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Beth's Blog

Authenticity in Business, Work and Life


Engage Life With Gusto


Energy: Expanding Your Intuitive Abilities and Self Knowing


One Tip for Each Chakra

Divine Heart Art Project Update

The Divine Heart Art Project is underway and I began the actual 30x30 painting today! (The image to the left, "Passion", is just a place holder) If you haven't signed up yet, you still have time to be included.


Today I sat in meditation with the list of all your names- you who expressed your interest, sent your heart art and/or heart wishes.


Presence, energy, Light and prayer was brought to each individual in turn (yes each one of you) that your heart wishes be blessed and your connection be strengthened to receiving from the Divine Heart whatever is for your highest good.


During this process, I gathered messages and invite you to read through them below to recognize your own sacred words and receive what is yours (yours=the ones that speak to you).



Some house cleaning:


* If you haven't signed up yet, here's the link to do so. In order to be included, I do need you to sign up using the form, as it organizes my list and I'll only be sending updates to people in that list. It also lets me know who to send the extra goodies to (the updates, the digital print..etc)



* Those who send Heart Art will receive something extra. I'm not sure yet what it is, but it is my wish and intention.


* Those who send Heart Art will have the option of having their name listed as a contributing artist, and a link to their own website, page or blog.


* If you have signed up, I do recommend at the least sending me your Heart desire/your sacred words. This really strengthens your connection to the project and openness to receive.

Messages from the Divine Heart

Along with the quite intense and beautiful energy work that came through today, here are  some words to share as well:


May there be freedom for all hearts, all Beings, to imagine, to express, to live safely without threat.


Peace, happiness and enjoyment in Life!


There is a sense of places within each one of us that feels like an area open and ready to be illuminated, grown and understood so that the life force of this part can spring forth. Like the caterpillar into the butterfly this part you are sensing within you will heal, and blossom as you bring your love, compassion, patience and Divine Heart presence.


The Heart swells with Gratitude!! Give & Receive.


Deeper understanding now comes of the Heart energies and energies in general of sacred relating, relating to self & others. The experience of sacred love and healthy relationship.


Courage to be vulnerable, because we know this is where intimacy and authentic connection occur.


You are not alone, ever.


Acceptance, openness to what is. Seeing the gifts that are already here.


The Heart is so strong! Wow.


To live from the Heart involves being in harmony with a certain sort of rhythm. The Heart has a syncopation.. boom boom, rest. So do the work, rest; give give, receive; self self, other; open open, close; outward outward, inward.


Blessings to those we love, we miss and we care about.


Building success in companionship with the Heart.


We believe in grace, miracles, Divine interventions, gifts and blessings.


The Heart carries the wisdom of the higest good.


lots of love,



p.s. To be a part of this, sign up!:


p.p.s. The soundtrack of today was, 'Water shows the Hidden Heart' by Enya. :-)

Beth Budesheim • PO Box 215 • Tesuque, NM 87574
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