Hi There
Make no mistake - you CAN move past your resistance, chronic procrastination, and self-sabotage. But it takes a regular dose of awareness and the building of self-respect to you feel you DESERVE to show up for the things you love. Immediate gratification is fine every now and then, but it often perpetuates low self-esteem and its rewards are hollow compared to those of creative devotion.
If you would like to inquire about attending the Aligning for Creativity Group in November, please email me at info@themuseisin.com to see if it's a good match for you. This is how you get into the Tuesday group and space is limited.
Doing this work on your own is tricky because the same forces that sabotage your desire to show-up for your creative work, often insidiously come between you and your best intentions to work through it. Structure helps especially when there is delicious imaginative activities that surreptitiously result in effortless creative joy.
Meeting: Four Tuesdays a month at 12-1 pacific time beginning next the first Tuesday in January and is designed to give you the regular exposure you need to retrain your thoughts and feelings to line up with an abundant life in all creative areas. I am leading up to a solid group of people willing to commit for three-months at a time.
It's $100 for four sessions for the people who start the group.
My usual sessions are $125 for 45 minutes. Therapy is $125 a session. To me this approach worked better than therapy. Staying stuck is painful, showing up and receiving regular exposure to a shift in thinking and feeling WORKS.
Even if you don't sign-up for these weekly gatherings, if you're frustrated about endlessly procrastinating and feel painfully stuck, reach out to someone. Reaching out is one of the healthiest things we can do. Creativity is its own reward.
Link to recent call about this group: CLICK