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Some paintings that have not previously been available for purchase are now up for sale! View all the artwork for sale HERE.

Divine Heart Art Project Update

Hi Everyone,


This might sound odd, but there's a sort of space of 'neutrality' being presented to me in my Divine Heart meditations that I have been surprised to find. It's not indifference but rather a sort of non-attachment or non-judgement. I was at first surprised to experience this! I had expected great feelings of love, and bliss. But what has also come with this is a calling to enter into a new way...doing things differently than we had been doing them. To shift into that space often requires a sort of letting go, non-attachment, 'the void'..etc  So this is what's coming through for us right now and there's a certain sort of profound trust with that..trusting the process.


I'm being shown that from this place of openness, non-judgement, and a somewhat emotionally neutral space, a digestion and transmutation of anything 'up' may occur, and shifts begin happen. I'm being assured that it's like a cleansing and recalibration of old emotional debris and an upgrading of how we use our Heart energy. It's making way for higher vibrations. If you're like me, you also love feeling boundless expansive love, gratitude and joy in your heart, so all this 'neutrality' may come as a surprise to you too. But rest assured, more is coming, this is just the healing that has been coming through at this time.



Today the healing Gold light also came through. So in addition to coming into a neutral space, and opening to doing things in a new way (a way that might feel unfamiliar to you and require more trust & faith), also take a moment to connect with this very high vibrational Gold spiritual light. Bring it into your heart, into the whole heart chakra. Breathe and be. 





* All updates and progress notes are now being posted as well on the 'thank you' page  HERE:


* Those who have sent their heart art will receive an email from me soon, confirming that your heart arrived safely. Thank you so much!


* If you haven't sent your heart art and/or heart message/wish, please do so.


with a warm heart,


Previous Messages from the Divine Heart

in case you missed these, here they are again:

Along with the quite intense and beautiful energy work that came through today, here are  some words to share as well:


May there be freedom for all hearts, all Beings, to imagine, to express, to live safely without threat.


Peace, happiness and enjoyment in Life!


There is a sense of places within each one of us that feels like an area open and ready to be illuminated, grown and understood so that the life force of this part can spring forth. Like the caterpillar into the butterfly this part you are sensing within you will heal, and blossom as you bring your love, compassion, patience and Divine Heart presence.


The Heart swells with Gratitude!! Give & Receive.


Deeper understanding now comes of the Heart energies and energies in general of sacred relating, relating to self & others. The experience of sacred love and healthy relationship.


Courage to be vulnerable, because we know this is where intimacy and authentic connection occur.


You are not alone, ever.


Acceptance, openness to what is. Seeing the gifts that are already here.


The Heart is so strong! Wow.


To live from the Heart involves being in harmony with a certain sort of rhythm. The Heart has a syncopation.. boom boom, rest. So do the work, rest; give give, receive; self self, other; open open, close; outward outward, inward.


Blessings to those we love, we miss and we care about.


Building success in companionship with the Heart.


We believe in grace, miracles, Divine interventions, gifts and blessings.


The Heart carries the wisdom of the higest good.


lots of love,



Beth Budesheim • PO Box 215 • Tesuque, NM 87574
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