Understanding the ‘Less Engaged’: Students’ and Young Adults’ Participation in Education, Recreation, and Occupation
Using data from the Carsey Institute’s 10-year Coös Youth Study, this interactive discussion session will focus on young people who are not fully engaged in age-appropriate educational, recreational, and occupational activities. What are the characteristics associated with lower engagement, and what do we know about how they manifest over time? What kinds of interventions might change their course to a more socially connected and productive adulthood?
Erin Hiley Sharp and Eleanor M. Jaffee from the Coös Youth Study team will present the information from the 2011 study of 10th graders and young adults two years out of high school. They will then facilitate a discussion of how these issues are experienced and how they can be addressed in the school environment by administrators, guidance staff, and educators.
Intended audience: Administrators and counselors that work with youth on the high school level, possibly the middle school level. Others interested are also welcome.
Date: Thursday, December 13, 2012
Time: 1:30 to 3:00
Location: NCES, Gorham, NH
Cost: Full member staff $10, Associate member staff $15, Others $20
Register: Email lisa@ncedservices.org or call 800-268-5437 or 603-466-5437 between 8:00 and 4:00. Fax purchase orders to: 603-466-2907.
Using Short Stories, Essays, Memoirs and Graphic Novels to Invite Students to Look Closely and Go Deep
Intended for: Grades 5 and up
The brevity of short stories, essays, memoirs and even graphic novels that impact students' lives makes reading immediate and managable where teachers can teach lasting strategies, support powerful discussions and check comprehension. You'll participate in model lessons together to take back to your classroom...reading short texts, exploring elements, strategies, powerful quotes and questions. You'll learn unique planning for whole and large group discussions and better use of the value of writing craft in response and dialogue journals and short essays. With the CCSS upon us, it's time for students to be immersed in higher-level thinking, deep discussions, and quality writing responses in their reading experiences.
Presenter: Jean Mann
Date: Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Time: 4:00 to 7:00 PM
Location: NCES, Gorham, NH
Cost: $75 NCES full members, $80 associate members, $85 non-members (light supper provided)
Register: Purchase orders may be faxed to 603-466-2907 or emailed to lisa@ncedservices.org, phone registration between 8:00 - 4:00 by calling 800-268-5437 or 603-466-5437.
Kick the Quality of Writing up a Notch!
Intended for: Grades 4-8
The CCSS requires that students become independent in their ability to produce quality writing, being able to analyze and convey complex ideas and informaton, support arguments, and develop well-structured writing with clarity and accuracy. This can be easily accomplished as we explore useful strategies at each stage of the writing process which will put more responsibility on students to strengthen and improve their own writing.
Presenter: Jean Mann
Date: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 (please note, date was incorrectly listed as Feb 2 in the November newsletter)
Time: 4:00 to 7:00 PM
Location: NCES, Gorham, NH
Cost: $75 NCES full members, $80 associate members, $85 non-members (light supper provided)
Register: Purchase orders may be faxed to 603-466-2907 or emailed to lisa@ncedservices.org, phone registration between 8:00 - 4:00 by calling 800-268-5437 or 603-466-5437.
Improve Writing Through Hands-On Poetry!
Intended for: Grades 4-8
Come and learn, laugh, and be surprised at how appealing poetry can be for both you and your students when you see the world through the mystery of tools such as the "jeweler's loupe"! By exploring the world around them and effectively using all that the language, craft and mechanics of writing offer, students learn to see and write about life through new eyes.
Presenter: Jean Mann
Date: Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Time: 4:00 to 7:00 PM
Location: NCES, Gorham, NH
Cost: $75 NCES full members, $80 associate members, $85 non-members (light supper provided)
Register: Purchase orders may be faxed to 603-466-2907 or emailed to lisa@ncedservices.org, phone registration between 8:00 - 4:00 by calling 800-268-5437 or 603-466-5437.
New Resource for North Country Youth
Please spread the word about the launching of a new website for north country teens. The site, www.inspirenh.org, is designed by youth for youth. It promises to be a great resource for all things North Country!
Related Events in the Region
Write Now! Conference
Kelly Gallagher, author of Readicide: How Schools are Killing Reading and What You Can Do About It, Write Like This, Reading Reasons, Deeper Reading, and Teaching Adolescent Writers, is speaking at Kennett High School for the spring literacy conference on Saturday, April 6, 2013. Kelly will be speaking about teaching writing, coming from his experiences in Los Angeles where he teaches 195 students a day this year. Kelly understands all of the reasons kids struggle with writing and has many great suggestions for helping them improve.
Date: Saturday, April 6, 2013
Time: 8:30 to 2:00
Location: Kennett High School, North Conway, NH
Cost: $25 payable to Conway School District
Co-sponsored by the Arts Alliance of Northern New Hampshire and the Conway School District.
Digital Resources for Reading & Math Support Sponsored by the North Country Reading Council
The information age has made accessible a multitude of resources to support student learning. With such a wide variety of materials, they can be challenging to keep track of and make easily accessible to your students. A possible solution to this challenge is creating an all-inclusive website bringing together suggested web resources and those you have created and use regularly. Web tools such as Weebly and Google Sites have made creating a website easy. In just a short time an attractive website can be produced (without writing any code) even if experience with web design is limited. This workshop will offer a tutorial on the use of web design tools leading to the creation of personalized websites facilitating more efficient access to reading & math support materials.
Website Example
Presenter: Jeremy Brown – Voted DBMS Teacher of the Year by the students for the past two years
When: Thursday, January 24, 2013 from 3:45 – 6:00
Where: Littleton High School
Cost: $20.00 for early registration, prior to December 20th, 2012
$25.00 for registration after December 20th, 2012
Snacks will be served.
Registration: Please contact President Heather Wright at hstocks@littletonschools.org or Vice President Marge LeBlanc at panzypatch@hotmail.com to register. School purchase orders are accepted.
Sponsored by the North Country Reading Council
Destination ImagiNation Comes to Littleton
NH’s premier creative problem solving program Destination ImagiNation is coming to YOU this year! The tournament for northern teams will take place right in your backyard . . . at Littleton High School on Saturday, March 16, 2013! And because it will be so convenient and easy for you to attend . . . it’s time to get going and start a DI team!
Want to know more about DI? Read more or to arrange a school presentation, contact Jill at 868-2140 or email jill@nh-di.org.
Teaching and school related openings for northern NH.
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