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APCSS Construction Update May 5, 2011 - Issue #4

Construction Update

This Saturday, May 7, the construction crew will be on site to work on the water supply lines beginning at 9 a.m.  This work must be done on the weekend since it forces a water shut/sprinkler system down at the Center.  


The work will involve some localized excavation with a small back hoe, and eight through cuts of 6" steel pipe. New valves will be installed to provide water and fire protection support to the new wing.


We are making every effort to minimize the number of Saturdays worked during this project. Work between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. is included in the noise permit.   


Pile Driving Update


The pile driving went very smoothing. So smoothly that the contractor was able to install them in one day vice four.  The next step is putting up the block walls which will begin in mid-May and will take approximately four weeks.

What is this new building?

Wing C  is a new 10,000 square ft. single story building to serve as a state-of-the-art Information Integration Learning Laboratory that includes a 108-person plenary space, six seminar rooms, audio-visual and computer server rooms, required ancillary spaces, and an ethno-botanical garden. Read More

Construction FAQs


How tall will the building be and will it obstruct our views?

The building is a single-story and should not impact anyone's views.


There is not enough open space in Waikiki. How much room will this new building take up? 

The current fence line is a construction safety area. The final fence line will only come out as far as absolutely necessary. Once construction is done there will still be ample open green space in the area.  We are also adding an ethno-botanical garden on the Kalakuau side of the campus for the community.


Click here to view an animated rendering of the new building.

Contract Information

This military construction project contract is being managed through the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Honolulu District. The contractor is Su-mo /Nan JV. 

Is this information useful?

Your feedback is greatly appreciated. Please feel free to let us know if this information is useful to you or if you have questions that you'd like us to answer. You can contact us by replying to this email or call 808-971-8916.


Click here to view previous issues this newsletter online:

In this issue:

Construction Update

What is this new building?

Construction FAQs

Contract Information


Contacting APCSS

Thank you for your interest in APCSS activities.


If you have any questions or concerns about our projects please feel free to contact Mary Markovinovic via email at or call at 808-971-8916 during normal working hours.


Also please feel free to recommend that we add someone you know to our distro list.




May/June -  Construction of block walls.


The building is scheduled be completed in mid-2012.

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