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ACFN Newsletter Nov 2016 
ACFN is Growing
250+ Franchises and growing!
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Davidson Building
255 W Julian St
San Jose, CA 95110
Phone: (888)794-2236
ACFN Welcomes 4 New Franchisees
 November 2016
Congratulations and best of luck to:
Ade M - AB
Riyad G.- NY
Tatsiana F. - NY
Freyr T - CA
Franchisee Review - Picked Up High Quality Hotels
I have been a Franchisee for about 4 ½ years.  I spent most of my career in another field and when my full-time job came to an end in October 2011, I started researching a way to make a better than average return on my investment of time and money which led me to ACFN.  I became very interested in the franchise concept and after visiting with several other franchisees to hear different stories, I decided that owning an ATM franchise was for me. 
However, shortly after I made my investment and got started, some of my friends of more than 30 years along with my love of my profession lured me and took my focus away from the ATM business.  Fortunately for me, my wife and son remained very interested and kept this business going while I was focused elsewhere.  Good thing too.  With the help of Jim Diltz and several others at ACFN, I have picked up several very high quality hotels and now have 10 total locations.  My wife and son are still very actively helping me work these locations while I am still chasing my other dreams.  We now have a very successful ATM business and it is currently benefiting our family greatly. 
While we are not as diligent at pursuing and dropping new leads as the good folks at ACFN would like, we provide excellent service to our existing locations.  Our machines rarely go out of service but when they do, we are there to resolve the issue very quickly.  Our customers never need to worry about their ATM, it just works and is not a source of concern for any of them.
The last thing you want to do is give your customer a reason to look for a different provider, so giving good service and never letting your ATM run out of money is at the top of the list.  In addition, going through the physical cash you get and pulling out the questionable bills will result in very few jams and other issues.  The quality of the Triton ATM machines is top notch and in the period of time we have owned our business, we have not had a single mechanical issue with an ATM. 
Our service has been so good that one of our customers recommended us to another business, which we took, and it proved very profitable for us.
Take care of your hard earned customers and they will take care of you.
Randy M. -- Texas
Finish The Year Strong By Jim Diltz, VP of Marketing
 Sports fans know that the majority of the time, games are won or lost in the 4th quarter.  Great teams and great players are the ones who rise to the challenge and actually pick up the pace to improve their performance in the last few critical minutes of the game.  This not only puts you in the best possible position to win the game but also sets the correct tone for the next game even if it’s next year. This analogy carries over into the business world so yes, now is the time to redouble your efforts. Now is the time to make sure that we are all playing at peak level and giving 110%.  This means focusing on the retention of your existing cliental by not allowing your ATMs to run out of cash prior to replenishing them.  This means gathering critical data while performing drops so that we have all the tools at our disposal to earn the next account.
To have our team in peak condition, we have made some key changes within our Marketing Department so please note the following.  We are excited to announce the promotion of Rebecca Reid to Accounts Coordinator and Rachele Morin-Ponce to National Accounts Coordinator. We are also pleased to welcome three new sales reps to our winning team and all have already contributed toward the growth of ACFN by securing multiple ATM placement contracts.  Their names are Fred Williams, David Friedman, and Sean Decker and all three have vast sales experience along with the right attitudes and mindsets to be extremely successful.
We are constantly working to advance the ACFN cause and below are some recent positive developments on the marketing front.
  • Atrium Hospitality – ACFN designated the exclusive ATM provider for a relatively new ownership group of hotels called Atrium Hospitality. Atrium currently owns 49 hotels with an average of 255 rooms per property so an extremely high quality portfolio.  We were able to successfully install the majority of their hotels (which by the way paved the way for our record breaking month of 74 new ATM placements) with a few stragglers coming later as their previous contractual terms expire. Obviously we weren’t the only ATM Company vying to earn their business and this victory proves the superiority of the ACFN business model. I will let our main contact at Atrium describe his perspective of the entire post-contract process below:
”ACFN and Atrium Hospitality entered into an agreement to change out our ATM equipment in 49 locations spread throughout the country. It was necessary to track down any existing agreements with other providers and work through cancellations and arrange installation dates. With Jim Diltz’ assistance this complex process went very smoothly. The equipment is modern. The ATMs have operated problem free and cash stocking has been kept current. Our senior management is very pleased with the progress that this vendor change out has brought to our company. I would strongly recommend ACFN for hotels of any geographic distribution or variety of brand mix.”
This is truly something we all can be proud of since this was a complete team effort and accomplishment as the following sample demonstrates. During my initial conversation with Atrium, they requested specific references from General Managers of properties we are servicing so they can get a true, direct account of our service.  Learning that the gentleman I was speaking with resides in Cary, North Carolina I was quickly able to reach the franchisee in the area who gave me four names of Hotel General Managers we were currently providing service for in this specific area which I in turn provided as references to Atrium. Each GM was called and spoke highly of our company which ultimately led to us winning the business. This is a true testament to our local, personalized service that no other company could provide in such little time and was a huge early step in securing this valuable business. This story is still developing as they have plans to increase their portfolio to 100 hotels in the very near future so stay tuned.
  • Historic Hotels – In October, ACFN earned the distinction of becoming the exclusive endorsed ATM provider for Historic Hotels of America. If you are not familiar with Historic Hotels, it is the official program for the National Trust for Historic Preservation for recognizing and celebrating the finest Historic Hotels.  Founded in 1989 with 32 charter members it is now a group of over 275 and growing prestigious properties located in 45 states that must meet certain criteria to become a member.  Some of these requirements include being 50 years or older, faithfully maintaining their authenticity, sense of place, and architectural integrity, and finally they must be designated by the U.S. Secretary of the Interior as a National Historic Landmark or listed in or eligible for the National Register of Historic Places. Our status as their exclusive endorsed ATM provider underscores our ability to meet the needs of unique hotels and should reap rich dividends for all of us well into the future.
  • Wakefern Food Corporation– ACFN just signed a corporate contract with the largest retailer-owned cooperative in the United States! With over 350 grocery stores across 10 states and growing this is obviously a huge accomplishment.  As of now, both parties are testing the waters by installing 5 stores in different markets and we will then develop a rollout plan from there.
  • Large Hotel Campaign – Being the largest ATM supplier to hotels in North America we must continue to drive this point home and ensure that each qualified hotel (especially the largest properties) are aware of ACFN and our unique advantages over any other ATM company. With an invigorated focus on hotels with 300 or more rooms over the past 12 months we have successfully installed 35 ATMs in this highly competitive, sought after arena. If a qualified hotel in your area of operation does not have an ACFN ATM then set your mind to the fact that this needs to change!
The New Year is just around the corner and this is when traditionally potential clients are more prone to change from the status quo so let’s set the tone! With renewed vigor and with your help, we look forward to breaking even more records so please stay diligent by performing timely drops with purpose, generating leads, and providing excellent service to your clients.
Jim Diltz, VP of Marketing
ACFN • 111 West Saint John Street, Sixth Floor • San Jose, CA 95113
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