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"Balboa" Swing Dance with Mark Nance and Catherine McGuffie
Balboa is one of the swing dances like Jitterbug and Lindy Hop and began in 1930's California. Easier than Lindy in faster tempos and more upright. Some say it comes from the Fox Trot and Charleston. Discover this fantastic and fun to learn swing dance. Five consecutive Tuesday evenings, starting March 7th. Intermediate @ 7:00pm til 8pm and Beginner @ 8:15pm to 9:15. Info 645-2324 or www.ashevillebalboa.com
Swing Dance Classes with Michael & Jaya
At the Asheville Arts Center, 308 Merrimon Ave.
Wednesday nights. Beginner and Intermediate classes offered.
No partner necessary, drop-ins welcome. See www.michaelandjaya.com/ call (828) 253-4000 or email jaya@swingthis.net for more info.
Baraka Mundi's Class Schedule for Winter-Spring 2006:
Mon. 5:30-6:30, Warren Wilson College. All Levels Bellydance with Onca, Director, Baraka Mundi Live Music & Dance Ensemble.
Tuesdays 6-7pm. Bellydance Fundamentals. With Onca and Adrienne of Baraka Mundi. Includes warm up and flexibility training.
Tues. 7-8pm Cardio and Flexibility for Dance. With Claire Ghusun Dima of Baraka Mundi.
Tues. 8-9pm. Spanish Fusion bellydance: Skirt and Fan Choreography. With Onca. (till Mid-March)
Wed. 6-7pm, AB Tech College. All Levels Bellydance with Onca and Claire Ghusun Dima of Baraka Mundi.
Thurs. 6-7pm. Bellydance Fundamentals. Includes warm up and flexibility training with Onca and Crystal.
Thurs. 7-8pm. Drills, Isolations and Spins. With Jen of Baraka Mundi.
Thurs. 8-9 Traditional Egyptian Ghawazee & Cane. With Master Teacher Diana Shahein.
Friday 4:30-5:40pm, Mars Hill Community College. All Levels Bellydance with Adrienne of Baraka Mundi.
Tuesday and Thursday classes are held at the Future of Tradition Center, 129 Roberts Street, Asheville, NC 28801. Start anytime. All levels of fitness, genders welcome. Young people welcome with an adult. Future of Tradition classes are $10 each or $55 for unlimited classes for a month. All others are through the hosting organization. Private lessons $40 p/hr.
For more info, email onca@barakamundi.com or 828 232 2980! www.barakamundi.com.
Mountain Thunder Cloggers are a family-oriented, precision clogging team from Asheville, NC. Our #1 priority is to have fun! No experience necessary! Affordable classes for all ages!
Wednesdays: Beginner 7-7:45 PM, Tuesdays: Intermediate 1 6:00 - 6:45 PM, Intermediate 2 6:45 - 8:00 PM & Advanced 8:00-8:30 PM. Only $35/8-week session (2 full months!) at the Oakley Recreation Center. Classes taught by certified instructor, Kate Guzy. Please call 828-651-0238 or visit mtnthundercloggers.org
Nia (Neuromuscular Integrative Action) is a non-impact expressive dance and awareness movement practice. Nia is a fusion blend of Eastern Modalities: Tai-Chi, Tae Kwon Do, and Aikido martial arts; Western Modalities: Modern, Duncan and Jazz dance moves, and Healing Modalities: Feldenkrais, Alexander Technique and Yoga. Nia offers a safe, non-impact cardiovascular experience that embraces individual creativity, self-inquiry and free expression. All dancing backgrounds and ages welcome. Ongoing, open classes meet Mondays 6:30pm-7:30pm Capital Health Spa (Earthfare Plaza) and Saturdays 10-11am Warren Wilson College Bryson Gym with Brown Belt Nia Teacher, Elizabeth Alyn Johnson. Call 828-273-4455 or e-mail nia@elizabethalynjohnson.com.
Quantum Tango School of Argentine Tango 729 Haywood Rd. Studio 4 dance, 2nd floor inside the Fortune
Building (corner of Haywood Rd. and 191). Instructors; Karen Jaffe and Jon Berbaum - 828-215-1177 or kjsummit@hotmail.com. Available for group or private classes, parties or performances. Fundamentals Class (ongoing) Wed. 7PM- 8PM,(for dancers with
some knowledge of the basic dance)- $10. Practica Wed 8PM- 9PM, for Quantum Tango students(all levels)-
$5. See www.dancesoup.com
Jitterbug Swing Dance EVERY WED. NIGHT
at Razcal's Restaurant from 7:00 til .....
Exit 8 off 240 near Home Depot. Swing Dance to the music of the 50'S & 60'S.
Blues Tuesdays
Dance the night away at the Westville Pub to live blues music from 10 on. Free cover, no smoking.
The Asheville Clogging Company -
Classes for children, teens and adults- for beginning cloggers through advanced. Learn all styles of clogging: flatfoot, traditional, appalachain and contemporary. Great exercise and alot of fun! Come clog with Asheville's best! Director is Ashley Shimberg, 2003 AAU Junior Olympics Medalist in acapella clogging! Asheville Clogging Company is located on 32 Rosscraggon Road. Reasonable rates. Call 329-3856 or 681-2099 or email e-mail AshevilleClogCo@aol.com for more information. To register call the studio at 684-8832.
Salsa Instruction In Greenville, SC. Learn
to dance "LA style" Salsa. No partner necessary. Classes
are held at the English Theatre Arts Dance Studio on Woodruff
Rd, Greenville, SC. Cost is $40. For more info call 864-284-0737
(John or Jennifer) or visit their
Belly Dancing Classes
7:30-9:15pm Thursdays at Namaste
Yoga & Healing Center, 57 Broadway, downtown Asheville.
Taught by Mizilca. Kids Belly Dancing Class at 4:00-4:45pm.
For more information, call 253-6985.
Swing Dance Lessons
Sosh & Gina.
Group & Private Lessons for Lindy Hop, East Coast/Jitterbug,
Charleston, Jazz.
Cell: 301-4608 or Email: info@dancelindy.com
Salsa Lessons with
Maria-guajira Trade options avail. Call Maria at 252-9286 or email maria@salseros828.com
West Coast Swing with Ms. Lou Busey. Beginner to advanced, for the
social and/or competitive dancer. Group and private
lessons available. Call
919-247-0806 or email BluEyeLu@yahoo.com
Swing Lessons with Michael & Jaya
- Group and private lessons in Lindy Hop, Blues, Jitterbug, & Jazz for social dancing, performance, weddings, and more. Contact jaya@swingthis.net or call (828) 275-3693 for more info.
Asheville Ballroom Dance Center - For more info
see ashevilleballroom.com
Blue Ridge Ballroom - For more info call (828)
253-9108 or see blueridgeballroom.com/
Cross-Step Waltz
w/ Tom Magruder. Contact the Synergy Center at 828-298-4688 or www.synergycenter.us.
Scott Baxla of Mostly Waltz Instruction in Social
Couples Dancing, including Waltz, Argentine Tango, and Blues
Swing. ScottBaxla@yahoo.com
D C Studio specializing in Social and Sequenced Ballroom (Round Dance) Instruction. For more Info call 654-9708 or visit
their website.
The Asheville Movement Collective! The 10:30 Sunday morning Sweat Your Prayers - Five Rhythms Sacred Movement/Free Dance group has a new name:
The Asheville Movement Collective!
The Asheville Movement Collective meets every Sunday @ 10:30 to NOON
If you enjoy moving, dancing and celebrating individually & collectively you are welcome.
Salsa - 6 Week Workshops at Studio 4 on Thursdays. 7-8 pm Beginners / 8-9 Intermediate level 1 / 9-10 Intermediate level 2. $55/person $100/couple. $10 drop-in.
Pre-registration required. Class credit for refunds. Trade options available. Limited class size.
Call Maria for more info at 828.252.9286 or visit www.salseros828.com.
Salsa Socials
Come practice your moves at the Salsa Study Hall. Mondays 8:30– 10:30…pm. Half hour Intermediate level Class at 8:30pm.
Great practice time for beginners 9-10:30pm. Come enjoy dancing and learn from other dancers! All ages welcome. Light beverages provided. Only $5!! Studio 4 - 727 Haywood Rd. Please call ahead during ice and snow days!
Call Maria for more info at 828.252.9286 or visit www.salseros828.com.
Quantum Tango is beginning Distance courses to other cities and
working on setting up a Tango Network in the Appalachian Highlands. If you
know interested parties send them to www.dancesoup.com
Ladies Leading Ladies in Asheville offers women the opportunity to learn to lead or follow in classes designed to meet the needs of same sex couples. Core classes include the basic fundamentals of waltz, foxtrot, tango, and Latin and swing dances. No partner is required, all women are welcome. For more information visit LadiesLeadingLadies.com or call (828) 768-7141.
Whirlin' Rounds - Round Dance Club with leaders Frank and Carol Valenta will meet Wednesdays from 7:00pm to 9:30pm at D C Studio in Fletcher. Attire is dress-up casual including proper shoes but, NO BOOTS, SANDALS OR SNEAKERS PLEASE. Dancing is Phase III+ and higher. Learn improved dance skills and new choreography during the workshop period each week. Admission is $5/person. Call 654-9708 for more information and driving directions or visit
their website.
Argentine Tango, the dance of passion! ...
The third Saturday of each month, come to the Milonga (Tango Dance party) at Kenilworth Inn on Caledonia - 8-11pm. There is a Practica every Sunday evening at 6:30 - 9:30pm at the same location.
Visit www.tangoasheville.com or call Ava Carr at 258-3825 if you have questions.
Greenville Swings ... every tues @ Handlebar
- lesson at 7 pm, dancing at 8 pm - For more information email
Starts March 7 (Tuesday) SWING... "Balboa" Swing Dance with Mark Nance and Catherine McGuffie Balboa is one of the swing dances like Jitterbug and Lindy Hop and began in 1930's California. Easier than Lindy in faster tempos and more upright. Some say it comes from the Fox Trot and Charleston. Discover this fantastic and fun to learn swing dance. Five consecutive Tuesday evenings, starting March 7th. Intermediate @ 7:00pm til 8pm and Beginner @ 8:15pm to 9:15. Info 645-2324 or www.ashevillebalboa.com
March 9 (Thursday) CONTRA...
Reunion Fund Raiser at Bryson Gym, Warren Wilson College.
Community Open Band led by John Combs, Laura Lengnick and Mark Mueller. Dance 8 PM, Beginners Lesson - 7:30pm. More info about Asheville area Contra Dances can be
found at www.oldfarmersball.com/
March 10 (Friday) CONTRA...
Brevard Contra Dance 7:30-10:30pm at the
American Legion Bldg,
55 East Jordan Street, Brevard NC. Next dance Mar. 10. For more info call Don Burger, dance organizer, (828) 553-7543.
March 13 (Monday) CONTRA...
Contra Dance 8 PM at Grey
Eagle -
Featuring Goosebone Prophets (Laura Lengnick, Roger Gold, Jeff Hersk & Myra Hirschberg) w/ Tom Calwell. $5. Beginners Welcome! More information about Asheville area
Contra Dances can be found at the www.oldfarmersball.com/ website.
March 16 (Thursday) CONTRA... Contra Dance at Bryson Gym, Warren Wilson College. Featuring Dancing Bears (Lew Gelfond, Mark Langner, John Culp,
Skip Metheny) w/ Barbara Groh. Dance 8 PM, Beginners Lesson - 7:30pm. More info about Asheville area Contra Dances can be
found at www.oldfarmersball.com/
March 17-19 (Friday-Sunday) SWING / BLUES / LATIN / CONTRA / ZYDECO... Durham Music and Dance Festival Five Top National Bands at the Durham Armory, Saturday and Sunday - Lavay Smith and Her Red Hot Skillet Lickers, Ricardo Lemvo & Makina Loca, Nightingale with George Marshall, Roomful of Blues, Rosie Ledet (pictured) and the Zydeco Playboys. The Armory provides up close intimate seating and 8400 square feet of wood dance floor. Beginners lesson in swing, zydeco, salsa, contra preceeding the Armory shows. Dance Workshops Saturday and Sunday at Triangle Dance Studio with Top National Instructors. Salsa Workshops: From Massachusettes, Victor Perez and Burju Hurturk of Hacha y Machete (www.hymstyle.com) and Lucy Lu from Atlanta. Swing Workshops: Paul Overton and Sharon Ashe (www.paulandsharon.com). Night of the Living DJs, Friday Night, Triangle Dance Studio. Two dance floors, 5 dj's, demos and classes in ballroom, swing, salsa, zydeco, waltz.
Each concert/workshop is a stand alone event that can be purchased or you may choose from a number of packages. We have a special hotel rate for the Crown Park Hotel in Durham and will also have community hosting. Check the website for more details - www.durhamfestival.com
March 17 (Friday) WORLD...
Baraka Mundi at Zambra It's worth a visit just to see and hear Miguel Flamini, our incredible world percussionist. We think this guy is as good as it gets. Zambra is located in downtown Asheville. Online at www.barakamundi.com.
March 18 (Saturday) CONTRA...
|Contra Dance at the Asheville Jewish Community Center, 236 Charlotte Street. Music by Get Reel (Duncan Wickel –fiddle, Beanie Odell -fiddle, Vincent Fogarty -bouzuki) with Mark Langner calling.
Celebrate St. Patrick’s with Real Irish!
Dances begin at 7:30pm with a couples dance and concurrent beginner workshop.
The contra dance begins about 8:00pm. $7. For more information, email avlcontra@bellsouth.net or call (828) 252-5345 or (828) 255-9905.
March 20 (Monday) CONTRA...
Contra Dance 8 PM at Grey
Eagle -
Featuring Larry Unger & Eden McAdam Somer w/ Charley Harvey. $5. Beginners Welcome! More information about Asheville area
Contra Dances can be found at the www.oldfarmersball.com/ website.
March 23 (Thursday) CONTRA... Contra Dance at Bryson Gym, Warren Wilson College. Featuring Atlantic Crossing
from New England w/ Diane Silver. Dance 8 PM, Beginners Lesson - 7:30pm. More info about Asheville area Contra Dances can be
found at www.oldfarmersball.com/
March 25 (Saturday) WORLD...
Workshop & Hafla with the amazing Zi'ah Ali of Atlanta's Awalim Dance Company. She will be teaching 'Spinning Sword' and 'Tribal Cane', and appearing as the featured artist in our evening celebration. This hafla also celebrates all our teen dancers on the brink of adulthood, as the community prepares to say goodbye to college-bound dancers Blaize D'Angio, heroine in 'The Secret of Ashes', and the other great gals of Asheville's Illyoum ou Boukra and Bliss. Pre-reg online at www.barakamundi.com.
March 25-26 (Saturday-Sunday) CONTRA ...
Mini Weekend Dance
at River Falls Lodge
above Marietta, SC in northern Greenville County. Presented
by the Harvest Moon
Folk Society.
Sat(8-11) and Sun (1:30-4:30). Beth Molaro (Sat)
Diane Silver(Sun) Notorius (Larry Unger and Eden Macadam-Somer)(Saturday)
Atlantic Crossing (Sunday)
March 27 (Monday) CONTRA... Contra Dance 8 PM at Grey
Eagle -
Featuring Atlantic Crossing (Viveka Fox, Brian Perkins, Rick Klien,
Peter MacFarlene) w/ John Combs. $5. Beginners Welcome! More information about Asheville area
Contra Dances can be found at the www.oldfarmersball.com/ website.
March 30 (Thursday) CONTRA... Contra Dance at Bryson Gym, Warren Wilson College. Featuring Far Horizons (Julia Weatherford, Barbara Davis, Art Shuster) w/ Mark Langner. Dance 8 PM, Beginners Lesson - 7:30pm. More info about Asheville area Contra Dances can be
found at www.oldfarmersball.com/
April 1 (Saturday) CONTRA ...Contra Dance
at River Falls Lodge
above Marietta, SC in northern Greenville County, 8 - 11 PM. Presented
by the Harvest Moon
Folk Society. Featuring Carolina TuneCroppers (Stephanie Wolf, David White, Marshall Goers and John Fowler) with caller Adina Gordon.
We set up at about 5:00 and have a covered dish supper at 6:30 before
the evening dance. Beginners dance session is at 7:30 and the dance is
at 8:00. Please come early and help if you can. Dances at River Falls
Lodge are $8. No charge for kids. Info: 864-885-0643
or by e-mail edeliz@aol.com
April 3 (Monday) CONTRA... Contra Dance 8 PM at Grey
Eagle -
Featuring Far Horizons (Julia Weatherford, Barbara Davis, Art Shuster) w/ Anne Marie Walter. $5. Beginners Welcome! More information about Asheville area
Contra Dances can be found at the www.oldfarmersball.com/ website.
April 6 (Thursday) CONTRA... Contra Dance at Bryson Gym, Warren Wilson College. Featuring Far Horizons (Julia Weatherford, Barbara Davis, Art Shuster) w/ Mark Langner. Dance 8 PM, Beginners Lesson - 7:30pm. More info about Asheville area Contra Dances can be
found at www.oldfarmersball.com/
April 7 (Friday) WORLD... Baraka Mundi at Zambra Who knows what paragons of fusion grace will be descending upon the place? And that's just the band...Online at www.barakamundi.com.
April 8 (Saturday) CONTRA... Contra Dance at the Asheville Jewish Community Center, 236 Charlotte Street. Music by Goosebone Prophets (Laura Lengnick - fiddle, Roger Gold - guitar, Jeff Hersk – bass) with Anne Marie Walter calling.
Dances begin at 7:30pm with a couples dance and concurrent beginner workshop.
The contra dance begins about 8:00pm. $7. For more information, email avlcontra@bellsouth.net or call (828) 252-5345 or (828) 255-9905.
April 10 (Monday) CONTRA... Contra Dance 8 PM at Grey
Eagle -
Featuring Hot Fudge Monday (Rob & Beth Mangum & friends ) w/ Margaret Mathews. $5. Beginners Welcome! More information about Asheville area
Contra Dances can be found at the www.oldfarmersball.com/ website.
April 13 (Thursday) CONTRA... Contra Dance at Bryson Gym, Warren Wilson College. Featuring Ants in the Pantry (Laurie Fisher, Karen Gaughan, John Culp,
Skip Metheny) w/ Charley Harvey. Dance 8 PM, Beginners Lesson - 7:30pm. More info about Asheville area Contra Dances can be
found at www.oldfarmersball.com/
April 15 (Saturday) CONTRA ...Contra Dance
at River Falls Lodge
above Marietta, SC in northern Greenville County, 8 - 11 PM. Presented
by the Harvest Moon
Folk Society. Featuring Carolina Chocolate Drops (Justin Robinson, Rhiannon Giddens and Dom Flemons) with caller Laurie Fisher.
We set up at about 5:00 and have a covered dish supper at 6:30 before
the evening dance. Beginners dance session is at 7:30 and the dance is
at 8:00. Please come early and help if you can. Dances at River Falls
Lodge are $8. No charge for kids. Info: 864-885-0643
or by e-mail edeliz@aol.com
April 17 (Monday) CONTRA... Contra Dance 8 PM at Grey
Eagle -
Featuring Dancing Bears (Lew Gelfond, Mark Langner, John Culp,
Skip Metheny) w/ Barbara Groh. $5. Beginners Welcome! More information about Asheville area
Contra Dances can be found at the www.oldfarmersball.com/ website.
April 20 (Thursday) CONTRA... Contra Dance at Bryson Gym, Warren Wilson College. Featuring Shady Lane Special (Jesse Downs, Collier Reeves, Matt Schreoder,
Davis Brown) w/ Phil Jamison. Dance 8 PM, Beginners Lesson - 7:30pm. More info about Asheville area Contra Dances can be
found at www.oldfarmersball.com/
April 21 (Friday) WORLD... Baraka Mundi at Zambra Who knows what paragons of fusion grace will be descending upon the place? And that's just the band...Online at www.barakamundi.com.
April 22 (Saturday) CONTRA ...Contra Dance
at River Falls Lodge
above Marietta, SC in northern Greenville County, 8 - 11 PM. Presented
by the Harvest Moon
Folk Society. Featuring Holy Coyote (Laurie, Karen, Dave and Larry) with caller Cis Hinkle.
We set up at about 5:00 and have a covered dish supper at 6:30 before
the evening dance. Beginners dance session is at 7:30 and the dance is
at 8:00. Please come early and help if you can. Dances at River Falls
Lodge are $8. No charge for kids. Info: 864-885-0643
or by e-mail edeliz@aol.com
April 24 (Monday) CONTRA... Contra Dance 8 PM at Grey
Eagle -
Featuring Wild Goose Chase (Bob Kogut, Karen Gaughan, Art Shuster,
Skip Metheny) w/ Beth Molaro. $5. Beginners Welcome! More information about Asheville area
Contra Dances can be found at the www.oldfarmersball.com/ website.
April 27 (Thursday) CONTRA... Contra Dance at Bryson Gym, Warren Wilson College. Featuring Brad Leftwich, Tom and Patrick Sauber
from California w/ Anne Marie Walter. Dance 8 PM, Beginners Lesson - 7:30pm. More info about Asheville area Contra Dances can be
found at www.oldfarmersball.com/
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