New Car : General American 6,000 Gallon, 3-Compartment Tank Car |
Tangent Scale Models is proud to introduce our eighth all-new HO Scale model, the General American 3-compartment 6,000 gallon tank car. General American produced the 6,000 gallon 3 compartment tank car on the “Type 30” riveted underframe from 1928 to 1942 at the Sharon PA production facility. While General American constructed many different tank designs, one of the more common derivations was this 6,000 gallon car. The three compartment design allowed consignees to receive up to three different grades of products, such as oils or chemicals. This was important in manufacturing facilities for example, where multiple lubricating oil types could be received in smaller quantities, but within one car. Chemical shippers also gravitated to these cars to ship different products to a common receiver. Because many of these products were purchased by consignees in various grades, multi-compartment cars were necessary.
This is NOT a pre-order announcement. Our NEW Ready to Run replicas are available NOW at Our first production of these tank cars includes RTR schemes good for modelers starting in 1929 through the 1970s and 1980s. These schemes include:
- STCX (Standard Tank Car Company ) in the striking “black lease 1930+” scheme from May 1930. When General American purchased Standard Tank Car Company when it went bankrupt in 1928, General American retained the STCX reporting mark for lease fleet cars originating at the Sharon PA factory, where this car was built. Our STCX model is a general service lease car that is applicable across North America, and is available in three road numbers.
- GATX (General American Transportation) in the bold “Celanese Chemicals” lease scheme, painted by Sharon PA GATC in 1952. These sharp green cars with red and white graphics were assigned to chemical service for Celanese, and the Tangent Scale Models green replica is available in three road numbers.
- GATX (General American Transportation) in the striking “black lease 1958+” scheme with a 2-58 paint date on the side of the car. This GATX black lease scheme represents a car that was in service between 1958 and 1968, and is available in three road numbers.
- GATX (General American Transportation) in the striking “black lease 1968+” scheme with a 8-68 paint date on the side of the car, which is right off of a prototype photo of a car taken in 1974! Yes, these cars really lasted in service that long, complete with ACI labels! This GATX black lease scheme represents a car that was in service after 1968, and is available in three road numbers.
We also offer undecorated kits and undecorated RTR models.
Features for these awesome replicas include:
- Fully riveted body
- Fully riveted underframe
- Separately applied tank handrail
- Separately applied tank strap detail
- Heater line and outlet drain details, including correct side profile between tank and underframe when viewing the car from the side
- Full “lacy” AB brake detail and air line
- Dimensionally-correct hazardous and route placards
- Highly correct “true to life” colors
- “Hyper-Accurate” lettering including exact fonts and lettering placement
- Accurate lettering applied to the underframe and air reservoir
- “Near-scale” draft gear box with side detail
- Road-specific brakewheels for each scheme
- Other Lacy details - wire grab irons and coupler lift bars
- Separate air hoses
- CNC-machined 33” wheels in high-quality Tangent Scale Models ASF cast steel truck with spring plank
- Replacement semi-scale wheels available separately
- Multiple road numbers for each scheme
- Recommended age 14 years and older
Don’t miss out on the Tangent Scale Models General American 6,000 Gallon tank car! Just like its prototype, this car is tiny in size and will standout extremely well on any layout situated from the 1930s to the 1980s!
Sporting a mix of new and rerun schemes, we are pleased to announce more Bethlehem Steel riveted gondolas!
- Baltimore & Ohio (B&O) Class O-59A in the 1956 repaint scheme with the “Large B&O” white stenciling on the car sides! This is the most requested scheme we have had for this car, and Tangent is proud to have these available NOW in 12 road numbers.
- Lehigh Valley (LV) in the “Original 1952” oxide red paint scheme, complete with black diamond logo on the side of the car. These original paint scheme cars are now available in 6 road numbers.
- Western Maryland (WM) painted in the “Original 1951” red scheme, which features the “Fast Freight Line” logo on the side of the car. This car is available in 6 road numbers.
Also, due to customer demand, Tangent Scale Models is proud to announce the availability of these five popular schemes again, with brand new road numbers for 2013:
- Baltimore & Ohio (B&O) Class O-59 in the “Original 1937” paint scheme with white stencils on a black carbody, available in 4 new road numbers.
- Central Railroad of Pennsylvania (CRP) in the original 1944 paint scheme with white stencils including “Lady Liberty” and “Jersey Central Lines” on a black carbody, available in 4 new road numbers.
- Central Railroad of New Jersey (CNJ) in the same 1944 paint scheme as CRP above but with a 1952 reweigh date. Like our CRP replicas, it includes the white stencils including “Lady Liberty” and “Jersey Central Lines” on a black carbody, available in 4 new road numbers.
- Lehigh Valley (LV) in the gorgeous 1973 repaint “Cornell red”, available in 4 new road numbers.
- Western Maryland (WM) painted in the original 1953 red scheme, available in 4 new road numbers.
- Undecorated RTR or Kit
And finally: New PS4740 covered hoppers!
We also have recently announced a new run of our always-popular PS4740 covered hoppers.
- TLCX “Gold Kist – Atlanta, Georgia” private operator car in the original yellow and black carbody colors, with a distinctive “Gold Kist” raised placard and sharp blue “Gold Kist Atlanta, Georgia” lettering along the side of the car. Don’t forget to come see this Atlanta area favorite at today’s 2013 National Train Show in Atlanta GA (we will be at booth 198), available in 3 road numbers.
- Illinois Central Gulf (ICG) "1979 Repaint" in the original orange scheme with black “I-Rail.” Tangent’s first ICG repaint is a stunner, complete with the angled L-support across the top of the car where appropriate. Mix and match with your other Pullman hoppers from Tangent! Available in 3 road numbers.
- Norfolk & Western (NW) in the original “Hamburger” scheme, HC-69 class with a 2-69 build date. Our first run of “Hamburger” scheme cars featured the HC-70 class, whereas this run is the HC-69 class and is accurately represented with different prototype details! Add some variety to your NW/NS fleet; we offer this new N&W class in 6 road numbers.
- Norfolk Southern (NS) in the original off-white scheme from the HC-70 class. Stop by our booth at the train show and check out our NS hoppers for yourself and honor the men and women who work for NS in their operating functions right here in Atlanta. Our NS replicas are available in 6 road numbers.
- Seaboard Coast Line (SCL) in the original yellow scheme with the large “SCL” across the side of the carbody! Perhaps the most-requested scheme for this model, we are pleased to now have these yellow beauties available in 6 road numbers!
- TLCX "Central Soya" private operator car in the 1970 as-delivered original white/black carbody colors, complete with the very large red and white Central Soya “directions” placard. These attractive cars are available in 3 road numbers, and continue our line of stunning Tangent private operator cars.
- Erie Lackawanna (EL) "Original 1970" in the gray scheme with the diamond logos, plus the “When empty return to Solvay NY via reverse route” purple stenciling on the car. Our first run of these cars were offered in 2008 and included a Buffalo NY return stencil. This car is a stunner and is great for EL, CR, and modern modelers when restenciled, and is available in 4 road numbers.
- Milwaukee Road (MILW) in the classic “Federal Yellow” as-built scheme from 1970, including the “America’s Resourceful Railroad” placard - available in 6 new road numbers! This run includes later road numbers from MILW’s large first order of PS4740s, and the build date has been changed to 9-70, mimicking the changes made during production of the prototype cars during delivery, including physical detail differences. This is the level of detail Tangent Scale Models goes to on our production models.
- Undecorated Assembled Primer Gray – 1969-1972 production.
- Undecorated Kits
We at Tangent Scale Models sincerely appreciate your business, and enjoy your emails and phone calls. Unlike virtually every one of our competitors selling RTR freight cars, Tangent Scale Models is a family-owned and operated business. Our mission is to provide very high quality scale replicas to you, with strong customer service, and we will continue to offer best availability and aggressive pricing for quantity orders placed directly from our website.
Thank you for reading today!
David Lehlbach
Tangent Scale Models
Tangent Scale Models
PO Box 6514
Asheville NC 28816 USA
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