Thurs. June 13, 8:00 - 11:00 pm: playing keyboard with the Wendy Jones Quartet at Olive or Twist 81 Broadway, Asheville NC 28801
Sun. June 16, 11:00 am Music at the Center for Spiritual Living - Asheville 2 Science of Mind Way Asheville, NC 28806, (828) 253-2325
Sun. June 16, 6:00 – 8:00 PM Earth & Sky (Richard Shulman Trio with Mike Holstein - bass & Sonny Thornton - drums) perform at ISIS Restaurant and Music Hall (upstairs) 743 Haywood Rd, Asheville, NC 28806 Phone:(828) 575-2737
Friday - Monday June 21 - 24, INATS - the International New Age Trade Show, Denver Merchandise Mart, Denver, CO, RichHeart Music Booth #500
Performances with Richard Shulman, DahVid Weiss, Beloved, and Thunderbeat presenting music from the new releases Bliss of Being and Attunements for Healing:
Sat. 2-3 Buyers Lounge
Sun. 3-5 Buyers Lounge
and other performances to be announced....
Thurs. June 27, 8:00 - 11:00 pm: playing keyboard with the Heather Masterton Quartet at Olive or Twist 81 Broadway, Asheville NC 28801