Talks, Keynotes, Workshops, and Retreats
www.kaizenmuse.com jillbadonsky@hotmail.com find jillbadonsky on Instagram and Facebook
Jill Badonsky, M.Ed. is an internationally recognized workshop leader and award-winning speaker. She is the founder and director of Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coaching Certification Training, a performance poet, multimedia artist, and author/illustrator of The Nine Modern Day Muses (and a Bodyguard), the award-winning The Awe-manac: A Daily Dose of Wonder, The Muse is In: An Owner’s Guide to Your Creativity, and Finding Uber Bliss: A Wildly Creative Journey to the Present Moment.
Her background is in Educational Media/Instructional Design, Teaching, Psychiatric Occupational Therapy, and Marketing.
Jill has been a certified yoga teacher since 1993 teaching at corporate, penal, fitness, and retreat settings. (White Lotus Certification Program). She incorporates mindful yoga practices into trainings and workshops.
She has won International Speech Contests in her area, division, and district both for inspiration and humor.
Partial List of Previous Speaking Engagements:
Creativity Coaching Training Teleconferences
Teaching her own designed 18-week curriculum of Creativity Coaching in teleconferences and retreat settings since 2014
Writing Workshops, Performance Writing, and Day Retreats
San Diego since 1997 - bookstores, libraries, San Diego Writers Ink
Bi-annual Retreats since 2011 in Taos, New Mexico
Leader/Speaker/Workshop Facilitator of
Camp Creative Thunder, Taos New Mexico July 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018, 2019
The Muse in Winter, 2011, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018
Angel Rest Retreat 2006, 2007
Leyden, Massachusetts
Talks, Classes and Workshops at Retreats:
- How to Get Through Creative Blocks
- Unleashing a New Creative Voice
- Yoga for Creativity
- Trading Perfectionism for Productivity and Joy
- The Marriage of Mindfulness and Creativity
- Improv Comedy Classes
- Kamikaze drawing
- Free Range Writing
- Smart Phone Photography as a Creative Outlet
Keynote speeches:
2018 Keynote for Sketchkon: over 400 in attendance
Welcome to the Society of Liberated Artists
Other Keynotes:
National Association of Women Writers
Society for the Arts in Health Care
Art Unraveled
National Association of Expressive Therapists
Montana Women's Retreat
Sunday "Sermons" and Workshops:
Seaside Church of Religious Science
San Jose Center for Spiritual Living
New Thought Churches:
- California
- Phoenix
- Iowa
- Minnesota
- Chicago
Artist Way Teacher for Six years beginning in 1995
Facilitated and Taught Others to Facilitate The Nine Modern Day Muses (and a Bodyguard) Workshops 1996-present: 10 Guides to Unlocking the Creative Process
Welcome to the Society of Liberated Artists

A Keynote Speech for an Art Related Conference: This keynote not only officially welcomes you to an Art Conference but liberates you from: 1) Falling prey to the usual conference perils such as, you know… the kind of comparison where you feel like giving up, going home and binging on Netflix; 2) Nagging fears that taunts you and insists that everyone else will notice you’re not good enough, and
3) Drowning in the sea of so many techniques, choices, mediums, papers, people, possibilities and instructions.
Imagine instead of being stymied by these things, sailing through the conference feeling confident, courageous, and maybe even a little cocky and then noticing that this newly discovered power follows you home and sets you on fire creatively for the rest of your life! It has happened, and it’s contagious.
Through humor, story, and the revelation of cleverly designed visual tools you will: • Learn three secrets unfettered artists rely on for perseverance, fearlessness, and follow-through • Tap into intuitive abilities that can drive and restore creativity. • Get to know in a kinda left-field way, your new right-brained friends.
Workshop-- Finding Uber Bliss: A Wildly Creative Journey to the Present Moment

Finding Uber Bliss: A Wildly Creative Journey is a love affair with the present moment using creative techniques that can apply to every area of your life.
Traverse six levels using writing, art, guided relaxation, rich discussion about creativity and mindfulness to discover the present moment can always be alive with creativity. Each level explores prompts that unlock creativity, funny rituals that make the journey play, and profound principles to tap into creativity that has been stuck behind resistance, perfectionism, disillustionment, difficulty focusing, loss of motivation, and crankiness. Choose a format from 1-4 hour workshop, weekend experience, or 6-week program.
1. Answering the Call
2. Paying Attention
3. Cultivating the Inner Sanctuary
3. Creative Self Talk
4. Thinking Differently
5. Answering a Higher Calling
6. Finding Uber Bliss
Kamikaze Drawing and Low Flying Creativity

Description: Using fleeting multimedia projections, poetry, music, the silly and absurd you will be tricked into effortlessly colliding with your true creative voice without overthinking or scaring it away. Any perfectionistic tendencies, hesitancy, and/or immobilizing self-judgment will be terribly confused and ask to be excused from this workshop. I’m pretty sure you will go away with at least three sketches you’ll want to frame, share with the world, or simply become.
Presentation and/or Workshop -- Finally Finding Joy: Releasing Perfectionism
Other Workshops Designed according to your group, meeting, or corporate needs
Please contact Jill at jillbadonsky@hotmail.com
She also does living room workshops in private homes.