Director's Notes
Welcome back to all of you who play such an important role in the educational process to the approximately 7,500 students learning in NCES' membership area. Each school year brings a new spark of hope, vision, excitement - and perhaps some anxiety of what the new school year may bring.
As you have likely heard, New Hampshire's ESEA Flexibility Waiver was approved in July. NCES plans to focus its supports and technical assistance to schools in the implementation of the NH College and Career Ready Standards (which include the Common Core State Standards for ELA and Math) to align with the priorities of the NH Department of Education.
These will include professional learning opportunities in:
- Universal Design for Learning
- Differentiation and personalization of instruction
- Performance assessments
- Depth of Knowledge and how students engage with content

NCES Staff: Pictured (front to back, l-r): Gayle Theberge - Assistant Coordinator, Coos County Adult Learner Services, Betty Dube - Financial Manager, Sarah Parsons - Post Secondary Transition Coach/Coordinator, Next Steps NH, Lori Langlois - Executive Director, Sadie Trunck - School Psychologist, Megan Brotz - School Psychologist, Lisa Blais - Administrative Assistant, Kristen Perrotti - Speech Language Pathologist, Peter Lique-Naitove - School Psychologist, Brenda Lynch - Speech Language Pathologist, Annemarie Platt - Treasurer, Jane Brannen - Chief Occupational Therapist, Barbara Young-Hoffman - Chief School Psychologist, Darlene Cloutier - Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant, Tamra Eastman - School Psychologist, Helen Nicoletti - Vocational Assessment, Peggy Blais - Coordinator Coos County Adult Learner Services and Matt Treamer - Associate Director. Staff not pictured: Barbara Christina - ESL Teacher, Paula Churchill - Technology Integrator, Julie Glover - Accounts Payable, Sarah Stanley - School Psychologist, David Freschi - Autism Specialist (Independent Contractor) and Elizabeth Welch - Physical Therapist (Independent Contractor).
As we begin this school year, on behalf of all the NCES staff, I wish the greatest success for all our students, teachers, paraeducators, administrators and all school personnel who work so hard to facilitate the infrastructure of effective schools.
With regards,
Lori Langlois
Executive Director
Regional Conference Event
Differentiating Assessment Grading in a World of Common Core Standards and Accountability
Friday, March 28, 2014
Rick Wormeli
What happens when it comes to assessing and grading students in the differentiated classroom? Being sensitive to students’ readiness levels, interests, action plans, and special education designations while holding them accountable for the same standards can be a challenge. What’s fair and leads to real student learning? Join us for a myth-busting and candid look at some of the burning issues of assessment and grading in a differentiated classroom.
Individual Registration (North Country educators should check with their principal about group registration).
Intel Math Program for K-8 Teachers
The NH Department of Education brought the Intel Mathematics Program to K-8 mathematics educators throughout state this past summer. The Intel Math course is a content-intensive professional development program developed by Dr. Kenneth Gross, Professor of Mathematics and Education at the University of Vermont. It provides 80 hours of professional development in the form of a course co-facilitated by a practicing mathematician and a mathematics educator. The course places emphasis on deepening the participants' understanding of core K-8 mathematics concepts. It is grounded in a problem solving approach to topics such as integer arithmetic, the decimal number system, place value, rational number arithmetic, rates, linear equations, and functions. About 90% of the course is focused on mathematics content knowledge and the remaining 10% on pedagogy.
Participants in the 2013 NCES cohort of Intel Math: Ryan Russell, Annie Bourque, MaryAnn Hatab, Emily Robertson, Nancy Couture, Tammy Geralds, Lindsey Aubin, Victoria Hill, Babara Demers, Donna McKusker, Jen Bulsow, Linda Bennion, Tina Mooney, Melissa Jellison, Marie St. Martin, Stephen Zummer, John Donavan (co-instructor) and Greg Superchi (co-instructor).
InTASC Teaching Standards and Learning Progressions for Teachers
This session is intended for school administrators and those involved in the development of teacher evaluation systems. It will provide an overview of the InTASC Standards and how they connect to teacher evaluation systems.
The workshop will provide the following outcomes:
- Participants will recognize the 10 InTASC Standards and the four categories into which these standards are grouped
- Participants will understand the connection of the InTASC Standards to New Hampshire’s Evaluation Framework
- Participants will understand the relationship of the InTASC Standards to InTASC’s Teacher Learning Progressions
- Participants will explore a strategy for discussing teaching practice based on the InTASC Teacher Learning Progressions
- Participants will explore how these progressions might be used to guide improvement
Presenters: Irv Richardson, NHDOE Consultant to New Hampshire Task Force on Effective Teaching and Karen Soule,NHDOE Office of Program Support & Educator Effectiveness
Cost: Free without lunch, $12 with lunch
Date: Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Time: 12:30 to 2:45 (optional lunch 12:00 to 12:30)
Location: NCES
Register: Online, email lisa@ncedservices.org or call 603-466-5437 or 800-268-5437 (between 8:00-4:00)
NOVA Doctoral Program Interest
There is a possibility of the four core courses for the doctoral program through NOVA Southeastern University to be held at NCES (or elsewhere in the North Country) if a large enough cohort is interested. This would be for a Doctor of Education, Educational Leadership Concentration. Participants in the current NISL cohort or anticipicated second cohort would be able to transfer 24 NISL credits into the NSU Doctorate Program. Please contact Lori Langlois at NCES if you are interested or to learn how to obtain more information on this program.
North Country Middle School Film Festival
And the show will go on...thanks to support from the NH Charitable Foundation. The tentative date for the film festival is Saturday, March 22, 2014. The film submission deadline is slated for December. Interested school advisors are invited to give their input about the theme, deadlines and other ideas at a planning meeting on Wednesday, September 18 from 3:30 to 5:00 at NCES. RSVP to Lori Langlois at lori@ncedservices.org.
North Country Virtual Reference Library eBook Consortium
Photo attribution: http://www.flickr.com/photos/10557450@N04/
Congratulations to the six schools who joined the North Country Virtual Reference Library eBook Consortium. Milan Village School, Gorham Middle/High School, Berlin High School, Profile High School, Lin-Wood School, and Lisbon Regional School each have unlimited access to numerous nonfiction collections. The high school package is value at more than $122,000. Through the consortium agreement, schools were able to obtain the e-books for a cost of $15/student. An unbelievable deal for schools with low enrollment numbers.
The ebook collections are all nonfiction reference materials. Students can type in search terms and scan through the virtual library, just like Google, but the search results are pulled from only the local collection. With unlimited access, an entire classroom of students can access the same book at the same time. Where libraries would not typically have multiple copies of the same encyclopedia or journal, this form of access greatly increases a teacher's ability to have students use a specific set of resources when doing research.
The special pricing for the North Country Virtual Reference Library eBook Consortium was an one-time only opportunity made possible through North Country Education Services in partnership with Gale/Cengage Learning.
North Country Principals Meetings
The first North Country Principals Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, September 11, 2013. Contact Colebrook Academy Principal, Joanne Melanson, for more information at jmelanson@colebrook.k12.nh.us.
North Country Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment Meetings
School leaders and those responsible for Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment are invited to attend the monthly North Country CIA meeting. The first meeting will take place on Wednesday, September 11, 2013 from 10:00 - 12:00 at NCES. Please RSVP to Lori Langlois at lori@ncedservices.org.
Secondary Level RTI - Coming in October
NCES anticipates hosting a half-day workshop focused on Response to Instruction at the secondary level in October. This would include the "big ideas" around RTI and what the research is around high school implementation. It will also include examples of how data is used in the content areas to drive instructional decisions. This will be targeted to principals and high school leaders.
Next Steps NH High School Pilot Site Application
The Next Steps NH: College, Career, and Life Readiness application for High School Pilot Sites has been released. The submission deadline is Friday October 4, 2013.
New Hampshire public high schools are eligible to apply with the endorsement of their superintendent. New Hampshire Public Academies, Public Charter Schools, and approved Special Education Schools are eligible to apply in a joint application with their participating LEAs. Applicants will be prepared to begin training and implementation in 2013-2014 and demonstrate a commitment to support the implementation of transition focused education practices. These practices will involve family engagement strategies and Extended Learning Opportunities (ELOs).
To help make filling out the application easier, an Informational Webinar will be hosted on Tuesday, September 10, 2013 from 1:00pm – 2:30pm to guide applicants through the process as well as answer any questions that may arise.
To pre-register for the webinar please email your name, SAU #, position, and phone number to Janelle.cotnoir@doe.nh.gov
Have you joined The New Hampshire Network?
The New Hampshire Network is an online platform with features let users connect to educators, reach out to experts in the field, explore hundreds of curated resources in its KnowledgeBase library and join the communities and networks that are being launched across the state.
For those who do not hold certification through the NHDOE, you may still join the network. Follow the link above, go to “Create New User Account” and choose “No – I am not a New Hampshire Educator” then continue to follow the prompts accordingly.
FAQS and more information on The NH Network
GIS Educators Day
GIS Educators Day 2013 will take place on Sunday, September 29, 2013 at the Radisson Hotel, Nashua, NH. GIS Educators Day will feature hands-on computer labs, oral presentations, panel discussions, and lightning talks, exploring a range of resources, projects, and topics.
10. It's on a Sunday so you won't need an excuse not to attend Aunt Bertha's brunch with your favorite relatives.
9. GIS Educators are always friendly and eager to share their projects, maps, and the stories behind them.
8. The colorful palette of a New Hampshire autumn is not to be missed.
7. There will be great giveaways for all attendees and prizes for a lucky few (you might want to bring an extra tote bag).
6. Find out how other educators are integrating ArcGIS into their curriculum using desk top computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones.
5. You will pick up valuable tips and tricks from experienced GIS users.
4. There is a special 2-day rate for attendees who crave more GIS and want to stay over for the first day of the full NEARC meeting on Monday, September 30.
3. There will be a plethora of exciting ideas for projects and activities to take home to your own classroom and institution.
2. Whether you are a K-12 or higher-ed educator, you'll find relevant presentations and hands-on workshops.
1. You'll spend an entire day with very spatial colleagues and never once have to explain what GIS is.
Register or contact the NH Geographic Alliance for more information.
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Contact Info
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Directions to NCES