Heart Chakra ~ Healing & Compassion * Mary Yoga ENewsletter * Issue #26 * Feb 2008

Hearts for Loving

"Best Buddies:" Raphael's letter from school read, "it takes just two to make a friendship. It takes just YOU to make a difference." My son was 1 of 5 middle schoolers invited to volunteer in a Best Buddies program for autistic children.

Anodea Judith's book "Eastern Body, Western Mind" places Heart Chakra's gifts for compassion and healing at age 4-7 in human developmental psychology. I'd like to think humanity's evolution is now at this stage. Our "green" consciousness ~ Heart Chakra's hue ~ reflects an awareness of connectedness, the heart of empathy.

"I really didn't want to do it at first," Raphael said, "but I changed my mind when I heard how happy and excited the Special Ed kids were." The heart of empathy. He is 12, he's passed the 4-7 developmental stage. How about the human race? Think where we can develop beyond Heart Chakra! 5, 6, 7 ~ Vissudha, Ajna, Sahasrara ~ Throat, Brow, Crown ~ Communication, Perception, Wisdom! What exciting stages for humanity! What an exciting time! What a balance point, midpoint in the seven "wheels", lamps, stars.

In St. Lucia I learned Rastafarians share the Star of David with Judaism; I know Heart Chakra also has it for its Yantra: symbol of centeredness, balance.

Today Raphael came home delighted with his first Buddies session with Jesse, a "sweet" boy just a few months younger, with whom he paired as the only two chess players in the program. It turns out Jesse kicked his butt in their first game today. Wonderful! ~ for both. And he redeemed his honor in the second game.

Frederick Buechner, theologian, author, teacher: "The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world's deep need meet."

I pray you may always, always, find your places of deep gladness, that meet the world's deep needs. And meet your own in so doing.

Best Buddies International


Back from Paradise

Paracelsus, 1493-1541 Swiss physician, a father of modern medicine: "The art of healing comes from Nature, not the physician... Every illness has its own remedy within itself... A man could not be born alive and healthy if there were not already a physician hidden in him."

Healing of Nature, Rigorousness, Rest, and Recharging. My little retreat group was treated to Chef Bobo Bergstrom's amazing creations, the beauty of St. Lucia's tropical foliage, sunshine, and people, and daily Chakra tuning classes morning and evening. Every photo this issue but 1 hails from our gorgeous week's vacation.

This was my second year doing a Caribbean Retreat; two wholly different flavors, both delicious. I scoped beautiful places, so am already planning a new 2009 paradise week. Keep apprised by checking my ENews and Website ~ and start socking away $20 a week or $100 a month in a "Vacation" envelope ~ and you'll be all set when the details are available!

St. Lucia Retreat Picture Highlights


Anahata ENewsletters

Albert Schweitzer, 1875-1965, Nobel winner, musicologist, doctor, pastor, author, humanitarian: "I don't know what your destiny will be, but one thing I know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who will have sought and found how to serve." Speaking to the heart of Heart Chakra.

Prior ENewsletters where I've discussed Heart Chakra are accessible via the link below. They are issues #4, #13, #21. They include Yantra & Mantra, Affirmations, Metta Meditation, healing chants, and links.

Links to ENews #4, #13, #21


Photo credits

Photos this issue courtesy of: Marie-Ange Aimon, Raul Aranas, Trish Perkins, me.

Ishta Yoga ~ My Lineage


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Please forward to friends who may enjoy. I always welcome responses. Your email privacy is protected; I do not share addresses.

Shanti; till next time! Keep eye open for class schedule changes for Spring!

Namaste, Mary

My Website ~ classes, retreat pics

In This Issue:

Hearts for Loving
Back from Paradise
Anahata ENewsletters
Photo credits
Please Forward; Privacy
Anodea Judith On Chakras
Alan Finger on Chakras
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Yoga Housecalls Guru

Anodea Judith On Chakras

This comprehensive textbook correlates Western Psychology and the Eastern Chakra system.

Book "Eastern Body, Western Mind"


Alan Finger on Chakras

Ishta Yogiraj Alan Finger's book includes a Chakra tuning meditation CD, clear photographs and charts and simple asanas, poses, for each of the seven Chakras.

Book "Chakra Yoga"


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Yoga Housecalls Guru

The one photo not from the Caribbean! Marie-Ange is one of my team of terrific Teachers partnering with me in Yoga Housecalls: Yoga Your Way, private Yoga in your home at your time and pace.

Marie-Ange subbed my Yoga Works East Side class when I was in St. Lucia!

Below, click to see the full webpage of my excellent teaching partners.

Teacher: Marie-Ange Aimon; RYT 500 Yoga Works/Ishta

Availability: Monday to Friday before 8:00pm; Saturday mornings

Strengths: Beginner students, mothers- to- be, and those with specific needs.
All levels.

Yoga Housecalls Teachers

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