Allium Advantage Elixir Recipe by Susun - December 28th, 2011

Earth Energy Wisdom - An Interview with White Feather

Wise Woman Ways to Prevent Depression by Susun Weed

Healthy You! Radio Featuring Susun Weed

Seven Directions Movement Meditation by White Feather

 Allium Advantage Elixir Recipe by Susun - December 28th, 2011

Dear friends of the green,


Are you looking for the recipe for Allium Advantage Elixir? Then you have come to the right place.

As you know, alliums are plants like garlic, leeks, onions, chives, ramps, and shallots. Consistent, lavish use of alliums in the diet helps to reduce the risk of many cancers, notably breast and prostate cancers. Sulphur compounds in alliums help counteract bacterial infections. Alliums are also known to help keep the heart healthy and to keep cholesterol in a healthy state. Plus alliums nourish the immune system.


Some of the oldest healing remedies in the Western Tradition are honey and vinegar. These simple substances were the mainstay of Ancient Greek medicine, I am told. By combining them with alliums, we can make a delicious elixir.


Alright! Let’s make our Allium Advantage Elixir. Make Garlic Honey and age it for at least six weeks. Make Green Leek Vinegar and age it for at least six weeks.


Combine equal parts of these two potions to begin. Adjust to suit your taste. I keep mine in a dropper bottle next to my bed so it is easy to take first thing in the morning and last thing at night.



Green blessings,

Susun Weed


Earth Energy Wisdom - An Interview with White Feather

White Feather shares with the listeners:


  •     The path of peace
  •     How and why she received the name White Feather
  •     Having ordinary lives, yet living extraordinary lives
  •     What is Earth Energy?
  •     What feathers symbolizes
  •     Wolf Clan Teachings
  •     Sharing truth
  •     Walking truth
  •     Gift of peace
  •     The importance of our ancestors

Listen Here


White Feather (o' ah dah gah gen), was initiated into the Wolf Clan Teaching Lodge of the Seneca Indian Historical Society by her elder and mentor Yehwehnode-2-Wolves, Twylah Nitsch. A mentor at Wise Woman University, read more about White Feather here

Wise Woman Ways to Prevent Depression by Susun Weed

The dark months are a time of rest and renewal, not a time of high energy. The fairies return to their underground homes at Halloween and return above ground on May Day.

Give in to the slower pace of the winter. Expect less of yourself; enjoy more time in bed. Stop fighting the dark. Let it be deep and nourishing. Before electric lights, humans slept twelve hours a day during the winter.

Recognize the softer energy of contemplation and enjoy it, just as you do the active energy of summer.


Learn how to prevent depression - read the rest of the article here ...

Healthy You! Radio Featuring Susun Weed

Featuring an interview with Susun Weed      Listen here



Healthy You! Radio with Keesha Ewers, ARNP and Friends - Radio That Empowers You to Heal You!

Seven Directions Movement Meditation by White Feather 

This dance creates balance and centeredness as earth changes occur, strengthens our vibral core and brings clarity and focus.

 Order Here

Wise Woman Center • PO Box 64 • Woodstock, NY 12498
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