Common Core Literacy Standards Workshop for Content Area Teachers Grades 6-12
In this interactive, one-day workshop, middle and high school teachers will deepen their understanding of the Common Core Literacy Standards for Science, Social Studies and Technical subjects. Participants will learn about the rationale and research behind the literacy shifts of the new standards. Through discussion, guided exploration and other activities, participants will create measurable literacy learning targets based on the Common Core Standards. Participants will observe and try out effective instructional strategies designed to enhance content area learning while building transferable literacy skills for students. Every participant will leave with a resource book of instructional strategies to incorporate into his/her content area.
Presenter: Karen Matso Date: Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Time: 8:30 to 3:15 (sign-in at 8:00)
Cost: NCES full members $50, associates $65, others $80. Location: NCES, Gorham, NH. Register: Contact Lisa Blais at 603-466-5437 or lisa@ncedservices.org
Made possible with support by a project of SERESC with funding from the NH Department of Education.
eBooks Reference Library Demonstration
School librarians, principals and others interested are invited to attend a demonstration of the Gale digital reference library. With the Gale model, the school owns the books and an unlimited of students can access them 24/7. NCES anticipates offering consortium pricing for North Country schools for the 2013-2014 school year. If your school may be interested, this would be a great opportunity to learn about what Gale has to offer.
Date: Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Time: 10:15 to 11:30
Location: NCES, Gorham, NH
RSVP: By emailing lori@ncedservices.org
Autism Immersion Programs
Instructor: CarolAnn Edscorn
The two-day programs for teachers will range from history of autism, diagnosing autism, theories describing autism, cognitive issues, sensory integration, accommodations and modifications, functional behavior analysis, and inclusive practices.
For the paraprofessional sessions, the focus will be on understanding the autism brain, sensory integration. and social skills implications to empower paraprofessionals in their support role.
All sessions will be filled with interactive experiences, personal vignettes, humor and visual illustrations support the learning experience.
Location: North Country Education Services
For Elementary Teachers
Monday and Tuesday, March 25 & 26, 2013
8:30 to 3:00
For Middle & High School Teachers
Monday and Tuesday, April 8 & 9, 2013
8:30 to 3:00
For Elementary Paraprofessionals
Monday, March 25, 2013
4:00 to 6:00
For Middle/High Paraprofessionals
Monday, April 8, 2013
4:00 to 6:00
Cost for two-day program (lunch provided):
NCES full member school staff: $150
NCES associate member school staff: $165
Non-members: $180
Cost for paraprofessional session:
$15 (regardless of membership status)
Download printable brochure
5th Annual LESCN Conference
Educating in the 21st Century...and Beyond!
An Educator's Guide to Personalizing Learning in the Cloud
Monday, April 1, 2013 Church Landing at Mill Falls, Meredith, NH
Featuring opening keynote, Kern Kelley, a Google Certified Apps in Education Trainer and closing speaker Matt Brooks of Apple, Inc. the theme of this conference is utilizing cloud-based computing in education. Breakout sessions include:
- Google Apps in the Classroom by Allison Mollica
- Digital Portfolios in the Cloud by Kern Kelley
- The Power of Blogging for Educators by Bill Carozza
- Chromebooks in the Classroom by Stephen Gagnon
- Creating and Managing Courses in iTunes U by Matt Brooks
- Digital Opportunity Resources for Low-Income Students and Families by Bob McLaughlin
- Using the Cloud to Be More Productive by Bill Carozza
- Using Cloud Based Tools on Your Mobile Device by Amy Gillam
Cost: $125
Sponsored by the Local Education Support Center Network consisting of the NCES, CACES, SPDC, SRPDC & SWNHESC.
Intel Math Program for K-8 Teachers
The State of New Hampshire is on the move to improve student learning in mathematics and is proud to bring the Intel Mathematics Program to K-8 mathematics educators.
The Intel Math course is a content-intensive professional development program developed by Dr. Kenneth Gross, Professor of Mathematics and Education at the University of Vermont. It provides 80 hours of professional development in the form of a course co-facilitated by a practicing mathematician and a mathematics educator. The course places emphasis on deepening the participants' understanding of core K-8 mathematics concepts. It is grounded in a problem solving approach to topics such as integer arithmetic, the decimal number system, place value, rational number arithmetic, rates, linear equations, and functions. About 90% of the course is focused on mathematics content knowledge and the remaining 10% on pedagogy.
You are eligible to participate in this program if you meet both criteria:
1. You currently teach in New Hampshire at K-8 level.
2. You are K-3, K-6, or special education certified, but not 5-8 or secondary math certified.
Dates for the NCES, Gorham, NH location: June 24, 25, 26, 27, July 1, 2, 3 and July 8, 9 & 10, 2013 from 8:00 to 4:30.
Cost: Free, $30 fee for the optional 6 (paid-in-full) graduate credits.
This program is funded through a $500,000 per year Math Science Partnership Grant gained through the efforts of teh Rochester School District, Plymouth State University, NH Impact Center, University of New Hampshire - Manchester, University of New Hampshire - Leitzel Center, Croydon and Newport School Districts, North Country Education Services and the NH Department of Education.
Help Your Students Succeed with Algebra by Implementing Common Core Standards
All grade 6 – 10 Mathematics teachers are invited to participate in a free, grant-funded, 3-day institute at NCES. This institute is led by the New Hampshire Impact Center at Plymouth State University, in alliance with the Rural School Educator Effectiveness Collaborative.
Participants will be encouraged to explore how to:
- build algebraic reasoning using multiple representations
- use differentiated instruction in presenting algebraic ideas
- adhere to standards for mathematical practice
This institute is a continuation of the one offered in September 2012. At the same time it can be considered as an independent unit. While everyone interested in innovative ways of teaching algebra is welcome, teachers who participated in the first part of this institute offered in September are especially encouraged to apply.
Thursday, May 2, 2013 from 4:00 – 7:00
Friday, May 3, 2013 from 4:00 – 8:00
Saturday, May 4, 2013 from 9:00 – 2:00
Location: North Country Education Services, Gorham, NH
Any questions concerning this program can be e-mailed to Dr. Natalya Vinogradova (director of the New Hampshire Impact Center) at nvinogradova@plymouth.edu.
Write Now! Conference
Kelly Gallagher, author of Readicide: How Schools are Killing Reading and What You Can Do About It, Write Like This, Reading Reasons, Deeper Reading, and Teaching Adolescent Writers, is speaking at Kennett High School for the spring literacy conference on Saturday, April 6, 2013. Kelly will be speaking about teaching writing, coming from his experiences in Los Angeles where he teaches 195 students a day this year. Kelly understands all of the reasons kids struggle with writing and has many great suggestions for helping them improve.
Date: Saturday, April 6, 2013
Time: 8:30 to 2:00
Location: Kennett High School, North Conway, NH
Cost: $25 payable to Conway School District
Co-sponsored by the Arts Alliance of Northern New Hampshire and the Conway School District.
Retooling for the Common Core: Professional Learning for Measurable Results
Learning Forward New Hampshire's annual spring conference will be held on Friday, March 15, 2013 at Southern NH University. The featured speakers are Stephanie Hirsh, Executive Director of Learning Forward and Vicki Duff, Senior Consultant, Learning Forward. Download the brochure for more details or visit www.lfnh.org.
Explore the Moon
- Do you teach middle school astronomy?
- Do you enjoy the interplay between science and engineering?
- Do you want to inspire your students with NASA’s unique science?
If you answered yes to these three questions and you are eager to pursue professional development in a different way, then we invite you to join a team of scientists and education specialists based at the University of New Hampshire to work with the Cosmic Ray Telescope for the Effects of Radiation (CRaTER). CRaTER is a UNH instrument on NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO). Learn more about the exploration of lunar science education opportunity at http://bit.ly/craterunh
Teaching and school related openings for northern NH.
Secondary Transition Coordinator/Coach
North Country Education Services (NCES) is one of four intermediaries participating in the NH State Personnel Development Grant under the NH Department of Education Bureau of Education. As part of this project, NCES has immediate opening for a Secondary Transition Coordinator/Coach. This individual would be responsible developing and sustaining the skills of regional school district personnel and families (working intensively with one district per year) to increase the number of students with disabilities graduating from high school that are college and career ready. Full description at http://bit.ly/2trancoach
Online Curriculum
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