I love that phrase from French existentialist philosopher, Albert Camus. And so here we are in the month of June, halfway through the year 2016. There is usually much activity this time of year because of summer family gatherings, cook outs, hikes, vacations and “stay-cations.” There may be days at the beach and “summer flings.” Let’s not forget Father’s Day as well nor should we forget to enjoy these activities to the fullest. There is an old Chinese blessing (or curse, depending on how you look at it) that says---may you live in interesting times. One need only pick up a newspaper and perhaps this old Chinese adage has significant meaning for all of us, especially as election time rolls around for our nation. This promises to be quite an interesting summer as both political parties hold their conventions in July.
Whatever happens, we still have the opportunity to make wise choices about the decisions that shape a conscious life. The author, Deepak Chopra writes in his latest book, The Future of God, that there are a few things we can do to stay centered during the storms of our lives. He writes that when we are afraid and anxious, not to trust the voice of fear. Good sound advice. Mr. Chopra also says that when you are in a chaotic situation, find a way to bring order and calm. When faced with an angry conflict, make no decision until the anger has subsided. When you meet resistance to you cherished ideas, consider the viewpoint of others who resist you.....
Sunday, 5 June 2016, 11 am
Rev. Scott Hardin-Neiri"Seeds of Collaboration while Walking with Wolf."
Prior to living in Asheville, Scott and his family served in the vulnerable cloud forest of Monteverde, Costa Rica. There he learned to how to climb Fig Strangler trees, spot Two-toed Sloths, distinguish the call of a Three-wattle Bell Bird from a Black Face Solitaire and listen to people and nature in a new way. He will share his Costa Rican experience in this service.
Scott is an ordained pastor with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and has served as a pastor in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains in Fort Collins, Colorado as well as in Spring and Houston, TX. Scott has a degree in Business Management from Texas A&M University and holds a Master of Divinity and a Diploma in the Art of Spiritual Direction from San Francisco Theological Seminary.
Sunday, 12 June 2016, 11 am
Rev. Michael J. S. Carter
"Enter Rejoice and Come In"
Come join us on June 12th as we welcome our new members. Needless to say, our new members and our youth are the life blood of our congregation. This Sunday we invite you to meet our new members and to reacquaint yourselves with our veteran members. Let us welcome all who enter our sanctuary with the words of our UU Hymn # 361: "Enter, rejoice, and come In, enter, rejoice, and come in, today will be a joyful day, enter, rejoice, and come in. Don't be afraid of some change, Don't be afraid of some change, today will be a joyful day, enter, rejoice, and come in."
Sunday, 19 June 2016, 11 amRebecca Williams
"You and Me and Smith and Wesson"
UUCSV String Band
After the horror of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings I sat down to write about my own relationship with guns and gun violence. I was convinced that in the U.S. the only way we would ever wrestle head on with the complex issue of gun violence was when enough people knew someone who had been killed with a gun. At that point I thought of people’s relationships with gun deaths as six degrees of separation – the theory, tested by mathematicians and social scientists, that everyone is only six or less steps away, by way of introduction, from any other person in the world. But it seems like we are more connected to gun violence than I realized. According to a poll conducted in 2015, forty percent of Americans know someone who was fatally shot or who committed suicide using a gun. From the shootings of unarmed black men by police, to the latest mass homicide, to partners killed in domestic violence disputes, how do we keep our hearts open to look at this interconnected web of violence with clarity, compassion and a search for solutions?
Sunday, 26 June 2016, 11 am Rev. Michael Carter
"The Politician"
This summer promises to herald a season of presidential politics that could be the ugliest in recent memory. In Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton, the democrats and republicans will present the most unpopular candidates, possibly in U. S. History. This Sunday we will focus on a politician with a conscience--Mr. Vaclav Havel. The late Mr. Havel was a human rights activist, and a playwright, who later became the president of the Czech Republic in 1989. For Mr. Havel, politics was an art, a politics of values if you will, for which the goal was to awaken the citizens of the planet to a new sense of responsibility for a more just, fair, equitable, and better world---What a concept!!!
Sunday, 3 July 2016, 11 am
David Roth
"The Power of Yes"
Saying “yes” to an inquiry when a “no” is almost reflexive can yield great surprise, growth, and change. On July 3rd David will speak about what happens when you say “yes” when “no” seems to make more sense. Opening a “doorway of discomfort” can lead to great things if you’re willing to consider a response other than the one that first appears. We are delighted to welcome to our pulpit the gifted songwriter, singer, speaker, and advocate for the human spirit, David Roth, who will offer us a “Sermon in Song.”
David Roth strikes many chords, hearts, and minds with his unique songs, offbeat observations, moving stories, sense of the hilarious, and powerful singing and subject matter. As he returns to the Swannanoa Gathering, catch “An Evening with David Roth” on Saturday, July 2nd at 7:30 p.m. Join us at UUCSV, 500 Montreat Road, Black Mountain, NC 28711. Suggested donation $15 to $20, no one turned away. Join us for an intimate roller coaster ride of song and story. See also the Poster and David's website.
Ginny Moreland is coordinating the concert and is looking for a few volunteers to help with refreshments and concert logistics the day of the show. Doors open at 7:00 pm, so set-up should be done by 6:30. Please contact ginnymoreland@gmail.com if you can help. Huge thanks to Kathy and Kenny who are taking care of David's airport pick-up and housing!
Thanks to David's generous "small church deal" the congregation will receive 20% of admissions without any guaranteed minimum! Please promote this to all your music and spirit-loving friends!
Manu thanks to Linda Blasky, Jim Carillon, Aaron Elliot-Gaines and Dorinda for the successful set-up, operation & cleanup for the first ever RE Spring Fling! We met three new families and introduced them to our RE program!
Summer Sundays are back again! This program will run through the end of August. I hope you will consider being one of our guest presenters. Share your passion with RE. There is a sign-up calendar in the main RE room. Get first pick of Sundays!
And from Milt: During the recent burglary, RE lost its small television which was used for teaching purposes. If anyone has a 32” or smaller flat screen television that accepts various inputs and wants to donate it to a good cause, the RE department would be grateful. Please talk to Milt or Beata.
On Friday afternoon May 20th, the church sustained minor damage around one of the portico doors. A dog leash got wrapped around the gear shift knob of a neighbor's car across Montreat Road and the car popped out of gear into neutral. The car (a Kia Soul) then rolled backwards out of the driveway, rolled across Montreat Road, cruised across our property without hitting any tree, turning so that the rear left of the car hit the casing/framing to the left of the portico door and caused the damage.The doors still lock and function and the dog was not harmed, and not cited by the Black Mountain police. Just another UU church displaying a magnetic attraction for the lost Souls of the world.
Highlights from the BOT meeting of May 16.
Finance: BOT voted unanimously to approve matching retirement IRA money up to 3% of Tricia West’s salary. The proposed budget pays the UUA 6% of our annual budget which is about $300 below the expected fair share of 7%.
Suzanne Ziegler from the UUCSV Social Action Committee gave a report about Syrian Refugee Settlement in WNC. The Committee has permission to circulate a petition in support of the establishment of a Refugee Settlement Agency in WNC.
By-laws Review. The board discussed and agreed on some of the changes recommended. Most notably, the Board is set at seven people and Board terms are defined as two years.
Proposed Board of Trustees slate for 2016-17. David Groce and Jim Carillon are cycling off the board. Six current members will be continuing. The Board agreed to present Frank Pizzardi as the nominee for the 7th seat..
Congregational Meeting Agenda - two informational items were added. (1) Tina will educate members about setting up automatic bank payments for the monthly pledges. (2) At Michael’s request a Board member will educate the congregation about his progress toward full time minister status. We are currently moving funds from other budget lines to fund the minister at 80% time, and are behind the projected targets for pledging units in the five-year plan. If Michael were offered a full-time position elsewhere he would have be give serious consideration to such an opportunity.
New Business:
Carolyn was approved as a coordinator for hosting an Our Whole Lives (O.W.L.) Middle School Curriculum weekend training workshop for future teachers of O.W.L. The Board also agreed to sponsor the event, at to cost to UUCSV.
BOT agreed that the Building Commiittee should pursue installing a railing to assist less mobile participants with safe access up to the podium from the floor.
Reports: At the June 12th service, seven new members will be recognized; the Membership committee is looking into a UU 101 class what would be two nights.
The Women’s Group fall sale still being planned. The BOT praised their work on the yard aesthetics.
Religious Education Spring Fling this coming Saturday for children of all ages; RE is planning a service on Sunday the 22nd, with presentations will be made by the O.W.L. participants. There was a discussion about current low participation numbers and the viability of the RE program.
The June BOT meeting will be Monday, June 20th at 6:00 pm. All members and friends are welcome to attend.
Minister's Column continued
When you are tempted to condemn someone else, see if what you hate in them is hidden away in yourself. I personally hope that you do not “hate” anything or anyone. Chopra also says that when you are in trouble, decide if the situation is one you should put up with, try to fix, or walk away from. Having decided, act accordingly. Finally, when you know the truth, speak up for it.
As Platonic thought reminds us that all learning is remembering, you already know these things deep within you. The above are simply reminders of the wisdom that lies deep within each and every one of us. With all of the noise that the outside world will surely bring this summer, remember who and what you really are. There is an “invincible summer” within you that will endure no matter what. Do not forget to appreciate the beauty of the season. Perhaps this poem by UU Robert T. Weston will bring a stillness to your spirit for the inward journey:
"Now blows the wind with soft relaxing warmth. Children swarm in the playgrounds and the streets, and eager city folk vacation bound, crowd the broad highways. What of ourselves, there could be,now deep peace, a time for soul searching. To sift the true from false in the things of doubt. The sun beats down, it is a time for pause. And shall not we? Here’s the unfinished clay, half moulded, that still waits on us, to think that we have been and as we are, still have yet to become."
Enjoy this summer. Wishing you all a Gentle Peace...
Remember, the UUCSV congregational meeting will be on Sunday June 5th, 2016, following the service. In this meeting we will discuss and approve the 2016-2017 budget, fill one vacancy on the Board and vote on some minor changes to the By-Laws. See the details on the website.
Kathryn Coyle moved to Black Mountain two years ago with her two sons, Torsten Hemlin, age 13, and Jock Coyle, age 5, and their dog Redferd and cat, Sunshine. She grew up in Charlotte, NC and has also lived in Deland, FL. She holds a Masters Degree and formerly worked as an accountant. Presently she partners in a local business. Her interests include anything outdoors and skydiving. She volunteers at Black Mountain Primary, and Brother Wolf. UUCSV is the first Unitarian Universalist Church experience. We welcome Kathryn, Torsten, and Jock to our congregation.
Lois Heinz grew up in West Hartford, CT but has lived in multiple places including Arlington, McLean and Alexandria, VA, Severn, and Potomac, MD, Birmingham AL, Denver, CO, Bernardville, NJ, and Tampa and St. Petersburg, FL. She received Her BA degree from the University of Conn and worked as a telecommunications manager. She enjoys exercising at the gym and hiking, gardening, reading, spiritual development and cooking gluten free foods. Lois’ volunteer activities include singing in the Asheville Community Chorus and toning at the Light Center. She lives in Black Mountain with her Welsh Corgi, Pembroke. UUCSV is her first experience in a Unitarian Universalist Church. We welcome Lois to our congregation.
The Luunch Bunch will meet on Tuesday, June 7th at noon. The topic will be "Angels," inspired by Michael's recent sermon on the subject.
The women's group meets Friday, June 10th at 1:00 pm, at the clubhouse of the Lynx Condominiums. Marilyn Sobanski will speak to us about Rainbow recycling and how recycling works in Black Mountain.
In June the UUCSV Choir will sing on the usual fourth Sunday, the 26th. We will meet first on Sunday the 19th at 12:15, then on Wednesday the 22nd at 7 PM, and then on the day of performance, the 26th at 10 AM. It's been a while, since we sang for Mother's Day, May 8th, dressed all in white as a bunch of angels, and sounding that way too! Come sing with us, we're friendly!
Linda Metzner,
Choir Director
June’s Friday Fling, a fun party for grown-ups, usually every third Friday of the month, will be held on 17 June at the church. Red and white refreshments will be provided; please bring a potluck dish to share. First movie choice:The Secret Life of Bees (2008; Queen Latifah, Dakota Fanning; based on Sue Monk Kidd’s novel). Second movie choice: Tea with Mussolini (1999; Cher, Judi Dench, Joan Plowright, Maggie Smith, Lily Tomlin; “Florence, Italy on the brink of WWII---it was a time of social unrest and, of course . . . afternoon tea.”) Potluck begins at 6:30. For further information call Norm Kowal (458-4537).
Have you been spring cleaning? Are you going on vacation or to the beach this summer? Our Books for Good project is working. We have received over $270 to date. Thank you for all the donations of books so far. Please keep them coming. And remember that Books for Good is a great place to shop for used books. If you need more info or someone to pick you up your books please call Teresa Ballinger at 275-8453.
The phone number for Books for Good is 828-989-4655, the web site is www.booksforgood.net
The deadline for the July issue is June 25th. Please submit items to newsletter.uucsv@
gmail.com The best format is simply in the body of an email.
Ginny and Jackie
Board of Trustees:
Jim Carillon
Diane Graham
David Groce, President
Sarah Kirkpatrick
David Reid, Vice-President
Tina Rosato
Carol Sheeler
Dave Wells
Minister, ex-officio,
non-voting Board Member:
Rev. Michael Carter
Lee Reading
Guest commentary from Dr. Jane Carroll:
(In support of Monroe's message about Painters' Greenhouse in the May 27th Current; Painters' Greenhouse has publicly opposed HB2 and is suffering some backlash.)
Every spring after they have opened, I drive to Painters on Roy Moore Rd. in Old Fort to buy my plants. You may need to use your GPS the first time, but the nursery is not a problem to find—they are out in the country. I think you will love what you find. Painters is a respectable and conscientious business whom I admire greatly and whom I can depend upon to be honest and exceptionally helpful. It is deplorable that the powers-that-be in Old Fort have taken action to besmirch their name and cast aspersions on such fine folks.
(Dr.) Jane