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The Whole Pet Diet

Eight Weeks to Great Health for Cats and Dogs

Bath Time


Safety Tip for Bathing Your Dog or Cat

Bathing your dog or cat can often be stressful for both of you. Making your pets feel secure and comfortable while in the tub or the kitchen sink is as important to them as the natural shampoos you choose to get them clean. Before I ever give my pets a bath, I always place a thick towel on the bottom of the sink or tub so that they’re able to grab onto the material and not slip and slide around on the tile, porcelain floor or tub. Giving them something to grab onto will make the process easier for both of you. Make sure to always use comfortably warm water, and thoroughly towel dry so they don’t get chilled. Your clean pet will be a happier and healthier pet and that’s what we always strive for!

“Love your pets with wisdom”Andi



Andi Brown, author of The Whole Pet Diet

& founder of Halo, Purely for Pets

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The Whole Pet Diet • 35246 U.S. Highway 19 North, Suite 321 • Palm Harbor, FL 34684
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