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Monthly News for October 2018
Minister's Message

Between Two Seasons
It appears that although the calendar says that the Autumn Equinox is on Saturday, September 22, 2018, it still feels like summer time. In fact, there may still be plenty of summer weather left to go as one never knows these days. Climate change is both unpredictable and extreme. Yet, Autumn weather will get here soon enough. Whenever it arrives, this is a truly beautiful time of year. My favorite color is October. With that being said, indulge me and lend your eyes, ears, and heart, to a much more beautiful, articulate, and profound way of describing the Autumn time of year:
Autumn comes in mingled moods, and might not come at all, if we had anything to say of it... it seems a season of regret, as growing old can seem to those who see but half the truth... If we had a sense of seasons we'd make a holiday for solitude. Between seasons  is a good time to listen to one's own thoughts and make peace with one's environment, a good time to put aside the getting of too many things, a time to solve puzzles we had no time to solve in summer months.... 
                                                      Minister's Message continued
Sunday Services 

Sunday, 30 September 2018, 11 amM Carter by H Way (1)
Rev. Michael J.S. Carter
"The Right to be Happy"

A couple of thousand years ago, plus a few decades, Plato taught that everyone seeks the good. Not that everyone finds the good, or enjoys the good, but that everyone seeks it, in their own way.  Even those people whose lives seem so futile, or self- destructive, or doomed to failure, even they too are seeking, somehow, the good--think about it.  They're not trying to fail, they're not looking for sadness, doom or misfortune, at least not consciously.  They're trying to capture the gold ring, make the big score, win the lottery; they’re seeking happiness. The Declaration of Independence says that we have a "right" to pursue happiness, but it doesn't say that we will always acquire happiness. Do we really have a "right" to be happy? Let's explore.  
                                                                                                                                                   Sunday, 7 October 2018, 11:00 am
Richard Graham
“The Resurrection as Fact”

Some (most?) members in our congregation do not believe in the literal resurrection of Christ as a real event but rather as mythology arising out of our fear of death. I have researched in detail this subject and found, much to my astonishment, that Christians DO HAVE a rather strong case to make for the resurrection of Jesus Christ being a historical fact in the history of our world. I will be giving their side during this talk.
The Grahams, Richard and Diane, have been Unitarian Universalists for 42 years. They were members of the Charlotte UU’s during the time they built a huge church and, when they moved to Boone, were members of the Boone UU Fellowship. Richard, although a college graduate, said his real education came from reading books about various subjects. He has given 19 talks in Boone on subjects that interest him and two in Black Mountain. He volunteered for Hospice in Boone and gave talks to civic and church groups asking for their financial support; also he is a past president of Crime Stoppers in Boone. His ongoing interest in early Christianity is because we are today very much a result of what they were back then.                          
Sunday, 14 October 2018, 11:00 am
Rev. Michael J.S. Carter
“To Be or Not to Be – In a Relationship”

When Shakespeare put these words, this question, into the mouth of Hamlet (Hamlet is contemplating suicide), this question about existence, Hamlet is asking what it means to live. He is asking whether or not people should even exist. Heavy stuff. In this soliloquy, he is contemplating suicide and he compares death to sleep which he thinks actually wouldn’t be so bad. But then Hamlet begins to wonder if it’s better to put up with the bad things one knows about life than to run off into death’s “undiscovered country.” Life is a mystery and so is death. But what is it that compels us, urges us, to desire to live, to keep going? Is this desire to be (or not to be), this desire to exist, is it sacred?  I answer in the affirmative! Out of the primordial desire to exist, everything comes. This sacred force is different from clinging, which is the source of attachment and frustration. Let’s explore.
Sunday, 21 October 2018, 11:00 am
Rev. Michael J.S. Carter
"Beginnings and Endings"

When I was much younger and studying the bible, I became obsessed with what Christians refer to as The Last Judgement. The Last Judgement was supposed to be the end of the world  or at least the end of the world as we know it).  I could not stop thinking about how that event would occur in human history. Yes, these obsessive thoughts were due to the fear I was subjected to from the clergy and their interpretation of the bible; yes, it was because of the indoctrination I received as a child and even today, occasionally, I think, but “what if they were right?”  Yet for every so called “ending” there is usually a new “Beginning.” Life is at least on some level, a series of beginnings and endings, of knowing when to hold on and learning when to let go. How do you view beginnings and endings in your life experience?
Sunday, 28 October 2018, 11 amRev. Michael J.S. Carter
"Rev. Dr. James Cone - the Father of Black Liberation Theology"

While attending Union Seminary, I had the privilege of studying Systematic Theology with Dr. James Cone, the founder of "Black Liberation Theology." He was not a perfect human being, but his passion and love for African American people, his belief that "God" was on the side of the oppressed, and his intellectual gifts were simply astonishing. He also happened to be one of two professors who encouraged me to stay on at Union for a Ph.D. (This was after reading my Master's Thesis on the topic of UFO's and the Bible).
Professor Cone died on April 28th, 2018.  You have heard me say on more than one occasion that we as UUs must always remember that the religion of the oppressed is different from the religion of the privileged. Dr. Cone was a privileged academic and intellectual, but he never forgot where he came from. Join me on Sunday October 14th, as I present another "Biographical Sermon" on the life of yet another extraordinary human being--The Rev. Dr. James Cone, Father of Black Liberation Theology.
Sunday, 4 November 2018, 11 am
Dr. Brad Rachman
“Getting Rid of What You Never Had”

In this age, it seems to be getting more and more challenging to discern what is and is not “our stuff.” Our own personal desires, fears, and general blueprint for how we believe our life should be all cloud our recognition of what life really is about. Let’s explore together all of the nuances of this theme and see if we can clear away some of the tarnish of delusion that is resting on the crystal clear mirror of our awareness.
REMINDER:   Upcoming Sunday services can also be found here:
RE News
Ah! Fall is in the air. That can only mean it's time for leaf piles, apple cider, and BOO! at the UU!!
Spirit Play has been a success in our preschool class. They have been learning about the UU Principles and how those principles apply to the wider world. They have learned about the 7 principles, how to apply them with people and how to use them when interacting with animals and plants. 
The elementary class has been learning about the power of Earth and are planning a project that reflects how they apply the 7 Guiding Principles regarding that element.
Our youth class here at UUCSV is small but mighty. Their first session is actually not until after the time of writing this article, but they are excited to "do what the grown-ups do" in Sharing the Journey. I anticipate some deep discussion and discovery will take place in that class. 
Grab your slot now on the CRE (Children's Religious Education) calendar! Slots are available on October 14, 21, and 28. 
Boo! at the UU is coming October 26! This event is open to the congregation. Keep your eyes on The Current for full details. Would you like to support CRE but can't teach? Helping to plan this event is a great way to support the RE department with this one-time commitment. Most planning is done via email and Pinterest! See Beata to let her know how you would like to help.
And speaking of supporting RE, we have a wishlist! Our "spread the flame" RE Chalice is hanging on the wall just inside the front door! Choose a "flame" with an item on it you would like to gift our kids with and drop that item off in the classrooms.
For Meet CRE, I introduce you to Arlo!
Arlo is 5 and he loves animals. He has consistently said he wants to be a zookeeper when he grows up and his favorite animal is a horse. He just started kindergarten. Arlo enjoys playing outside and getting dirty in the creek looking for crayfish.  He also enjoys playing  sports with his brother like basketball, baseball, and soccer. 
Minister's Message continued
Right now between two seasons, I'd make a holiday of solitude, with that clear view the loss of leaves allows, and with a faith that in its time my life, like that of the earth, is balanced out. If I have patience enough to see, and if I make a time to touch the earth again and see the sense it makes of seasons and of me.
                                        --- Max Coots (Seasons of The Self)
Welcome, Autumn, arms full of summer's blessings, carrying the seeds of life for next year's planting. Come, enter my home with your golden wisdom. be my guest and share a table.
Welcome, Old Wise One. Guide me in reflecting upon the summer now gone, that I might give thanks for all the many gifts that have enriched me in that season of growth. 
I greet you spirit of darkness that dwell in night and within me. While you are frightening, you are also a source of power; may I not fear you but learn to live in holy harmony with you; you are not evil unless you dominate me. Night within me, I welcome you as well. May your spirits that reside in me live in the harmony of the Spirit of the Holy. So Be it!
--- Edward Mays ( Prayers for A Planetary Pilgrim)

In this issue:
Minister's Message
Sunday Services 
RE News
Special Event!
Social Action News
Luunch Bunch
Choir News
Women's Group
PSI Group
Friday Fling
Care Team 
Special Event!
LETS CELEBRATE Mamie Hilliard and her newly published book of poetry " …and to see takes time…” at Christmount Conference Center from 3-5 PM Sunday, October 14 hosted by Julia Jordan and Ruth Marion.
Social Action News
1. Stay tuned for the Social Action Committee's 30 Days, 30 Steps towards Environmental and Social Justice.  November 1-November 30, 2018.
2. The Social Action Committee would like to have your suggestions of non profits to receive our annual donations.  We are allotted 4% of the congregation’s pledges to pass on to area non profits like Habitat for Humanity and Homeward Bound.  We give varying amounts to about 30 non profits.  This year we are allotted almost $4,000, so please let Julia Jordan <juliajordan1944@> know if there are non profits you want us to consider.
Luunch Bunch
We gather at noon at the church on the first Tuesday of each month for an hour of interesting discussion. Some of us go out for lunch together afterwards; it’s also fine to bring a lunch if you have only an hour. October’s Bunch is Tuesday, the 2nd, and the topic is "Of Death and Dying"  All are welcome to join us."
Choir News
In October we will rehearse on Sunday the 21st at 12:15, then again on Wednesday the 24th at 7 PM, and on Sunday the 28th,the day of performance at 10 AM.  The choir is sounding grand with a nice full number of singers in each section.  Join us if you like to sing!  
Linda Metzner, choir director
Women's Group
The Women's Group will meet on October 12 at 1:00 pm at the Lynx Community room. Maggie Schlubach will present  "Breathing techniques for improving energy and reducing stress."
To quote Andrew Weil, MD, "If the breath is the movement of spirit in the body - a mystery that connects us to all creation - then working with breath is a form of spiritual practice as well as one that impacts health and healing. How we breathe influences our energy and stress levels, our sleep, heart rate, and blood pressure, digestion and much more." 
We will listen to a 20 minute recording of Dr. Weil leading us through 5 easy breathing techniques that we will be able to use in our daily lives. A printed handout of the 5 techniques will be available. 
PSI Group
The topic for the Psi (Intuitive Development) meeting on Oct 23 at 7:00 pm in the sanctuary is "Crop Circles Evidence of Intelligence," a live presentation by Freddy Silva on DVD.
Per NASA engineer Pat Delgado, "It is perfectly natural to ask if crop circles are hoaxes. but very difficult to explain why they cannot be hoaxed satisfactorily."  And he was right, because people cannot steam plants at right angles without damage, alter the local gravitational field, change the mineral structure of the soil, encode unknown mathematical  theorems, or apply permanent electro-magnetic signatures when attempting to replicate crop circles.
Now that you know that humans can't do it, discover who can!
Friday Fling
October’s Friday Fling, a fun party for grown-ups, usually every third Friday of the month, will be held on 19 October at the UUCSV church. Red and white refreshments will be provided; please bring a potluck dish to share. First movie choice:  Michael (1996; John Travolta; Michael descends from Heaven for his last visit to Earth for all eternity; of course he's an angel, but he's not a saint). Second movie choice: Mr. Turner (2014; Britain's most revered painter, a rich portrait of Victorian life and a complex man whose relationships with his family, fellow artists, and lovers were often as turbulent as the canvasses he painted).
Potluck begins at 6:30. For further information call Norm Kowal (458-4537).
Care Team 
Deb Vingle is the coordinator of our Congregational Care Team. You can reach Deb at 828-674-4290 or at
Thanks, Deb! 
Next Newsletter 
The deadline for the November Newsletter is October 25th. Please  submit  items to this  address. The best format is simply in the body of an email. Thank you!
UUCSV Leadership
Board of Trustees:

Heidi Blozan
Kathryn Coyle
Susan Culler, President
Bob Falanga
Pam Sain
Ann Sillman
Linda Tatsapaugh, VP
Rev. Michael Carter,
ex-officio, non-voting
Board Member
Lee Reading

UUCSV  •  500 Montreat Road  •  Black Mountain, NC 28711

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