PTA council standing committee. For more information, visit our Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Fuel-For-Learning-Partnership/118987191457724.
Attention Scouters & Key Clubbers: We need your help. Volunteers are needed on Friday, May 25 starting at 4:00 pm to make and hang signs. Help also needed day of event in all areas. Volunteers will work with children and help over 30 exhibitors. If you enjoy food demos, are thinking about sustainability and the environment - you are the perfect person to support this event and your community!
Please stop in - just show up, Friday or and Saturday. Find FFLP people or Mrs. Tiernan for direction. Thank you!STU |
Think GREEN this Spring... |
From eating your greens - we mean really eating your GREENS, to growing food in a Square Foot Garden, from taking those first steps towards a healthier relationship with fitness and food - we are here to support you and hope you'll step out in your community to engage in the numerous opportunities and events that are available to you and those closest to you!
Give us a call...send us an email.
Ask us to speak at your club meeting, monthly gathering, or youth group.
We look forward to hearing from you!

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Who do you know that is a health minded individual that simply wants to help others live a happy, healthy life?
Learn more about an amazing opportunity....
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Here it is!
The 2nd Annual PTAC
Fuel for Learning Partnership's --
The committee is soooo very excited to be bringing you this FREE community event that offers all ages education and FUN guaranteed to inspire and empower you and yours to "Make Every Meal Count!"
Saturday, March 26th
Fairfield Warde High School
755 Melville Ave.
Fairfield, CT 06825
10 am - 4 pm
It's a community event not to miss!
Join us for children's activities, food demos by local devotees and celebs, local farmers, artisans, educators and passionate parents of better school food, better food & wellness for all - for healthy living, from your inside out!
Happy Spring!
Amie | |
SQUARE FOOT GARDENING Boost Your Health from a Box! |
Stop by
From Your Inside Out's table
on Saturday between 10 am and 4 pm and see a SFG (Square Foot Gardening) basic easy to grow garden. Find out more on how you can "Boost Your Health from a Box!" Be sure to stop by our table or 12 noon demo in the foods classsroom and to sign in on the clipboard or drop your business card in the bucket and you'll recieve a link to a FREE recorded teleclass! This is our thank you to you for caring about where your food comes from and for taking the time to attend this gathering that supports the health and happiness of our children - "one meal at a time!"
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Connecting children and families
to their food, their community and the land.
Amie Guyette Hall, CHHC, AADP
Holistic Health & Cooking Coach
Square Foot Garden Certified Teacher
Curriculum and Food Service Consultant
Copyright 2011, All rights reserved, From Your Inside Out | | | |