Free Your Truth
We are 2 months from my 2nd Year ENews Anniversary! Thank you for being my Cyberspace Sangha ~ a virtual spiritual community. For letting me express my voice, affirm my Throat Chakra: the right to speak and be heard. I invite you to open up and sing out, to express Vissudha's right for yourself this month, as I focus on this 5th energy wheel in our throat governing truth, clarity, communication, expression.
Communication: What communication have you left unfinished that is "choking you up" or "stuck in your craw" ~ or gut?
Is your neck tight? Does your belly rumble? Are there lies, spoken or unspoken, that you cannot "swallow"? That your body literally is rejecting? A clue: that would include the lie that you are not creative; that your voice and your truth are not welcome or beneficial to the world.
Self-Expression: What creative petals have you kept furled, withheld from the world? Why? What are you waiting for? Fear is human; but doesn't withholding cause you constriction, tightness, pain? Blockage? Is it worth the avoidance of whatever it is you fear? Clue: "Dukha" in Sanskrit means both "blockage" and "dis-ease".
Voice and Feelings: Do you have lower abdominal discomforts? Throat Chakra is connected to Sacral Chakra. The throat chakra ("cervical spine") expresses spiritual creativity, just as our pelvic chakra, in both men and women, expresses physical or sexual creativity, regardless of whether we ever give birth ("cervical canal"). Constricting either chakra ~ feelings or creative expression ~ constricts the other. Freeing either area creates a freer flow in the other.
For more on Vissudha, 5th Chakra, see sidebar's 1st two articles, for 2 past issues!
Mary's ENews Archives
Inspiration in Expression
My student Pam sent me this awesome link on Matthew Sanford, a Yoga Teacher who has been a paraplegic since age 13, and is author, speaker, and founder and director of Mind Body Solutions, a Yoga studio and non-profit organization working with yoga for all populations of ability.
“It took a devastating car accident, paralysis from the chest down, and dependence on a wheelchair before I truly realized the importance of my body.”
The Body's Grace: Matthew Sanford, Teacher
Yoga in Paradise
Express and explore your own nature, within the beautiful natural environment of the West Indies Island of St. Lucia with me and my little group in February.
Plunge into a waterfall, ride a ferry to the forest preserve, explore rainforests, relax on the beach. Take dips in the pool or naps beside it. Stroll the town, sample cafes, try their rum, shop for souvenirs, plan a massage or a scuba dive. Explore with me one Chakra per day for total tuning and balancing, choosing from my Open, Intermediate, or Restorative level classes, or feel free to do them all with me for Yoga twice daily!
See site for details and to register.
Tropical Retreat Feb 16-23
Photo credits; Privacy; Please Forward
Photos this issue: DMY, Charles Lee, Karen Lee, Doug O'Neill.
Please feel free to Forward or Reply; Unsubscribe at any time. I do not share your email info and hold your privacy of highest value.
Shanti, peace,
My Website ~ classes, retreat pics
Throat Chakra Issue #2
Both my previous ENews on Throat Chakra have my favorite "keep the channel open" quote from Martha Graham.
Issue #2 has throat and neck care tips, Yantra, Mantra, and links for Chakra books.
Feb '06 ENews: Bridges of Body, Breath, Spirit |
Throat Chakra Issue #14
This shorter ENews has a chant to Saraswati, deity of learning and the arts. In India, gurus and parents invoke her blessings. Teachers and artists everywhere invoke her guidance of their creative inspiration.
Feb '07 ENews: Valentine |
Family Yoga~Dharma NYC
Family Yoga at DYC
Sat. 3:15-4:15,
Nov. 10, Dec. 8, etc.
"Specially added monthly class! Bring-the-whole-Family Yoga will be held regularly the 2nd Saturday of each month. Children of all ages are welcome, as well as all of your family members. The teacher is a mom of an 8 year old, who will be in the class. We will practice DMY Level I, and have our children with us at the same time. All ages welcome. $20 per family of 3 ($5 for each additional person). Taught by Radhika Om (Antonia). Please call to pre-register, 212-889-8160."
Dharma Yoga Center NYC |
Click: Breast Cancer Fund
A daily click will send corporate donations to 6 worthy charities. Although seasonally we may run for a cure or fund runners, let's remember also to click daily throughout the year; it takes a few minutes and the pennies and dollars add up. |