Tuesday's Blog: The Circle of Life |
David Landry was an extremely talented Nokomis artist and musician, and our friend. His favorite medium became discarded sabal palm trees, victims of land development. He had a knack for breathing new life into them, creating gorgeous sculptures.
In 2005, he passed away much too early, at age 41.

Jeff and I were recently invited to return to the place of David's former studio gallery. Anyone who has ever been there -- or any property he transformed -- knows the magic of his environmental creations.
I was filled with emotion walking around that place where we used to spend time nearly a decade ago, seeing so many of his Hearts of Palm sculptures still standing... Some of them succumbing to Mother Nature, some of them like they were freshly made.

We now have the honor of being a retail outlet for David's best remaining sculptures. The first one to appear here is this sweet girl (I personally think she's a girl), "Natural Praying Antelope". She is perfect.
Her sister lives in our home. We traded her for drums and percussion instruments with David back in 2005, before he knew it was to be his last year walking, laughing, drumming and singing on this earth.
We love having her here at The Rhythm Inlet. It feels good how things in life can come full circle. Please say hi to her next time you come in, and welcome our new spring addition.
And if you're interested in adoption, just ask.
"The Circle of Life brings Imagination, and from Imagination,
Dreams, and the Belief that You Can Create Wonders." ~ David Landry
Starts Wednesday:
Ukulele Made Simple for Beginners |
6 Wednesdays, April 3 thru May 8; 5-6pm. With Jeff Hanna.
$60. Ukuleles provided in class, available for purchase, or BYO.
"I love the ukulele. It's held by your heart, and you carry in your hands the cheerful, sunny sounds of a beachside fair wherever you go."
~ Barbara Gail
Wow, everyone's getting addicted to ukuleles. We can't seem to keep all designs and styles in stock. Come to find out, folks with uke fever like to collect them. Lots of them. Cuz each uke has a cute personality all its own. That's yet another thing I've discovered they have in common with hand-drums.
Jeff's caught the uke bug. And he's singing again. You probably didn't know it, but Jeff's a lifelong singer, spent a couple decades singing and performing in 4-part a cappella groups.
And he's excited to apply his masterful teaching style to his love of strumming and humming a tune on the ukulele, making it fun and super accessible to even the rawest of beginners. Promise!
In this class, Jeff will share easy and familiar popular songs for you to learn to strum and sing along to. In each session you'll learn or review a few simple chords, and by hour's end, you'll be making music with your classmates, and humming a happy tune on your ride home. Fun, fun, fun!
I've heard the ukulele is on its 3rd renaissance. I don't know if the first 2 were global, but this one sure is. Come and catch the ukulele bug -- it'll make you smile. Watch Train's "Hey, Soul Sister" acoustic performance on YouTube, that'll make you smile, too. |
Ukulele Fever at The Rhythm Inlet Store |

Got ukes?
Yup, we do. We had 29 on Friday, but before I got over there to photograph the newly expanded line, one sold right out from under me.
Can't keep 'em in stock. We're having a blast learning about them, now I'm even learning how to play, and we're singing, singing, singing. So fun!
In addition to the Aquila and Martin strings, we now also have Worth. We have soft and hard cases, and other accessories, too.
The Rhythm Inlet, 2301 Tamiami, north end Nokomis
Tuesday thru Friday 1-8pm, Saturday 10-5
Additional Days and Hours Often, Just Call! |
Weekly Djembe and Ensemble Classes Begin |

Find detailed descriptions and prices on our CALENDAR
Beginner Djembe: Note date changes!!!
9 Saturdays starts with the Intro Workshop on April 13.
Weekly Classes April 13 thru June 15; 10:30am-12pm. (No class May 11)
Beyond Beginner and 2+ Djembe: 10 Tuesdays, April 9 thru Jun 11; 6:30-8pm.
Ongoing Djembe 3+: 10 Wednesdays, April 10 thru June 12; 6:30-8pm.
Intermediate W. African Ensemble: 11 Mondays, April 8 thru July 1; 6:30-8pm.
(No class 5/27 or 6/17)
Advanced Repertory Ensemble: April 4 thru June 13.
The next Student Beach Recital Par-tay will take place pre-sunset on Sunday, June 9! |
Venice Library Hosts Free
Yoga Rainbow for Kids and Parents |

Wednesday, April 3, 3:30-4pm.
Venice Public Library, 300 Nokomis Ave., Venice Island.
Get ready for an new idea in yoga! Enjoy playfully singing and dancing thru yoga with your child. We'll cultivate healthy bodies, along with coordination, balance, gratitude, and peaceful, happy hearts. A kid-centered experience for cooperative children ages 5-9, providing quality family time for you and your child to learn and grow, and an activity you'll love doing together.
Barbara Gail from The Rhythm Inlet in Nokomis, is a Certified Kidding Around Yoga™ Instructor. She's been inspiring children and adults through her rhythm and movement based classes since 1994.
Bring one yoga mat or beach towel per person, and dress comfortably for movement and room temperature variables. Free, no registration. |
The Rhythm Inlet Drum Circle |
(Formerly Jonesin' Jembes)

Friday, April 5, 6:30-8pm.
We're trying something new!
Anyone and everyone is welcome to attend this open jam session. More experienced drum students will play Drumsongs they know, and everyone else will jam along on their drums and percussion instruments, or the ones we provide. We'll have on hand the usual dunduns (bass drums) and percussion instruments, and add our personal collection of small drums, boomers, bangers, dingers, dongers, clingers, clangers, shakers, scrapers for your enjoyment.
All we ask is an RSVP by 2pm the day of, via phone (941-966-5800) or email from those who are coming. And a donation/love offering of any amount to pay for the use of the space and the instruments we're providing.
An optional pot luck refreshment time is enjoyed afterwards for those who wish.
All welcome, please join us! |
One Love Fest at WSLR's Fogartyville |
 Sunday, April 7, 3-7pm. Hosted by WSLR Community Radio of Sarasota, the One Love Music Fest will feature bands playing reggae vibes. TRIBE will play 2 short sets between featured performers Sarasota roots reggae bands Tuff Sons, Soul Purpose and Kid Red. The foundations of Soul Purpose - a five piece band from Sarasota - are roots, rock and reggae, influenced by the dichotomy of living in paradise and going through hell. Bob Marley, Sublime, Larry Norman, Gospel Music, The Who, Metallica, even Bluegrass music come into play. Kid Red creates a spicy electric music; a punky roots rock, seasoned with swing, salsa and reggae. His vocals serve up the jagged edges of his soul in the true Big Easy tradition.
$5. Fogartyville, 525 Kumquat Ct, Downtown Sarasota. |

Received via email....
"I attended the class Jeff hosted this weekend on Samba. It was great and I really enjoyed participating. The lessons that you and Jeff offer really enhance my spiritual life and help me to relax. It is something I plan to continue." ~ S.T.
Thanks so much, you made our day! |
