"Healing the Feminine", Nov 5/6 Wksp; Experience Sacred Plant Mesada Ceremony, Private Healing Sessions

Oct 31-Nov 8 - Healing From Northern Peru with "The Twins"

We are blessed again to have time with learning traditional healing medicine ways from the Moche and Northern Peru.

Join us to explore San Pedro with these Maestra Healers, Ysabel & Olinda from Chiclayo, Peru.

With sacred ceremonies for over 34 years, their high energy and connection to the plant spirit is amazing, cleansing, and uplifting.
Presenting in NYC—
— Evening San Pedro Mesada Ceremony
— Weekend Workshop - "Healing the Feminine"

— Private Healing Sessions

Featured healers on "Secrets of the Moche Tombs" Discovery Channel.
Also see testimonials about this healing medicine at the bottom of the page.

Evening San Pedro Mesada —
Limited Space Each Evening

OCT 31st, NOV 1st, NOV 4th, and 5th • 7-10PM;  $225 Each Evening
The San Pedro Mesada is a group healing ceremony. Experience the healing power of San Pedro. Doña Ysabel channels San Pedro’s Spirit and jointly with Doña Olinda they heal and activate the heart of every participant.

Experience ceremony with the sacred medicine of San Pedro (Wachuma), spiritual healing, heart healing medicine. You will experience a deep cleansing with ritual and sacred wooden staffs taking away all of your burdens, ritual for receiving medicine/energies, healing all aspects of your spirit. (Note: Translated from Spanish to English). Please dress in white. 

Sign-up/Prepay to save your spot–

Oct 31- Halloween night, "the veils of the worlds" at their thinnest Only 4 spaces open
Nov 1 - All Souls Day, another sacred day to commune with your ancestors
Nov 4 - End your work week in Sacred Ceremony
Nov 5 -  Saturday evening Mesada Evening

Weekend Workshop— "HEALING THE FEMININE" 

NOV 5/6 • 10AM-5PM • $495

Receive a wealth of information from these Master Healers of the Moche traditional medicine, Doña Isabel and Doña Olinda, to understand ailments and conditions we encounter as woman. 

Join us for a special teaching of thirty years of masterful healing from impeccable healers.  This is the first time they are offering these teachings with our request from last years workshop, there was a huge interest to learn more on this subject of the sacred feminine, "Healing the Feminine". 

In the workshop, we will explore why illnesses manifest, in our bodies, our lineages, our society. Learn how emotions, traumas, situations of society, can provoke dangerous energies to take hold of us in different ways, and how we can remove, prevent from reoccurrence.
We will focus on hormonal issues, aging, abuse, and support for healthy reproductive system and healthy mental state (covering Puberty, Pregnancy, Menopause, Cancers, Fibromyalgia, Fibroids, Depression/Childbirth, etc). 

With the group that forms,  questions will be answered as we explore our wombs, sexuality, and our power of the feminine. Learn how to foster a deeper connection to spirit, to allow the Divine come through you in prayer, belief, with the asking.

Each of us will have opportunity to learn as we work on our sisters in attendance. Learn how to remove, cleanse, and rebalance the energetic bodies in this tradition, how to heal/treat conditions with plants, candles, eggs, limpia’s, bathes and more.

Most of my offering from my teachers, each participant will have a chance to have healing during the course of the weekend, and to give a healing. We each have gifts to offer each other, whether you are a healer or not. Most healing comes from the heart, and each of us can direct that energy for others.

Connect with Isabel's and Olinda's powerful “mama” energy, tap into the energy fields of these light carriers, to bring healing to any wounds that you may carry. 

"Happy, Happy" is one of my favorite sayings they offer, always changes the energy in the space :) :)

Register Here 

1-Hour Private Healing Sessions — 
Already +60% Sold Out
OCT 31, NOV 1, 2, 3, and 7, 8. Daily 10AM-5PM 
$205 Cash Payment due, day of your session.

A rare opportunity to have a private session with reknown healers Ysabel and Olinda. In sacred space, you will be blessed and cleansed with sacred waters/herbs, experience Ysabel’s gentle and powerful healing hands during your healing session.

A Spanish/English translator will be of service during your private session, please let us know if speak Spanish and you do not need a translator. 
Please wear/bring white/light colored clothing for your session
To register, make a healing appointment, or for more information on this medicine work, contact Olivia: olivia.olkowski@gmail.com

Event Website Full details in English/Spanish: www.twinshamanstour.com

Link for ALL Event Payments
To better understand this tradition of healing please read the testimonials from participants of last year.

– Ysabel and Olinda brought forth energies back to my being which I have not owned for over three decades from a horrible trauma I had experienced. I have noticed that my interactions with people is more open (less fear), and that I am also walking differently– I had to get new work shoes! Many blessings to them for the profound work they offer.   C. G.

– The Evening Mesada San Pedro Ceremony was not what I had expected, but now understanding why the movement part enhanced the medicine to move into every cell of my body, made sense after a while. I became high with laughter, joy and silliness, which I can't remember was the last time that I felt that freed up. The group formed was serious about healing themselves, and it became a "dance off" at one point, too funny! Such light, bright and clear energy these two healers bring to the world, I am blessed to have met them.  S. T.

– Ysabel's heart and hands allowed my pained body to finally relax and let go. My stomach has always been an issue for myself. I have tried everything, eliminating food categories (dairy, wheat), taking supplements, but I see now that the emotional component of what was I hiding from myself, was blocking my path to healing. During my healing session I visioned an awful thing that I was not consciously aware happened to myself, it was when Ysabel was working with the egg doing the "limpia" cleansing on myself, that a vision appeared, a old memory I had tucked away and was painful to see the truth.

What we saw later that in the egg was a big spot of blood, indicating "mal" energy like cancer, or deep emotional wounds that was weakening my digestive system. The colon is about "letting go of things"  and I am happy to say that it is gone! Thank you Ysabel for the medicine work you provide for people.

– ...Olinda is a master of clearing out, or should I say finding and cutting away vampiric energies haunting me. When her staffs of chant wood passed over my heart, I could physically feel rubber bands of energy being released from my being...   D. H.

- I have been seeking more information about indigenous plant remedies for healing, the workshop with The TWINS was very informative, and their view point of teachings about – shock(sousto), emotions, ancestral issues and patterns were fascinating. I want to further study with them in person some day in Peru, I heard they offer a 6-month to 1 year teaching. Thank you Olivia for bringing these wisdom carries to us in NY!  T. K.
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Spirit Rock Shamanic Healing  •  66 Madsion Ave  •  New York, NY 10016


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