Thousandfold Wealth
Bright happy season of lights, everybody! What is beautiful is that we possess, right now, the warm gift of being able to give a hug, a smile, a loving touch. And if we have just a dollar, "$1 can help fill 32 bowls with food for Americans struggling with hunger" in Feeding America's recent matching grant program.
My New Year's issue, in honor of the white lotus Crown Chakra's connection with the divine, highlights favorite ways to spread gifts of love, here and abroad.
One example is Cascade's partnership with Feeding America below: each click on the website donates a meal to a hungry child.
Acro II at ISHTA Yoga Sunday, January 18, 2PM-4:30
Calling all Yogis who want to be playful and interactive in their practice, defy gravity in fun, amazing, new ways, give and receive supportive touch through aerial flows and Thai massage, and strengthen their own practice, all in one workshop!
Acro Fundamentals at ISHTA in November was such a hit, I am leading "Acro Fundamentals II" at ISHTA Yoga for those who either missed it the first time, or are excited to do more. This time I am assisted by Jake Brenner, stalwart "ace of base" and we will review basic skills and build on flying techniques, including an introduction to pyramids.
$40/$50. Pre-register for the $10 discount online or by calling studio: 212-598-4800. ISHTA Yoga is located at 56 E.11th St., between University and Broadway right by the Union Square subway stop.
Come explore! Enjoy. My famous oatmeal cookies may appear for post-workshop Acroyogi refueling. No partners necessary. Open to all levels.
Yoga Abundance
All the studios I teach at are lowering prices and adding special gift incentives, creating havens of health where abundance can flourish and creativity expand outward to the world.
Bearing in mind studies have shown 1% of a population meditating at one time drastically lowers violence in the entire region, both man-made and natural violence, we're faithfully following the intuition to being the light, the salt of the earth, without even needing to fully understand the mystery of how our own inner peace creates miracles of outer peace and abundance in the world.
See each studio and their special yoga gifts in January, at sidebar.
Gifts to Ourselves
If Yoga teaches us any one thing, it's that Prana, or breath, spirit, connects us one to another, and all to One. In that understanding, which all who practice Yoga have experienced, whether in a pose, in meditation, in a flow, or in Savasana, everything we do to bring joy or peace to another, gives to ourselves.
My Links page and my past ENewsletters list many organizations that help us to do that. Here are a few more, in no particular order:
Doctors without Borders, Citymeals on Wheels, Food Bank for New York City, The Bowery Mission, Amnesty International, Heifer International, Habitat for Humanity, Children International, and which is featured in sidebar.
Yes, we shared personal gifts among family this year, but I'd like to think my brother's family appreciated the gift in their honor of monthly contributions to Habitat for Humanity for 2009, as they did last year when we chose donations in each of their behalf, or this November when my niece received a wolf adopted for protection in honor of her birthday.
Photo credits; Privacy; Forward
Photos this issue courtesy of:
Al Finger and Katrina Repka and ISHTA Yoga, YogaWorks, Nature's Best Photos collection, my brother-in-law Paul Vivian from Australia for the white Cockatoo, Chris Loebsack with me in Loop-de-Loop, Sarah Yovovich for that photo, Jessica Louie with me in park in Hangle Dangle; my Acro students at Om Factory and at PURE, including Elsbet Servay's smiling face, and Esprit Wellness Newsletter for the moon eclipse.
As I'm building my Facebook class albums for my students for learning and for fun, you can go there to look up the players in the group class photos, as well as maybe find some of your own friends, or tag yourself in a photo! See at sidebar.
Please Forward to any friends you may wish to share with, Unsubscribe as desired, or Respond as desired. Your email privacy is sacrosanct; I do not share email lists.
Om Shanti!
Happy Happy New Year 2009!
Studio and Spa offers a phenomenal 1st month for $40 deal, and reduced class packages.
2-weeks/$30 intro; plus teachers have a supply of free class/week cards. TBA, January Free Classes East Side: Fridays 5–6pm & Saturdays 9-10am.
PURE 3-Day Free
Pass through 1/31/09, and they've reduced monthly memberships. Email me for the pass.
PURE Yoga |
Om Factory
the NYC home of Forrest Yoga, Acro, Yoga Brunch, monthly Kirtan parties and more, has a free 1st class card. Email me to forward it.
NY Health & Racquet
Club has day passes, maximum two per year per person. Ask a NYHRC teacher for one.
NYHRC 23 St. |
Words for Food
Featured in my June '08 ENews, I love this site for adults and students both, for a vocabulary workout that contributes rice, through the UN World Food Program. Those with teens at home over the holidays, challenge them to a vocabulary duel!
Chiropractic & Healing
Our central energy channel, Shushumna, or Brahma Nadi, resides in the spine. Chiropractic understands this source of life force and health, and can be a powerful adjunct to Yoga for self-healing.
Class Albums
I am growing my Acro class albums for students' learning and fun, so you may find friends there, or tag yourself!