Jeffrey Dach, M.D. NewsLetter
Happy 2008 !
The Importance of the Pelvic Sonogram
More Book Reviews on Amazon.com
Why Bio-Identical Hormones are Safe
The Importance of the Pelvic Sonogram.
Why Get a Baseline Pelvic Sonogram?
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A 56 year old female patient had an episode of abnormal post-menopausal vaginal bleeding for which a pelvic sonogram was recommended. The sonogram showed a cystic swiss cheese appearance of the endometrium which looked like this:
The abnormal endometrium is located between the two small white x's in the center of the uterus. Notice the small black areas which are filled with fluid.
The abnormal endometrium required two procedures. First, an endometrial biopsy and later, a D and C (Dilatation and Curettage) which was done for a complete removal of the abnormal endometrial tissue. Fortunately, the pathology report showed only benign endometrial hyperplasia and polyps. There was no endometrial cancer.
Anatomy Lesson
Diagram on the left shows the uterine outer muscular layer also called the myometrium. Middle diagram shows the inner uterus, also called the endometrium. This is the layer that is shed every month during the bleeding period. Diagram on the right shows fibroid tumors involving the uterine wall in various locations.
Uzzi Reiss MD, author of the book, Natural Hormone Balance for Women, states that it is important to routinely include a pelvic sonogram on all new patients.
Dr Reiss’s reasons are:
1) A pelvic sonogram should be added to the pelvic exam because pelvic exam is a 1950's standard of care. The new standard of care for the year 2000 is a pelvic sonogram.
2) The annual pelvic exam is a useful exam, but is incomplete. It provides a pap smear, visualization of the cervix, and vaginal mucosa. It cannot provide much information about the uterus and ovaries unless these organs are grossly enlarged.
3) The pelvic sonogram provides much more detailed information about the uterine size, shape and consistency, endometrial thickness, and presence or absence of fibroids, masses, or polyps in the uterus. Small masses and abnormalities can be seen on pelvic sonogram which would never be detected on manual pelvic exam.
4) If endometrial thickness is greater than 5 mm, then endometrial biopsy is usually performed to rule out endometrial cancer.
The small image on the left is a normal uterine cavity, and the larger image on the right shows a white cauliflower mass growing into the endometrial cavity. This is endometrial cancer.
5) Pelvic sonogram is more sensitive than pelvic exam for detection and evaluation of ovarian, adnexal masses, cysts, and free fluid in the pelvis.
The sonogram image on the left shows small black spots along the outer margin of the ovary, these are multiple small benign ovarian cysts. The image on the right shows a tubo-ovarian abscess. These findings would be difficult or impossible to detect with manual pelvic exam.
6) Post-menopausal bleeding may occur from fluctuating hormone levels when first starting a bio-identical hormone program. Abnormal vaginal bleeding requires a pelvic sonogram to evaluate the cause of the bleeding. Having a prior baseline sonogram for comparison aids in the interpretation, and can avoid unnecessary procedures.
The sonogram can easily determine the cause of abnormal vaginal bleeding:
Causes of Abnormal Vaginal Bleeding:
Diffuse Endometrial hyperplasia (overgrowth)
Diffuse Endometrial cancer
Endometrial polyps
Submucosal fibroids
Focal Endometrial hyperplasia
Focal Endometrial cancer
Hormone imbalance
Simply endometrial atrophy (undergrowth)
Uterine fibroids can cause bleeding and this is what uterine fibroids look like: On the left side is an anatomic diagram and on the right side is a sagittal MRI Scan showing uterine fibroids (black spots on the MRI). On the MRI, the sacrum is at the right, and the anterior abdominal wall is at the left. The triangular shaped bladder contains white urine below and to the left of the enlarged fibroid uterus.
Sometimes bleeding can be caused by benign endometrial polyps as shown here:
If endometrial thickening (greater than 5 mm) or other abnormality is seen on a sonogram, then endometrial biopsy is usually done. The pelvic sonogram below illustrates the endometrial stripe which is outlined with the yellow line on the right, and the blue line outlines the uterus.
The Endometrial stripe should be less than 5 mm in thickness.
Here is an example of a thickened endometrial stripe suspicious for cancer which requires endometrial biopsy for diagnosis: On the left is a trans-abdominal sonogram, and on the right is a trans-vaginal sonogram showing more detail.
The endometrial biopsy is a 10 minute gyne office procedure in which an instrument is inserted through the endocervical canal and a small sample of the endometrial lining is obtained for pathology analysis. If the pathology is abnormal, a follow up procedure called a D and C (dilatation and curettage) is done to obtain a larger sample, and to remove the entire lesion which is also sent for pathology analysis.
This diagram shows the endometrial biopsy instrument in place inside the endometrial cavity performing a biopsy:
endometrial biopsy
For More information on Endometrial Biopsy, Click Here
Is Pelvic Ultrasound Safe?
There are no known harmful effects associated with the medical use of sonography which has not been shown to cause any harm or any adverse outcomes.
Trans-Abdominal Sonogram vs. Trans-Vaginal Sonogram
The transabdominal sonogram is usually the initial exam. This is done with a full bladder to provide an acoustic window for the transducer which is placed on the abdomen to obtain images of the uterus and ovaries. If needed, a more sensitive transvaginal sonogram is done with a special transvaginal transducer. This provides high resolution images of the uterine contents and ovaries.
I hope the above discussion has convinced you of the importance of the pelvic sonogram, and why we ask that all post Menopausal women have a Baseline Pelvic Sonogram before starting our Bio-Identical Hormone Program.
A pelvic exam is 1950's standard of care. A pelvic sonogram is newer technology and current standard of care for 2000-2008.
Still haven't had your pelvic sonogram? To schedule your pelvic sonogram, call the office at 954-983-1443 and we will arrange it for you.
Are you in between doctors, and looking for a good gyne doctor? We know most of the gyne doctors in the community and can refer you to someone suitable for your needs. Call the office and you can select a gyne doctor from our own list of top doctors.
Happy New Year 2008 from Jeffrey Dach MD
Ultrasound in the Evaluation of Abnormal Vaginal Bleeding Massachusetts General Hospital Department of Radiology
Ultrasound of ovarian cancer Massachusetts General Hospital Department of Radiology
Uterine Fibroid Embolization Massachusetts General Hospital Department of Radiology
Book Reviews on Amazon by Jeffrey Dach MD
Here are a few more of my book reviews on Amazon.com. I have no financial relationship with Amazon, so feel free to use the library rather than buy a copy of the book.
The Testosterone Syndrome:The Critical Factor for Energy, Health, and Sexuality--Reversing the Male Menopause by Eugene Shippen MD
The Andropause Mystery: Unraveling Truths About the Male Menopause by Robert S Tan MD
Could It Be B12?: An Epidemic of Misdiagnoses by Sally M. Pacholok R.N. and Jeffrey J Stuart D.O.
Avoiding Breast Cancer While Balancing Your Hormones by Joseph McWherter MD
Natural Hormone Balance for Women by Uzzi Reiss MD
Curing the Incurable, Vitamin C, Infectious Disease and Toxins by Thomas E Levy MD JD
From Fatigued to Fantastic A Clinically Proven Program to Regain Vibrant Health and Overcome Chronic Fatigue and FibromyalgiaNew, revised third edition by Jacob Teitelbaum MD.
Adrenal Fatigue, the 21st Century Syndrome by James L Wilson, ND, DC, PhD
To read all my reviews on Amazon.com, Click Here
Bio-Identical Hormones Are Safe, says Jacob Teitelbaum MD
Quoted from Jacob Teitelbaum MD:
“As a friend of mine used to say, if things don't make sense, follow the money trail. Because the sale of non-bioidentical estrogen and progesterone makes so much money for drug companies, I suspect that those companies find their profits threatened by the use of safe bioidentical hormones. As has frequently been the case when natural products threaten pharmaceutical sales, there appears to be a major public relations misinformation campaign.
Although I am not privy to what goes on in the pharmaceutical "back rooms," my impression is that they feel that if consumers can be confused and frightened enough by misinformation, profits can be protected. My impression (as a physician without a financial stake in either side) is that bioidentical hormones are far safer and more effective than synthetic progesterone and pregnant horse urine (Premarin).
Historically, unfortunately, when there is big money to be made, there has been no problem getting big-name doctors to tout the health benefits of infant formula over breast milk and even of smoking! It's sad when information put out by actresses, like Suzanne Somers in her recent book Ageless (on bioidentical hormones), is more accurate than information put out by prominent physicians! But this is what happens when money talks.
To help supply more accurate information on the subject, I'd like to offer readers an excellent review article by Dr. Kent Holtorf. Kent is a superb physician and a friend of mine whom I greatly respect. I think that after reading this article, it will be clear to you that bioidentical hormones are the way to go.”
The article reviews the medical literature demonstrating why natural hormones are superior to the synthetic hormones. The conclusion is clearly shown that bioidentical hormones are safe, much safer than the synthetics, Premarin and Provera.
Click Here for Natural (Bioidentical) vs. Synthetic Hormone Replacement Therapy by Kent Holtorf, MD.
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Jeffrey Dach MD
4700 Sheridan Suite T
Hollywood FL 33021
954 983-1443
Jeffrey Dach, M.D.
All after tax profits from TrueMedMD clinic operations are donated to charity.
(c) 2007-8 all rights reserved jeffrey dach md
Jeffrey Dach, M.D. TrueMedMD
Catalog of NewsLetters
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Stroke Prevention and Vitamin C by Jeffrey Dach MD
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(10) B12 Deficiency by Jeffrey Dach MD
(11) Rachel Carson and Silent Spring by Jeffrey Dach MD
(12) Vitamin D Deficiency by Jeffrey Dach MD
(13) Andrew Weil AARP, and Human Growth Hormone HGH by Jeffrey Dach MD
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(15) Blood Pressure Pills for Hypertension, When to Treat? by Jeffrey Dach MD
(16) Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) by Jeffrey Dach MD
(17) Protect Your Family From Bad Drugs by Jeffrey Dach MD
(18) Roger Federer, Race Horses and Pulsed ElectroMagnetic Devices by Jeffrey Dach MD
(19) Vaccination, Autism Link, Real or Imagined? by Jeffrey Dach MD
Catalog of Articles Published on Hank Barnes World,
You Bet Your Life, by Jeffrey Dach MD
Lipitor and "The Dracula of Modern Technology" by Jeffrey Dach MD
Osteoporosis, Bisphosphonate Drugs and Toulouse Lautrec by Jeffrey Dach MD
Prozac, Paxil and SSRI Drugs - Part One by Jeffrey Dach MD
Prozac, Paxil and SSRI Drugs - Part Two by Jeffrey Dach MD
Max Essex and Virological Failure in the NEJM by Jeffrey Dach MD
The Origins of HIV by Jeffrey Dach MD
A Medical Article that I Published in 1980:
Dach J, Patel N, Patel S, Petasnick J. Peritoneal mesothelioma: CT, sonography, and gallium-67 scan. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 1980 Sep;135(3):614
Jeffrey Dach, M.D.
Member of the Board of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine
Board Certified by the American Board of Radiology
4700 Sheridan, Suite T
Hollywood Fl 33021
office phone 954-983-1443
Don't forget to visit
my web site for more information, and we you might like to attend one of our free seminars on Wednesday Nights. Please call for reservations for the seminar, though.
Do you have a testimonial, or a question for the newsletter? Send it in via email reply.
Sincerely Yours
Jeffrey Dach, M.D.
4700 Sheridan Suite T.
Hollywood, Fl 33021
Dr. Dach is Board Certified by the American Board of Radiology and a
member of the Board of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine. He has 25 years experience in the Memorial Hospital System as an interventional radiologist. His current practice focuses on Bio-identical hormone supplementation for men and women, menopause, andropause, HGH, testosterone, natural thyroid and the use of natural substances rather than drugs in the appropriate setting.
All after-tax profits from TrueMedMD office operations (including nutritional supplement sales) are donated to charity.
Conflict of Interest Disclaimer: We receive no money from the pharmaceutical industry or from the NIH. We do not sell any products to the public at large. We do however, make available selected nutritional supplements to our office clients at a small markup to cover our costs.
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(c) 2007 all right reserved Jeffrey Dach MD