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The Nine Modern Day Muses Facilitator Training
Teleconferences and On-line
Facilitate Creativity Groups Based on The Nine Modern Day Muses (and a Bodyguard)
Taught by Creativity Coach, author and star Muse Facilitator,
Janet Whitehead
with Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coach Founder and author, Jill Badonsky
Why Become a Modern Day Muse Facilitator?
1. You love creativity and want to form groups with kindred spirits because meaningful connections give us joy and fulfillment especially when we are talking about and experiencing creativity.
2. You want another stream of income and joy.
3. You want to attract more clients to your coaching or therapy practice. Your Muse group participants bond with you and are more inclined to work with you individually.
4. You want to continue to go deeper with your own creativity and the nine Modern Day Muses speak to you.
5. You want to expand your SoulCollage
offerings to accentuate the creativity component. The Muses and SC are a wonderful match.
Cost is $650 which includes a comprehensive step-by-step Facilitator Manual, Muse goodies and gifts, and entrance into the
Renegade Muse Ning Group
which is active, on-going support and promotion even after the training is over.
Click here to sign-up. Space is limited.
If you already have a Muse Facilitator Manual or if you have any questions, email for your prorated tuition.
Click here for more information about Muse Groups and see what people are saying
The Muse is IN • 3142 1st Ave • San Diego, CA 92103
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