HealthProducts2 May 2017 NewsLetter
The Saliva PH Test
Eating Well but Not Feeling Well

Just about everyone has the occasional “down time.” They just don’t “feel good” despite good eating habits. They do the vegetable bit, eat very little meat, but they just aren’t up to par. They are “kind of” stiff, tire easily, and get out of breath just walking up stairs. Why? Emotional override!
Their bodies are responding to strong emotions, and these responses are overriding the benefits of their good diet. Saliva pH results indicate whether or not emotions are the overriding influence on your physiology.
We all have stress in our lives; it goes with the territory of living. If you’re alive, you’re stressed. Stress itself doesn’t cause health problems, but how we respond to stress might be affecting our health. For most of us, the biggest health hazard of all is how we cling to past hurts and injustices we have suffered and survived. And, to make matters worse, we may not even realize we are clinging! The body responds to your feelings and emotions. The most striking example of these responses is when you are suddenly and severely frightened. Fright is emotional. Your response to fright is physical. And it’s fast. Emotions and the body are so closely intertwined that the phrase “scared to death” may not be an exaggeration.
Most of your physical responses to emotions aren’t as dramatic as “scared to death” fright. Emotions do not have to be strong to cause a physical response. Your body responds to all of your mental activities and emotions. Worry, anxiety, hate, joy, elation, and so on. Every emotion affects your body. And if you are clinging to some past stress, that same emotion is played over and over again for weeks, months, and years; your body continues to be affected the same way over and over. That’s exhausting for both you and your body.
Unfortunately, Saliva pH cannot tell you what is responsible for your stress. However, Saliva pH can help you find out if your emotions, feelings, thoughts, and memories are undermining your health.
Saliva pH isn’t any more of a diagnostic tool than urine pH. Saliva pH is a tool for evaluating whether your body is responding to internal (mental and emotional) stimuli in ways that can lead to long-term health or long-term disease.
Two-Stage Check

The pH of your saliva dances from low to high depending on what you’ve put into your mouth recently. The “normal” pH of saliva is considered to be around 6.8. However, it can go much lower and much higher than that. Chew on an orange, and your saliva pH can drop like a rock. Swish a solution of water and baking soda in your mouth (although I’m not sure why you would want to do that) and your saliva pH shoots up like a rocket. The point is that your saliva pH changes instantly to handle current conditions, including your emotions.
This is a two-stage check: before and after. The before gives you the pH of your saliva when you haven’t eaten anything for a while. The after pH shows the response to a sudden, intense “threat” of acid.
Emotions affect the pH of your saliva. The objective is to find out if the acid “threat” is more intense than any current emotional “threat.” Your pH test results will reveal if you are in a state of emotional override. If your current emotional state is demanding more of your body’s attention that a sudden “acid attack,” your health could be suffering.
What You Need:

(1) pH paper, (2) saliva, (3) a stimulant; use a slice of lemon or a teaspoon of lemon juice, and (4) notebook and pen to track your results.
To prepare for your saliva pH test, put nothing in your mouth except pure water for at least two hours prior to testing your saliva. No eating, smoking, chewing gum, or cough drops, no breath spray, toothpaste, etc.
The Saliva pH Challenge

You want to check your saliva as close to your personal “normal” as possible. For this to happen you need to be up, moving about, and contending with life as you normally would. After two hours of regular activity and abstinence from any substance you put in your mouth, except pure water, you are ready to test your saliva pH.
For this test you’ll need to be in front of a mirror. Use one strip of pH paper. Work up some saliva, gathering and moving it toward the tip of your tongue until you have a pool of saliva. Looking in the mirror to guide your hand, wet the pH paper without touching the paper to your lips or tongue. Match the color of the wet pH paper with the corresponding color and pH value on the chart. Write and date your results.
Next, the stimulant. Put the lemon into your mouth, sucking just long enough for the flavor to permeate your whole mouth. Swallow four times as you tear off an inch or two of pH paper, and then repeat the wet-paper-with-saliva routine. Note the color and write down the corresponding pH number.

Results of Saliva pH Test

The color chart has three dominant colors:
Yellow = pH 5.5 through 6.0
Green = pH 6.2 through 7.0
Blue = pH 7.2 through 8.0

Changing Numbers

Numbers Go Up

If your pH numbers go up, this indicates that your body can respond easily to strong stimuli (acid of the lemon). No matter what color your first number was, this change to higher is beneficial.
Numbers Go Down

If your numbers don’t go up, something is bothering you; stress or anxiety is dominating your physiology. Take this as a sign that your life and health could be improved with a few changes.
Numbers Don’t Change

Before and after numbers that are virtually the same are the strongest indication that emotional distress is a key factor. It’s time to take action. Emotional habits need to be re-examined and modified.

Changing Colors, how to interpret the colors

Green – Blue, Preferred response.

Saliva pH that starts out green and moves up to blue indicates that you handle stress well, and your alkaline reserve is adequate. Keep up the healthy diet and attitude. Check your saliva pH occasionally to make sure you continue to stay in the blue.
Yellow – Green or Blue, Not the best, but okay.

A yellow reading that changes to either green or blue indicates two situations. First, your alkaline reserve is holding its own. Second, stress, anxiety, or similar emotion is keeping your body “on guard” most of the time. Although improper diet isn’t your main problem, make sure you are kind to your body nutritionally by eating less meat and dairy products and more fruit and vegetables.
Blue – Green or Green – Yellow, Wrong Direction.

Your pH results indicate that your body is moving toward exhaustion, which opens the door to disease. The problem isn’t too much dietary acid. The problem is chronic stress, perhaps worry. You may be experiencing continued ongoing low-level stress. A change in lifestyle and attitude is more important right now than a change in diet. However, replacing acid-forming foods with more alkaline-forming foods could help.
Blue – Blue, Not Desirable

True-blues have a tendency to be worriers. Diet isn’t a major problem; however, the negative fallout from worry and anxiety overrides the positive benefits from your good diet. Consequently, your body is headed toward exhaustion.
Green – Green, Less Desirable than Blue – Blue

The steady-state green group is also combating emotional override. Chances are you have very “strong emotions”. Anxiety, fear, anger, or rage are constant in one form or another. End result: physical and physiological exhaustion. The biggest challenge will be to change your long-standing negative attitudes and allow your body to rest occasionally. You need to make a substantial change in diet to reinforce your alkaline mineral reserves. Eat less acid-ash foods such as meat and refined processed foods, while integrating more raw and cooked vegetables, salads and fresh fruit into your diet.
Yellow – Yellow, Serious Problems

Most people who are seriously ill are yellow-yellow. Regardless of your present state of health, your diet and attitudes need to be restructured immediately. Yellow-yellows are essentially up-tight. You may need pills at night to fall asleep and coffee in the morning to get going. You sleep, but your body never truly rests. Sorting out your emotional and nutritional life needs to be top priority if you want to heal. Eat plenty of soothing, steamed, rather than raw vegetables. Yellow-yellow indicates a lack of digestive strength making raw fruit and vegetables potentially difficult to eat at this time. Changes in diet should be made gradually.

Reach Your Potential for Health

So there you have it. The rousing story of pH. Monitoring urine pH can help guide your menu selections. Periodic saliva pH testing can help you determine if emotional override is heavily involved in your overall picture of health. Yet there is little point in monitoring either urine or saliva pH if you don’t act on the information. The purpose behind pH monitoring and this guide is to offer information that you can use to devise a personal plan of action for improving your health.
Your body’s potential for health is built-in. The potential is there. Only you can cultivate or suppress it. You have seen how the types of foods you eat require your body to respond in particular ways. Every response your body makes is required for it to survive the conditions it faces. Everything your body does depends on the circumstance it’s given, so you can’t blame “poor health,” or even “good health” for that matter, on your body. Your body doesn’t think and it doesn’t plan for the future. It works with the materials you give it. That’s the good news.
You have more control over your health than you had thought. That’s cause for hope! You don’t need to wait for disease to strike before you “do something” about your health. It isn’t necessary to depend on someone else, like a medical doctor, to “keep you well.” Health is your job, not the doctor’s. Doctors are great in emergency situations, when you need help fast, or when illness has reached a critical point. They are also experts at helping to relieve symptoms. Generally, that’s what doctors do – relieve symptoms. And they do their jobs well.
Some crises are unavoidable; however, many diseases are unnecessary. To make disease unnecessary in our lives and our pocketbooks, we must take responsibility for our health and implement preventative action. When you realize that your body responds to everything you put into your mouth, eating takes on a whole new flavor. And when you realize that your body responds to your attitudes, you realize your thoughts and feelings are “things” that affect health.
Monitoring your personal pH is a tool. Monitoring your urine and saliva pH can help you take charge of your health. In the final analysis, you, and only you, can lead your life in ways that promote health or prevent health. Health is not an accident.
This information came from

Autism Study Enrollment 
Researchers connected with Johns Hopkins and Harvard’s teaching hospital published research showing remarkable improvements in autistic individuals using a single simple and extremely safe over-the-counter food supplement. With a recent Study in Omaha, the non-profit Therapeutics Research Institute (TRI) repeated the results of this break-through treatment using the key supplement in that trial combined with a tailored set of Rife frequencies for autism. These results have also been published in a medical journal.
TRI’s plan is to now expand this Study to up to 300 families. To learn more about this Study and TRI and how to enroll, go to the Study’s site Nothing is being sold and there are no costs at all to participate. We simply mail the supplement to you [all costs covered by TRI] and identify the frequency sets for those who have a Rife machine or Zapper. You may participate even if you do not as yet have a Rife machine or Zapper, although those who used the supplement plus the machine have had superior outcomes. For a copy of TRI’s recently published Study and more information, email and put Autism Study in the subject heading.
The Rife Healing Mat
The Rife Healing Mat is extra, but well worth it.   With this you can place it under a THIN, fitted bed sheet and sleep with it all night.  Nothing is connected to you - it connects to the machine.  You can also use it to wrap it around a sore leg muscle, place your bare feet on it or with a thin pair of socks or place it on top of you.  This will also let you target the body part at issue.  The signal will penetrate a THIN material.  It's also good for kids and pets.
It is so wonderful.  I use it every night for one thing or another.
It's around 14" x 15" around the size of a laptop.
For more information and/or to purchase click HERE
By ordering the Machine and the Mat together you will save $10 on the Mat.  Below are the links if you are interested in this:
Rife Professional and Rife Healing Mat
Rife Ultimate and Rife Healing Mat
Zapper Professional and Rife Healing Mat
Zapper Ultra and Rife Healing Mat
Rife Digital Professional - 15 Group Machine
Rife Digital Professional
Our machines are completely programmable.  They come with a frequency book with over 3500 different disease conditions and their frequencies. 
The machines are easy to use, only takes a minute or two to program once you know how and we are available for support by either phone or email should you have any questions.  We also have Youtube videos available that will walk you through all of it.  They come with everything you need.  Straps, extra straps, leads, extra leads, power that will work in any country, instruction manual, frequency manual and case.
The rife digital ultimate and the Professional Model have been engineered, tested and proven by a group of Doctors in Germany.  After offering several models, for the past twelve years, these two models are the best by far than any that we’ve had before.  We’ve had great success with others that have had 250 to 450 frequencies; and about 500 ailments listed.  These new models have over 8000 ailments listed; and have nearly 1,000,000 frequencies available; with over 35,000 frequencies being used.
In 1929, after experimenting for nearly ten years, Dr. Royal Rife built an instrument that would destroy viruses, bacteria, and other microbes that invade the human body, by matching their frequencies; similar to breaking a wine glass with a high pitched note.  The instrument was so effective that the man that was the head of the American Medical Association offered to buy all the rights to the instrument.  When Dr. Rife refused to sell; his laboratory was destroyed.  This happened two more times.  The last time all of his notes were supposedly destroyed also.  Back in the 1950s a doctor bought out a retired doctor’s practice; including his office and files.  While getting the office ready to use, he found an old time frequency generator with a list of frequencies used to treat various conditions.  For several years these frequencies were distributed among many doctors that were practicing natural cures.  For the last thirty-five or forty years these instruments have been manufactured and experimented with throughout the world.  
For the first ten years all of the instruments that were offered sold for either $1795.00 or $1995 and more - with only about 500 ailments listed and either 250 or 450 frequencies to work with.  The instruments that we offer now have over 8000 ailments listed and nearly 1,000,000 frequencies available and under $1000.00, considerably so.
“Dr Royal Rife's investigated the cause of many diseases including cancer. Dr Rife used the most advanced microscope in the world to identify the existence of a Virus that he believed was the sole contributor to all cancers. This microscope was the most powerful of its time, and was invented and constructed by Dr Rife himself; for the sole purpose of locating the Virus that contributed to Cancer.. The birth of the Rife Machine was to be the solution to elimination of this Virus, and Rife performed successful Rife Machine treatments with many patients over the years. This was verified by the U.S.C. Medical School Special Medical Research Committee.” † USC-0292E41 -Page1203(b)
How Can This Work?
Dr. Rife discovered that when viruses, bacteria and parasites are bombarded with electrical pulses of the right frequency, they shake apart.  This is an inherent characteristic shared by all objects and living beings called "Resonant Frequency," which is the frequency at which an object naturally vibrates.
Resonant frequencies are what makes a string on a stringed instrument produce a certain note.  But resonant frequencies, in addition to producing music can also cause objects to shake so uncontrollably that their stability is undermined.  This is what happened to the Tacoma Narrows Bridge in 1940.  The wind reached resonance with the bridge and it shook apart.  The same is true with pathogens.  When the frequency being introduced into the body by way of feet and/or hand straps reaches resonance with whatever pathogen it resonates with, it undermines it's stability and kills it.  
Another example is when a soprano hits a high note and a wine glass shatters.  A simple premise and a well kept secret by the medical powers that be.
For more information and/or to purchase click HERE


We always suggest organic ingredients and at the least no GMOs
All recipes are sourced from Whole Foods Market
Spicy Grilled Shrimp Kabobs
Serves 6
A quick sauce made in the food processor doubles as a marinade and a dressing for this delicious grilled entrée. Removing the seeds from the jalapeño peppers should leave your dish with a pleasant heat; for a fiery version, keep the seeds in one of the peppers.
  • 1 bunch fresh cilantro, tough stems removed, divided
  • 1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
  • 2 jalapeño peppers, seeded
  • 3 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 3/4 teaspoon coarse sea salt
  • 2 pounds extra-large shrimp, peeled and deveined
Set 6 sprigs cilantro aside for garnish. Combine remaining cilantro, oil, jalapeños, lemon juice and salt in a food processor and process until finely chopped, scraping down the sides of the bowl as needed. If sauce is very thick, with the machine running, pour in water 1 tablespoon at a time until sauce is pourable.  

In a large bowl, toss together shrimp and half of the sauce. Let sit at room temperature for 20 minutes.  
Prepare a grill for medium-high heat cooking. Thread shrimp onto metal skewers. (If using wooden skewers, soak in water for 30 minutes before assembling.) Grill, turning once, until shrimp are just opaque in center, about 6 minutes total. Transfer to a platter, garnish with reserved cilantro and serve remaining sauce on the side.
Nutritional Info: 
Per Serving: 130 calories (60 from fat), 6g total fat, 1g saturated fat, 145mg cholesterol, 770mg sodium, 2g carbohydrates, 16g protein.
Special Diets: 
  • Dairy Free
  • Gluten Free
  • Sugar Conscious
  • Wheat Free
Mussels Vinaigrette
Serves 6 to 8 as an appetizer or tapas
These delectable mussels make an ideal light bite to serve as an appetizer or as part of a tapas meal. The key to keeping mussels plump and tender is not to overcook them; watch them carefully and make sure you remove them from the heat the minute they open.
  • 3/4 cup dry white wine
  • 1 pound mussels (about 24), scrubbed
  • 3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
  • 1 1/2 tablespoon white wine vinegar
  • 1/2 teaspoon fine sea salt
  • pinch cayenne pepper
  • 2 tablespoons finely diced red bell pepper
  • 2 tablespoons finely diced green bell pepper
  • 2 tablespoons finely diced red onion
  • 1 1/2 tablespoon finely chopped parsley
Place wine in a large saucepan and bring to a boil over high heat. Add mussels and cover the pot; cook, stirring once, until mussels open, about 3 minutes. Immediately remove from the heat and allow mussels to cool. Discard any mussels that do not open.

In a small bowl, whisk together olive oil, vinegar, salt and cayenne. Stir in red bell pepper, green bell pepper, onion and parsley. Open mussels and place each mussel meat in half of a shell and arrange on a platter. Spoon about 1 teaspoon of vinaigrette into each shell. Cover and refrigerate at least 30 minutes and up to 8 hours.
Nutritional Info: 
Per Serving: 130 calories (70 from fat), 7g total fat, 1g saturated fat, 20mg cholesterol, 510mg sodium, 6g carbohydrates, 8g protein.
Special Diets: 
  • Dairy Free
  • Gluten Free
  • Sugar Conscious
  • Wheat Free
Vietnamese Quick-Pickled Vegetables
Makes about 4 cups, Serves 8
This easy quick-pickle is crunchy, sweet and salty. It's the perfect accompaniment to Asian meat dishes or a colorful addition to salads and sandwiches. If you're feeling creative, use the pickling mixture with other vegetables like asparagus, green beans or cauliflower.
  • 1/2 cup rice vinegar
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 2 carrots, thinly sliced
  • 2 Thai bird or serrano chiles, stemmed and quartered lengthwise
  • 1 (1/2-inch) piece ginger, peeled and thinly sliced
  • 1 large daikon, peeled and thinly sliced
  • 1/2 English seedless cucumber, thinly sliced
  • 1/2 red onion, thinly sliced
Put vinegar, sugar and salt into a large bowl and whisk until sugar is dissolved. Add carrots, chiles, ginger, daikon, cucumbers and onions and toss to combine. Cover and refrigerate for at least 1 hour or up to several hours before serving.
Nutritional Info: 
Per Serving: 60 calories (5 from fat), 300mg sodium, 13g carbohydrates, (1 g dietary fiber, 9g sugar), 1g protein.
Special Diets: 
  • Dairy Free
  • Gluten Free
  • Vegan
  • Vegetarian
  • Fat Free
  • Wheat Free
Sour Cream Chicken and Mushroom Pasta
Serves 4
This tasty pasta dish can be prepared for about $3.17 per serving. Enjoy with bread and a fresh green salad on the side.
  • 3/4 pound chicken tenders
  • 1/4 cup all-purpose flour
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 tablespoon unsalted butter
  • 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
  • 1 cup sour cream
  • 1 cup chicken broth
  • 1 1/2 cup sliced mushrooms
  • 1 1/2 teaspoon paprika
  • 1/2 pound dried fettuccine or bowtie pasta
Put chicken, flour and salt and pepper into a large bowl and toss to combine. Set aside. Melt butter in a skillet with olive oil. Add chicken and brown on all sides. Stir in sour cream, broth, mushrooms and paprika. Cover and simmer on low heat for 25 to 30 minutes. Prepare pasta according to package instructions. Drain well, then transfer to bowls and spoon chicken and its sauce over the top.
Nutritional Info: 
Per Serving: 600 calories (220 from fat), 25g total fat, 11g saturated fat, 75mg cholesterol, 990mg sodium, 65g carbohydrates, (4 g dietary fiber, 6g sugar), 28g protein.
Mixed Fruit Smoothie
Serves 2
Use any favorite fruits such as peaches, raspberries or bananas to make this creamy smoothie.
  • 1/2 cup unsweetened apple or berry juice
  • 1/2 cup unsweetened almondmilk
  • 1/2 cup fresh or frozen (not thawed) blueberries
  • 1/2 cup fresh or frozen (not thawed) strawberries
  • 3 ice cubes, (only if using fresh fruit)
Put all ingredients in a blender and purée until smooth. Pour into glasses and serve.
Nutritional Info: 
Per Serving: 70 calories (10 from fat), 1g total fat, 55mg sodium, 16g carbohydrates, (2 g dietary fiber, 13g sugar), 1g protein.
Special Diets: 
  • Dairy Free
  • Gluten Free
  • Low Sodium
  • Vegetarian
  • Low Fat
  • Wheat Free
...Please understand that can not and will not answer any medical questions. We do not have the expertise nor the authority to do so. We do not claim that our advice cures any diseases. This Website does not adopt the claims of the inventor of the zapper, plate zapper, frequency bottles, herbs, and related products, but makes available, description of same for the information to potential viewers. By using this website / email list you attest that you are not working directly or indirectly for any government or private agency with the purpose of misusing an individual¹s right to seek information and do personal research....
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