Monday, Oct 12
2pm Bold Strokes Books Authors Signing
Recovering Hearts
Radclyffe, Dena Hankins, Missouri Vaun, Franci McMahon, Laydin Michaels,
MJ Williamz, Jo Victor
Wednesday Oct 14
10am-11:30am Bold Strokes Books Author Panel Discussion and Q&A Provincetown Public Library The Writer's Life with Moderator Sandy Lowe Melissa Brayden, Sophia Kell Hagin, Barbara Ann Wright, MJ Williamz
1pm Bold Strokes Books Authors Read! The Provincetown Hotel at Gabriel’s It's a Zoo in Here: Four Legged Heroes with Moderator Barbara Ann Wright D. Jackson Leigh, Franci McMahon, CA Popovich, Radclyffe, Jo Victor, Dena Hankins
2pm Bold Strokes Books Authors Read! The Provincetown Hotel at Gabriel’s Chatty Cathy: Readings with Great Dialogue with Moderator Kris Bryant Missouri Vaun, Justine Saracen, MJ Williamz, CF Frizzell, Jo Victor, Sophia Kell Hagin
3:15pm Bold Strokes Books Authors Signing Recovering Hearts
D. Jackson Leigh, Franci McMahon, CA Popovich, Radclyffe, Jo Victor, Dena Hankins
4pm Bold Strokes Books Authors Signing Recovering Hearts Missouri Vaun, Justine Saracen, MJ Williamz, CF Frizzell, Jo Victor, Sophia Kell Hagin
Thursday Oct 15
10am-11:30am Bold Strokes Books Author Panel Discussion and Q&A Provincetown Public Library
The Author-Reader Partnership with Moderator Sandy Lowe D. Jackson Leigh, Missouri Vaun, Carsen Taite, Radclyffe
1pm Bold Strokes Books Authors Read! The Provincetown Hotel at Gabriel’s Between the Sheets: Erotic Readings with Moderator Missouri Vaun Dena Hankins, Tina Michele, Nell Stark, Ali Vali, D. Jackson Leigh, MJ Williamz
2pm Bold Strokes Books Authors Read! The Provincetown Hotel at Gabriel’s Pen...Paper...Action: Action Scenes with Moderator D. Jackson Leigh Jackie D, Justine Saracen, CF Frizzell, Carsen Taite, Laydin Michaels, VK Powell
3:15pm Bold Strokes Books Authors Signing Recovering Hearts Dena Hankins, Tina Michele, Nell Stark, Ali Vali, D. Jackson Leigh, MJ Williamz
4pm Bold Strokes Books Authors Signing Recovering Hearts Jackie D, Justine Saracen, CF Frizzell, Carsen Taite, Laydin Michaels, VK Powell
5pm-7pm Bold Strokes Books Meet 'n' Greet Harbor Lounge
Come one, come all!
Friday Oct 16
10am-11:30am Bold Strokes Books Author Panel Discussion and Q&A Provincetown Public Library How Books Changed My Life with Moderator Sandy Lowe Ali Vali, Kris Bryant, Jennifer Lavoie, Nell Stark
1pm Bold Strokes Books Authors Read! Provincetown Public Library Love Hurts: The Hardest Scene to Write with Moderator Nell Stark Fiona Riley, Tina Michele, Emily Smith, Kris Bryant, VK Powell, CA Popovich
2pm Bold Strokes Books Authors Read! Provincetown Public Library Sweet Romance Readings with Moderator Ali Vali
Melissa Brayden, Rachel Spangler, Jackie D, Nell Stark, Holly Stratimore,
Jean Copeland
3:15pm Bold Strokes Books Authors Signing Recovering Hearts Tina Michele, Emily Smith, Kris Bryant, VK Powell, CA Popovich
4pm Bold Strokes Books Authors Signing Recovering Hearts Melissa Brayden, Rachel Spangler, Jackie D, Nell Stark, Holly Stratimore,
Jean Copeland
Saturday Oct 17
10am-11:30am Bold Strokes Books Author Panel Discussion and Q&A Provincetown Public Library Authors, Readers, and Publishing with Moderator Sandy Lowe Radclyffe, VK Powell, Ruth Sternglantz, Laydin Michaels, Emily Smith
1pm Bold Strokes Books Authors Read! Provincetown Public Library Forever Romance with Moderator Melissa Brayden
Jennifer Lavoie, Barbara Ann Wright, Aurora Rey, Kris Bryant, Jean Copeland,
Carsen Taite
2pm Bold Strokes Books Authors Read! Provincetown Public Library Readings that Define the Author's Voice with Moderator Dena Hankins
Franci McMahon, Ali Vali, Justine Saracen, Jo Victor, Melissa Brayden, Missouri Vaun
3:15pm Bold Strokes Books Authors Signing Recovering Hearts
Jennifer Lavoie, Barbara Ann Wright, Aurora Rey, Kris Bryant, Jean Copeland,
Carsen Taite
4pm Bold Strokes Books Authors Signing Recovering Hearts
Franci McMahon, Ali Vali, Justine Saracen, Jo Victor, Melissa Brayden, Missouri Vaun |