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Just have to say, I LOVE the writing group. Never could have guessed just how much I love it. Thank you for existing and creating, so we can, too :) ~P.R. Anderson
Your fun prompts have the same effect as shaking a bottle of champagne...  I get all fizzed up and the words just burst out.  Thank you! ~K
Your prompts release the writing like sap from a maple tree in spring. So much sweetness. ~ Linda
It's a push to keep writing when other coping mechanisms are easier. Being part of our on-line group helps to keep me at it, and that helps to keep me sane-ish.

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For only $13 more join the Underground Highway to Creative Result and get a Creativity Zoom workshop monthly, support from a compassionate group, and biweekly art prompts.
More about that here.
Join the Writing Club
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Sometimes creative people need a little structure in order to show up regularly. When structure is provided effortlessly, you may find yourself writing more and as is proved by the members of this club, your writing can't help but get better.
Then again, writing can be the reward in and of itself, as is playing with words. This club is also for people who just love to be creative and want to learn new ways to do that by playing with words.
Your writing gets better ithrough writing regularly. The Writing Club can help make that easy.
Write with me, in The Muse is IN Writing Club. You receive all original prompts much like those seen in The Awe-Manac and The Muse is IN  A Daily Dose of Wonder, plus you're writing with your own tribe of quirky creatives so it's inspirational. The nominal monthly fee is $10 and will help inspire accountability (and costs less than one movie).
For that you get:
  • two emails weekly with an original, irresistible prompt,
  • published responses for those who want to share,
  • and a quick writing tip to keep you knowing how to go deeper with your writing.
“If my doctor told me I had only six minutes to live, I wouldn't brood. I'd type a little faster.” ― Isaac Asimov
"We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect." ~Anais Nin
Sooo, what's different about this Writing Club and these prompts?
  • You won't see them anywhere else on the Internet.
  • We often start with the processes of creativity that make writing easy: Listing, mind-mapping, unfinished sentences, raw materials, repetition, images. Just reading the prompt makes most people want to participate.
  •  Writing in a group creates a different energy, is contagious, and inspiring. This group is supportive and non-competitive. The structure helps you make sure your writing doesn't slip away.
Either way, if you are a writer or someone who wants to play with the creative process, join us. You can leave at any time.

The Muse is In Writing Club is for all levels, including those who have given up on "being a writer" but still wonder what it might be like to write.
All the best,
Jill Badonsky
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The Muse is IN • 3142 1st Ave • San Diego, CA 92103
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