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Mary Aranas Yoga
May '09 * Mary ENews Issue #41 * Letting Go

Spring Cleaning

In Savasana relaxation, we open our palms. Shoulders relax, fingers unclench, we "let" go whatever we're gripping, ready to receive new gifts. When I teach Heart Chakra every 7th thematic week, we chant the long "A" vowel to energetically peel away grief, Anahata's block, readying the heart for love and healing. We always release something to accept something. A grudge, an identification with a role or memories, even painful ones: we clutch on!

It is hard to let go! Don't I know it. "Aparigraha" the 5th and last "Yama" in Patanjali's first limb of 8 in the Yoga Sutras, teaches non-grasping, non-greed. And I wrestle with it - mind, calendar, closet, shelf, plate, bag!

I'm morosely walking home, after releasing turtle Emma into a pond, beside my boy who co-parented her. He's appealed her release for months. Now, he says: "Mom, she's better where she is." I mope and mumble. My thirteen-year-old fed-up finally says: "What's the Chakra for not being attached?" Me, stunned: "Crown Chakra?" "That's the one" says Raphael. I am comforted. A bit. Less for me than for him. He can recall Sahasrara Chakra when he loses something too tied to his identity, as being the ever responsible mother and caretaker was for me.



Flying to Dutch! ~ And Summer Schedule

I'm flying to Amsterdam this Wed., thence a train then bus, to camp out, learn and play at the 23rd annual Dutch Acrobatics Festival! Not only is it my first time in Holland, it is a joy to travel and camp with play pals from New York; and for me, all learning, and all travel are blessedness.

Report on Dutch Acro in my June ENews! A picture or two, maybe! For my AcroYoga students: more play tools! Thank you Raul for caretaking Raphael for a week, and Isabell for your extra care when Raul is still performing in DC!

Just 3 summer classes on my weekly schedule! Check out Om Factory's 10-10-10 May Stimulus Package at sidebar! They also have Teacher Training in Sept., and Fire Island Retreat weekends June, July, August! See Pure Yoga's eye-popping offers ($0 initiation); to try Pure, get a 3-day pass from me. ISHTA Yoga and my teacher Alan Finger offer Teacher Training and now Marma point training too. YogaWorks opens its SoHo doors June 15! Economy, what? NY Health & Racquet opens a new Park Avenue South Club this summer! Watch for Pure Yoga's West Side studio at year end, and one downtown next year!

For my classes, retreats, links to these and more, see my constantly updated website.



NYYTA; YogaCity

Keep abreast of happenings bloomin' all about New York, what with free Lululemon sponsored Yoga in Bryant Park and in their various stores, workshops and lectures and trainings in studios all over Manhattan and the other boroughs.

New York Yoga Teachers' Association offers among other things, Working Advantage group insurance access. Facebook's YogaCity NYC serves the function of a salon, a bulletin board, a public square, a cafe for all things Yoga in the city.

If you are an AcroYogi or remotely interested in it, there are more links you'll want! Contact me for the ones I'm hooked in with!



Summer Reading! #1

This perennial was recommended to me by Chris Loebsack, in photo with me above, who will lead the September Om Factory Teacher Training. Vanda Scaravelli's "Awakening the Spine" was written in 1991. At that time, the late Scaravelli was 83, and her wonderful book is based on her over 50 years of practice and teaching that began under B.K.S. Iyengar's tutelage. Great for students; fantastic for teachers.

Quotes: "The function of the body is to collect energy from the ground. By grasping the gravity of the earth we become connected to the soil, from which also plants and trees receive their nourishment.... The function of the spine is to elongate, and in this elongation its elasticity and youth are regained. It is not a battle against old age, but rather a bringing back to life of those parts in the body that have been neglected for so long and have lost their suppleness.... There is no age limit, one can start yoga when 70 or 80 years old and no damage will occur if the movements originate from the spine.... A lady of 70 was delighted to follow the movement along her back saying, 'It feels like being young again.'" (P.33)

That's what this here Acroyogini of 50 says! I move and "it feels like being young" over and over and again and again! Love it.



Chakras & Essential Oils Book

Summer Reading #2! Many books exist on essential oils balancing our chakras, or energy centers. This one comes to me from Diane Mora, my aromatherapy expert at Young Living Essential Oils, the pure oils and blends I like to use in Savasana and Restoratives, and for myself. Enjoy! I shall. And you students reap the benefits! Especially in Restorative.



Photo Credits

Photos this issue: thanks friends and fellow yogis! 4-tier plank from bottom: Sam, Reese, Sarah, Alana, Lawryn spotting. Wendy on my feet in Bird; Chris handstanding on my ankles; Metta the lower Double Happy Baby; Alan Finger in Tolasana; Fire Island retreat crowd on Lonelyville beach; YogaWorks photo; Saigon chorines and Raul, Seattle's Fifth Avenue Theater; and Raphael with our outgrown Emma, freedom bound. Raul for taking the Hanuman in stream pic in St. Lucia on the last winter retreat. Thank you all!


In This Issue:

Spring Cleaning
Flying to Dutch! ~ And Summer Schedule
NYYTA; YogaCity
Summer Reading! #1
Chakras & Essential Oils Book
Photo Credits


$10 for 10 classes in 10 days, purchased any day in May! Wow! And, AcroYoga and Forrest Yoga central for New York City.

Also, Fire Island Yoga Retreat Weekends! June 19-21, July 17-19, and August date TBA.

Here's beach AcroYoga circle before sunset, last year's retreat.

Get all details and registration link online at Om Factory.

Om Factory



Beautiful space, 4 studios, workshops and series ongoing; free wi-fi, and member parties and events.

May sale: $0 initiation fee on yearly membership! And a 30-minute private.

Email me for a 3-day pass to sample this amazing lineup of teachers and classes or every style and lineage.

And, starting MAY 30, Alan Finger and his star ISHTA teachers come to Pure with about one workshop per month for months to come! Come catch Al on May 30 with "Introduction to ISHTA and Tantra Yoga," followed by Sarah Platt June 27 and more ISHTA with Jean, Peter, Douglass, Julie, & Mona!

Plus, Pure now has prenatal, Yogi Beans, mom & me, and teen yoga. Yoga for every generation.

Pure Yoga



You see him in the film "Enlightened Up"; now come take his joyous, warm, enlightening and enlivening classes.

Alan Finger is the 2nd generation Yogiraj, co-founder of the lineage that I teach, ISHTA. Visit ISHTA Yoga at Union Square. Catch Al in national and international Yoga conferences, and now several workshops at Pure Yoga, starting May 30!

Ishta Yoga NYC



Grand Opening Day is June 15. Rope wall, sauna, state-of-the-art studios. Exciting neighborhood too!

YogaWorks SoHo



New York Health & Racquet Club opens a new Club at 21st St and Park Avenue South this season. New classes, swimming pool, massage. Try the yacht if you're a NYHRC member; great fun!

NHYRC Park South



My husband Raul opens the show with his guitar and cancion in this Texas sized musical in DC's Signature Theater, through May. Moving book & lyrics - may it live long & prosper!

WSJ "Giant" Review



Summer in Long Island is a frequent Aranas destination this season. Raul reprises his award-winning role of the scurrilous Engineer in "Miss Saigon", this July for Gateway Playhouse in Patchogue, L.I. A classic.

Gateway's "Saigon"



Thank you for enjoying my cyber-sangha and keeping connected though this monthly lifeline; feel free to Forward to a friend, Respond to me; or Unsubscribe. Shanti, shanti! Happy Memorial Day Weekend!


Mary Aranas Yoga • * 310 Lexington Ave. • NY, NY 10016
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