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ACFN Newsletter June 2014 
ACFN is Growing
230+ Franchises and growing!
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Community Towers
111 W. Saint John Street
San Jose, CA 95113
Phone: (888)794-2236
ACFN Welcomes 5 New Franchisee!!

May 19, 2014 Class
Congratulations and best of luck to:

LaBlanc & Kathy R. and
Clarence & Rhonda B. MI
Marianne & France Y. FL
Matt M. LA (Pending)

May 27, 2014 Class
Congratulations and best of luck to:
Garry & Jessica K. GA
Alon & Karyn Z. OH
Franchisee Review | 5 Years and Growing

I have been with ACFN since October 2008 and during that time I have grown my business to 16 machines. My experience is that you can grow as little or as much as you want, depending on how much energy you commit to making the drops. The leads that Kristen’s team provides will result in location installations if you take the time to make the drops and gather as much information as you can about the location to pass along to the sales team.
Key information can be gathered if an existing ATM is in the location such as the type and age of the existing machine, the surcharge amount, the name of the owner of the machine and any ADA compliance issues that the machine has. I have replaced several competitor machines in the last year due to their non-compliance with ADA laws and this continues to be an opportunity as not all competitors have upgraded their machines to be Braille compliant or to have an operating headphone jack, as examples. Once I have presented as much information as I can about the location to the sales department, I stay in contact with the sales representative to share any new information about the location. In several situations, some of these leads stay active for years and I stop in every few months to gather updated information such as the name of a new General Manager at a hotel and then pass that information along to the sales team. In the past month, I installed a machine at a location where I had dropped a marketing package almost 3 years ago. Staying in contact with my dropped locations and the sales team has helped me close some excellent locations.
I have also found that working with Avi, I have been able to grow my business through acquisition of some high quality locations. About 2 years ago, I purchased 5 machines from another franchisee who was looking to reduce their number of machines. These locations have become some of my highest volume machines and continue to provide an excellent return on my investment.  I would recommend staying in contact with Avi’s team if you have an interest in growing your business and letting them know of your interest to grow. I did that and when an opportunity presented itself, Avi reached out to me immediately.
Whenever I get phone calls from potential franchisees who are doing their due diligence, I always provide the same response. ACFN is a high quality company, with excellent support from every department in the company. The opportunity to grow or not is entirely dependent on your personal commitment to pursue new business. If you want to grow a business that provides a full time income with only part time hours, ACFN provides you that opportunity. You just have to want it. 

Mark G - MA
ACFN Franchisee
Look at your bookkeeping and record keeping

I hope you are all enjoying a lovely spring before the summer heat starts to arrive!
With the winter cold and tax season behind us it is the perfect time to take a good look at your bookkeeping and record keeping practices.  Our Accounting Department sends out all documents (invoices, statements, checks, etc.) in real time. It is essential that you keep these original documents in a safe place to maintain organized records and be prepared for next year’s taxes as well as for your own peace of mind.
Please be reminded that we are here to support and assist you in the success of your business!  The following are a few tips and/or requests to make our working relationship run more smoothly and efficiently:
  •  Comvelopes and Stickers – If you are running low, contact us! We will mail your requested amount out the same day at no cost. If you realize too late that you are out of comvelopes and need to program a machine for an urgent install, we will have to charge you to get them sent over night. Be prepared!
  •  Receipt for ATM or Cabinet Purchase – We do not procedurally issue receipts for ATM or Cabinet purchases. However, if a copy of your original order form and bank records are not enough, we can issue a “paid-in-full” invoice upon request. Please note that the request must be within a reasonable time of the purchase and not weeks or months later.
  •  Invoices – All invoices (spare parts, cell devices, business cards, etc.) emailed to you are due “upon receipt.” Your adherence and cooperation under these terms is greatly appreciated!
  •  Direct Debit – I encourage everyone to take advantage of our direct debit program. Once you have the account set up all you need to do is send in a direct debit authorization for each purchase or invoice payment. The method is simple and no additional costs or charges are incurred!
  • Paying by Check or Online Bill Pay – If you prefer either of these methods for payment please remember to reference your invoice number on the check!  This is especially important for Online Bill Pay as often the information on these bank issued checks is limited and we spend extra time determining what the payment is for.
  •  Installation Reports – Be reminded that these vital reports are due within 48 hours of installation for Network Compliance. If we do not receive these reports (please submit directly to Accounting Department) we will have to withhold your commission for the location until the time the report is received.
In closing, I would like to wish you all a wonderful spring and summer! Our Accounting Staff of Victor, Sandra, Juan and I are always available for questions, concerns or support for your customers (locations). Please feel free to contact us at any time!
Susan Castillo
Accounting Department Manager
ACFN • 111 West Saint John Street, Sixth Floor • San Jose, CA 95113
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