Green Leek Vinegar by Susun Weed - December 20th, 2011

Upon Ancient Sacred Ground by Roslyne Sophia Breillat

Think Beyond Pink interview with Linda Bamber and Susun Weed

For You - Seven Rivers of Healing 50 percent off ...

Plants and People: Herbal Medicine Making - Special Offer

For Our Spanish Speaking Wise Women ~ Tributo a la maestra Susun Weed

Green Leek Vinegar by Susun Weed - December 20th, 2011

Dear friends of the green,



Deep dark Green Blessings to you as winter solstice approaches. Time for reflection and self nourishment the Wise Woman Way. 


Now, let me make good on my teasing promise to tell you how to make a delicious vinegar to complement your garlic honey.




Green leek vinegar


Begin by buying (or harvesting from your garden) a bunch of leeks. Use them to make potato-leek soup or any other dish of your desire. Save those tough green tops. You know the part that I mean, the part you were about to throw away or put in the compost.


Instead, chop it coarsely, and find a jar that will be mostly filled by the amount of chopped green leek tops that you have. Best if it has a plastic lid. The jar can be plastic, too. Don’t smash your chopped green leeks into the jar, but don’t let them be too loose either.


After your green leeks are in the jar, pour apple cider vinegar over them, right to the top of the jar. I prefer to use pasteurized apple cider vinegar. I buy a gallon at the store, bring it just to a boil in a non-metallic pan over a high heat, then let it cool, and finally put in back in the original container, now marked so I know I have pasteurized it. Raw vinegar and herbs can combine to make strange (stinky) alien beasts!


Label your vinegar with the date and contents. Wait six weeks. If you are impatient, you could probably use it after just two weeks, but wait as long as you can, which means, make it now, so it will be ready when you want it. Besides being a fantastic salad dressing and marinade (the softened leek tops can be thrown in too), your Green Leek Vinegar helps keep your cholesterol in balance and your immune system strong. This remedy is safe for babies and children.


Hardy souls begin their day with a spoonful of Green Leek Vinegar in water. Whew! That’s a powerful potion!


Next week, we will put it all together into my Allium Advantage Elixir.


Until then, remember, herbal medicine is people’s medicine.



Green blessings,

Susun Weed


Upon Ancient Sacred Ground by Roslyne Sophia Breillat

Copyright ~ Roslyne Sophia Breillat ©


How often are we truly grateful to her for all that she gives us?

How often are our hearts filled with profoundly tender gratitude for this extraordinary privilege, for this extraordinary blessing of her abundant bounty, her towering trees, her glorious skies, her sun sparkled rivers, her vast oceans, her beautiful creatures, her delicate flowers? How often are we humbled by her magnificence, grounded by her support, touched by her beauty, in awe of her power?

How often are we silenced by the many ways in which she continues to give and give and give when her waters are polluted, when her lands are plundered, when her forests are raped?

How often do we ignore the sparkling raindrops upon her shining leaves or her tiny seedlings reaching for the sun? How often do we give ...

Read More Here ...

Think Beyond Pink interview with Linda Bamber and Susun Weed

Susun Weed, author of Breast Cancer? Breast Health! – The Wise Woman Way, joins us for a second fascinating show highlighting foods ability to protects us from cancers.

Every time a cell replicates there is a chance that it will mutate—in fact our body takes care of about 250, 000 DNA mutations daily that can become cancerous.

There are two classes of food that help rid our body of these nasty cells: beans and cruciferous vegetables. Eating four servings of cruciferous vegetables a week can lower cancer risks of all kinds by 50% –and Susun shares many types of foods so that no one should have an excuse not to be including these foods in their diet.

Listen to the Interview Here ...

For You - Seven Rivers of Healing 50 percent off ...

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Plants and People: Herbal Medicine Making - Special Offer

Online courses - study at your own pace with personal mentorship. Join expert herbalist, Linda Conroy as she guides you & provides instruction and tools needed for the beginning medicine maker. Feel confident and excited about the plant world and all it has to offer.

Normally priced at $100, Linda is offering this class for $39.95 for a limited time...Register here.

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For Our Spanish Speaking Wise Women ~ Tributo a la maestra Susun Weed

Revista de Wicca, espiritualidad de la Diosa y Paganismo YULE TRIBUTO A SUSUN WEED


Wise Woman Center • PO Box 64 • Woodstock, NY 12498
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