"Most of us live day to day with the understanding that we should live a good life and be kind to others. We follow our job path and try to make a good living working for someone. This life is based on what others think of us. Our life should be one of abundance and living from a place of love. Growing spiritually is about re finding that immaculate, powerful, spiritual being we are." ~ David Arms
$25.00 presentation fee applies to individual session with David.
Individual sessions, $50, scheduled after, (sessions are 45-60 minutes.)
What is Holistic Wellness Alignment?
Trauma, emotional and mental stress, false belief systems and other blocks to our personal growth can be stored in the energy fields of our bodies, impacting our ability to function at our full potential and to lead happy, fulfilling lives.
HWA is a gentle and non-invasive method of healing. HWA treats the WHOLE PERSON. When the emotional causes that are behind most physical issues are cleared, the body starts to heal itself. Even injuries find improvements from getting rid of emotional trauma. Clients invariably report immediate feelings of change, lightness, well-being and relaxation, yet the healing effects can continue for several days as the energy integrates and toxins are released.
For more information contact Patti MacFee at 865-250-1988
Premier Shopping
Premier Shopping Day
Saturday November 15th
10 am-6 pm
There will be vendors onsite.
There is a lovely little gift-shop, nestled in the foothills of the mountains, which is known only to those who have been to the Center for Peace. This gift-shop is quite unique in the quality, beauty and value of its merchandise.
You may have visited a certain beautiful shop in Western Plaza in Knoxville, or maybe the pretty little shop in Maryville and found very similar quality items as those at the Center For Peace—but if so, what you've also found in those other shops are much higher prices.
The prices at the Center For Peace are consistently lower than you will find elsewhere in the region.
The Center for Peace gift-shop carries:
very high quality silver and gemstone jewelry,
Native American type jewelry and items,
beautiful rocks,
minerals and crystals of all sizes.
All of our items are hand picked, with very few duplicates.
Each visitor will be given an index card (or more) for you to make your Wish List on, so bring your partner, friends and family for a day of leisurely browsing our shop. Each person will have an opportunity to shop for anyone that they choose to do so, while their relative, partner or friend enjoys a cup of tea or coffee and a cookie and a friendly conversation with other persons of like mind.
We are asking for sponsorship through monthly donations.
These donations do not need to be large but if those who love the Center for Peace could help by committing a few dollars on a monthly basis it could be the difference between always hoping that someday we will be able to build or provide those needed areas (i.e. showers, sleeping areas, restrooms) and actually making it happen.
If you have participated in any of the programs, offerings, and events that occur on an ongoing basis at the Center for Peace you have already felt the personal blessings from these activities. Our mission is to be a Spiritual Center for our community which extends to anyone open to this learning path.
Monthly Sweat Lodges
Thursday Lodge
November 20th
fire starts @ 5:00 pm
go in lodge about 6:30
~led by Steve Citty
Please arrive as early as 1 hour prior to lodge time to help with the process of covering the lodge.
A sweat lodge or "Purification Lodge", is an intensely rewarding experience. By entering the womb of Mother Earth (the lodge), we seek purification and a deeper spiritual awareness through prayer.
Generally speaking the experience is to deepen spiritual awareness. The steam, heat, and darkness intensify prayers and personal introspection. The lodge leader (pourer), with help from the fire tender, hold an energetic space of safety and security while setting the intent of the lodge. The medicine of the lodge leader and of each participant helps to enrich the lessons of the lodge.
There are composting toilets in the meadow. You may change clothes in these toilets or at the Peace Sound Chamber. There is no nudity in our lodges.
Suggested Items to Bring:
Two Towels
Men are requested to wear swim trunks, gym shorts or something similar.
Women are requested to wear a skirt or dress. (Something for inside the sweat that is modest and you don’t mind getting muddy.)
Change of clothes (Preferably long sleeve and covers all of the legs to keep from getting the feast area dirty).
Covered Dish for the Feast.
It is appropriate to bring tobacco, a small gift, or monetary gift for the fire-keeper and lodge master, both of whom offer their services to the people as a gift.
Cash donations are used to support the Sweat Lodge. We use lots of wood for the fire; supplies like herbs (sage, tobacco, cornmeal, etc.), drinking water, and more. If you are feeling abundant, a donation would be appreciated. (Typically $10-$20)
There is never a charge for Ceremony. If you are not feeling abundant, PLEASE do not allow this to prevent you from coming.
Monthly Fire Ceremony
Fire Ceremony
November 7th - 6:45 pm
~ led by Katy Koontz
The purpose of theFIRE CEREMONYis to heal and purify both the planet’s physical oceans and the oceans of cosmic thought.
At 7 pm local time, fire elders light ceremonial fires at each of the Peace Sound Chambers around the world. Those present watch the fire in silence until it burns out, giving to it what we want to transmute in our lives and staying open to the messages and teachings it brings.
All are welcome. We suggest you arrive around 6:45 pm.
Donations are appreciated.
Drumming, Meditation and Channeling
Tuesdays 7-8:30pm
~led by Perry Robinson
On the 7th, we will all gather for the fire ceremony prior to the evening meeting.
Shift happens . . . . and one of them took place a couple of months ago (July 29).
Suddenly, Perry had a very familiar feeling in a powerful way. The Guides, who have always been present with him, suddenly "filled him up" with a feeling that, he needed to let them speak. So he did; and the last two Tuesdays' "Messiah Training" have been different.
For those who were not around at that time: for about fifteen years ['89 - '04], Drumming, Meditation, and Channeling took place most every week at the Center. We would drum for a while, then drift into a silent meditation. Soon the Guides would begin to speak . . . and the words were helpful to all . . . including Perry.
In 2004, after a traffic incident, Perry felt the Guides' support of him stepping back for a time. So for over ten years a small group has "done other things" . . . book studies, spiritual practices, special interest focuses, shamanic introduction, and -- more recently -- "Messiah Training". Last Tuesday [Aug. 5] the "Messiah Training" group decided to accept this shift and "let's see where it takes us".
So, here we go. All are invited to attend. Bring your favorite drum [we will have a few extras here, if you do not have one to play], an open mind, and a supportive heart. In the spirit of "my job is to show up", let's see what happens. You will know if you need to be here.
An opportunity will be given for other Guides to speak as well.
Out of respect for time, let's come early to socialize, so we can start on time
The Center For Peace is a 501(c) (3) not for profit corporation.
We exist on donations.
If you have ever come to the Center For Peace and liked what you found, PLEASE consider donating now; either a one time donation, or set up an ongoing donation through PayPal.
It seems this is a better way to stay in touch interactively than the page format. We will keep up the page, but invite you to join our new group as well. Simply "click" on the Facebook button above.
The Center for Peace is a non-profit religious corporation in the State of Tennessee. Donations to the Center for Peace can be claimed as deductions from income for income tax purposes.
Active Council Members of the Center for Peace:
Katy Carris
Asheville, NC
Nan Citty
Knoxville, TN 865-405-6809
Steve Citty Knoxville, TN 865-300-4424
Heather Helvey
Knoxville, TN
Ashley King
Maryville, TN
865 466-0157
Teresa McKee
Lenoir City,TN
Sandy Palmer
Seymour, TN
Heather Robinson
Seymour, TN
Jeanne Robinson Seymour, TN 865-428-3070
Lee Sinnott
Johnson City, TN
Chanting in the Chamber
The Peace Sound Chamber is available for chanting, vision quests and ceremonies of many different types.
You are encouraged to come to the chamber and chant, drum, meditate or simply sit (the chamber Spirits love it); please check first that there is not something already scheduled. Please call at least two weeks in advance to reserve our facilities as usage requires council approval
Center For Peace • 880 Graves Delozier Road • Seymour • TN • 37865