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In This March 2015 Issue
Sunday Professional Development Workshops.
 Sundays 2 - 4:30
LOCATION: Ripley-Grier Studios 520 8th Ave, 16th floor Manhattan 
(between 36th & 37th St.)
 One of the great benefits of Guild Membership is our Professional Development Workshops. They are an opportunity to explore a wide variety of topics led by colleagues. They are also an opportunity for us to develop our own workshops in a supportive environment. Frederick Schjang's recent workshop on Pilates and Feldenkrais had a nice crowd and drew the following responses:

"Thanks very much for such an interesting and satisfying afternoon last week.
It was so good to get a better understanding of the Pilates point of view and then to develop some ideas about entering into such a specific exercise program with a 'Feldenkrais sensibility.'  The information about Pilates' personal journey and its similarities with Feldenkrais' were a surprise to me and helped put everything into a bigger context."

"Thank you for the interesting workshop yesterday. I now have a clear sense of what I have to offer someone who takes Pilates."

"The workshop was informative and entertaining. It was great to be around colleagues with an actual practice in a spirit of learning. I look forward to the next one!"
Unfortunately, Karen needs to postpone her March 29th WS till the fall, and we are thankful Anastasi Siotas has stepped in to take her place this month
March 29th with Anastasi Siotas - Domains of Integration.
As practitioners we must open our perceptive aperture wide enough to see the whole person receiving the lesson. What is essential is to slow down our own process to perceive more fully the states of Integration present in our client. We then differentiate those parts and re-link them into a new more Integrated whole. This process requires awareness on our part especially if we are to create these new links which lead to ever higher levels of Integration for our clients.
Click here to register
April 26th with Dan Rindler - The Child'Space Method: Working with Babies and Parents.

In this workshop we will explore two defining ideas of the Child'Space approach: 1. Working with typically developing infants and, 2. Working with parent and baby as an inseparable unit developing together. Understanding he developmental sequences explored in this WS will inform one's FI practice can enhance your work with infants, children with special needs and your understanding of how to use developmentally based lessons with adults.  

Child'Space was created by Dr. Chava Shelhav, and is firmly based on the theories of Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais. Child'Space Method practitioners are trained to  work with babies from birth to independent walking in private or group sessions. Child'Space Method fosters new connections between parent and child through touch, movement and face-to-face interactions that support a baby's motor, cognitive and social-emotional development.  

Dan Rindler, GCFP, has worked as an assistant to Dr. Shelhav and is a certified Child'Space Trainer. He will co-teach the upcoming NYC Child'Space training and maintains an active Child'Space and Feldenkrais practice in Brooklyn.
 Click here to register
 Guild Members can attend Professional Development workshops "free" as an educational benefit of membership.
If you would like to teach a Professional Development workshop, please contact
Alexander Yanai Study Group
The next Sunday meeting takes place
Sunday March 15th - with AY #291
The agreed upon theme for the continuation of this year's AY Study Group is "establishing a series of related lessons"
David Zemach-Bersin gave an inspiring workshop at the Annual Conference called “Instability into Potency”.  All of the ATM's were done in standing. David generously gave attendees all the AY lesson’s he had studied to develop his workshop (see below). He described these particular AY lessons as Moshe explicitly exploring how challenging oneself can elicit changes in the organization that greatly impact our experience of gravity.
We thought this would be an interesting and worthwhile exploration for the AY study group. A great thing about the series:  We will get a handle on FI in standing!
The ‘pre ATM's' are: – AY #89, 91, 274-275
The workshop included AY - ATM's : 276, 281-284, 289-292, 296-300.
For our AY study group we now have an ATM line-up—We ask that practitioners sign up to teach a particular ATM—of his or her choosing—it will have to be on the designated day.

April       19th               296 or 297
May        TBA                298 or 299
June       TBA                300
If you do not have that particular AY lesson - you can buy it individually on the IFF web site.
426 4th Avenue
Brooklyn NY 11215
(between 7th and 8th Streets on the west side of street)
Subways--F G R to 9th St. and 4th Ave.
Time: 4 to 6:30 PM
Hope to see you, and tell your colleagues!
For more information and sign up to teach the study group, please contact;  
Leslie Wilder:
Save the Date!
Region Annual Meeting, Sunday April 12th 

Our annual meeting will take place Sunday April 12th from
noon to 5pm.

Noon - 1:30 Special Guest presenter!
1:30 - 2pm Light Lunch provided
2 - 5pm Annual Meeting
Come and participate in our regional annual meeting! Hear about plans for the rest of 2015 and beyond, and bring any ideas you have regarding region projects and ideas for the future of our region.
LOCATION: Ripley-Grier Studios 520 8th Ave, 16th floor Manhattan 
(between 36th & 37th St.)
Region News

Feldenkrais Week is coming up!

Please submit your plans to Frederick -- -- for any special programming you would like to present during International Feldenkrais Week (early May). The region is planning a joint promotion to get the word out in the press.
Already we have several special happenings including a PDG, a revamped Annual Feldenkrais Festival and More!

We want to include YOU!
 Upcoming Activities
In a belated celebration of Black History Month, we are planning a social event to go to the Romaire-Bearden exhibit at Columbia University.
Saturday March 14 at 2:00 PM.
Subway #1 train at 116 and Broadway. 
 Meet on site and grab a bite afterwards. 
Panel Discussion on Yoga & Somatic Practices
Our colleague Joe Miller writes: "I'm going to be a panelist on a panel discussion about yoga and somatic practices. I'll be representing Feldenkrais, but there will be Alexander technique and Body-mind Centering"
Thursday, March 19, 6:30-8pm

The Breathing Project 
15 West 26th Street
10th Floor
New York, NY 10010
FGNA Class & Event Listings
Would you like to have your class or workshop listed on the new website? If you answered 'yes' to that question, go to: where you can also update your profile. The new website is a big upgrade over the previous one, and one referral a year through the our FGNA profile and often pay for you yearly fee!

A Call For Officers & Volunteers

Our region co-rep Anastasi Siotas finished his term at the end of 2014. Our region gives him a huge THANK-YOU for his service as co-rep, as well as leading the 2014 region conference committee. While Anastasi will remain active an active region volunteer, we are looking for a new officers and volunteers. Please consider serving your Guild in these or other capacities and make the Region the best it can be.
Regional Library

We have a library that is lovingly being cared for by Ellen Gordon.

Here is a list of what we have:

Alexander Yanai vol. 1 through 11
Amherst training 2 sets - people can borrow 2 dvds for 6 weeks at a time. The region provides free mailing (priority mail envelopes in both directions).
2013 conference mp3s.
cds of Feldenkrais and Pribam  1975
Pribam’s keynote to 1987 Guild conference.
Feldenkrais in Vancouver 1973 (4 workshops, 45 hours of teaching)
Feldenkrais in Rotterdam 1976  mp3 format (13 hours)
unedited material from source tapes.
Your membership dues enable us to offer free shipping! It will cost you nothing at all to borrow. (A refundable deposit against loss or damage is still required.) To borrow, please contact our librarian, Ellen Gordon:
A Request from David Zemach-Bersin &
The Feldenkrais Institute
On March 26th-29th, the Feldenkrais Institute's Feldenkrais Method Training Program fourth year students will be having a Functional Integration ® supervision. This is required before their graduation in July. We asking whether you or someone you know may be interested in participating. There is no cost, the time involved is approximately 90 minutes, and each Functional Integration lesson is supervised by the Director of the program, David Zemach-Bersin, or one of the program's faculty.
A participant can sign up for up to two free student lessons, but only one on each day. The practicum will take place at the Feldenkrais® Institute in Manhattan.  If you or anyone you know may be interested in volunteering, please contact
Frederick Schjang, Rep:
Amber Adams, Treasurer:
..., Secretary:  open postion
Ellen Gordon, Librarian:
In the United States of America, the following are registered service marks, collective marks or certification marks of the Feldenkrais Guild of North America: Feldenkrais®, Feldenkrais Method®, Functional Integration® Awareness Through Movement®; Guild Certified Feldenkrais Teacher®; and The Feldenkrais Guild®. The following are trademarks, service marks or certification marks of the Feldenkrais Guild of North America: ATMSM, FISM, Guild Certified Feldenkrais PractitionerCM, and Feldenkrais™.
All photographs © 2007 Rosalie O´Connor. All rights reserved.
FGNA • 5436 N. Albina Avene • Portland, OR 97217
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