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ACFN Newsletter Jan 2017
ACFN is Growing
260+ Franchises and growing!
Recent Awards
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Sixth Floor
Davidson Building
255 W Julian St
San Jose, CA 95110
Phone: (888)794-2236
ACFN Welcomes 3 New Franchisees!!
ACFN Welcomes 3 New Franchisee !! 
Congratulations and best of luck New Franchisees
Naeem S - NY
Anthony P - MA
Sherri R - AB
Year End Review By Our CEO, Jeffrey Kerr
Fastest Growing Organic(1)
#1 Bryan & Bonnie D – 13 installations
#2 Robert & Robin S – 12 installations
#3 Philip and Michael R – 12 installations   
Congratulations to the above. Organic growth is a key element in the success of any business and you have hit a home run. Averaging 1+ install each month for the entire year of 2016. Thank you for doing a great job growing your business!
(1) Includes only locations secured through direct marketing (dropping leads, corporate relations and direct marketing by franchisee). Locations purchased or acquired are not included in the numbers above.
Largest franchises by number of ATMs(2)
#1 Bryan & Bonnie D– 55 ATMs
#2 Scott R & David Z – 54 ATMs
#3 Brian S & Daniel F – 49 ATMs   
#4 Marco S – 47 ATMs
#5 Bao L & Amy D – 46 ATMs
As a group the top 5 added a total of 41 ATMs in 2016 and all are still very interested in continuing to grow their ACFN business. Congratulations on building a successful business and we look forward to your continued growth! 
 (2) Franchisees with the most ATMs installed and operational as of 12/31/2016.
Most profitable franchises(3)
#1 Marco S
#2 Michael & Kristen D
#3 Mario M & Angelo T
#4 Scott & David Z
#5 David A
Creating a substantial residual income that improves their quality of life is the main reason franchisees join our business. Congratulations to the above for achieving that. Think big act even bigger and let’s continue growing$  
(3) Based on total income paid from ACFN to each of these franchises for calendar year 2016.  
ACFN New Year’s Resolutions
Open House
Each month we will designate one day as an Open House day. During that day our entire executive team will be available to spend time with any franchisee that would like to visit our corporate office. The visit will be open format so we can discuss any ideas you may want to present, address any issues or concerns you have, review your growth plans or any other topic that is important to you – it’s your day!
Our first Open House will be March  22nd
If you decide to take advantage of this Open House and join us make sure to let us know by March 8th. Any details you provide about agenda to help ensure your visit is productive would be appreciated.     
Help us grow & benefit 
In our efforts to grow our network and pursue ever larger and higher quality customers to place your ATMs with we are often hindered by gaps in coverage or lack of sufficient funding to absorb new placements in a particular area. As of the writing of this article there are 23 ATMs installed that were paid for by ACFN corporate and are operated by a franchisee on a temporary basis because there was no franchisee available or able to take these accounts.
We spend significant capital and energy recruiting new franchisees and will continue to do so but would also like to enlist your help. With that purpose in mind we are offering a special incentive:
Refer a friend, family member or colleague that joins ACFN as a franchisee and 

Get paid a $5,000 referral fee*  
*Important notes:
  1. This is a limited time offer. To qualify referrals must complete the class and pay the franchise fee in full no later than April 30th 2017.
  2. Not valid for prospective franchisees that are already in communication with us.
If you know someone that you think could be interested in becoming an ACFN franchisee simply contact:
Avi Blankroth at (888) 794-2236 x 5112 or
Turker Sus at (888) 794-2236 x 5133 and we will do the rest.
If your referral decides to join during the promotional period you will receive a check for $5,000.
Increase Personal Contact
As a Franchisor we are only as successful as our franchise owners are. With that in mind and as part of New Year’s Resolutions and our goal to accelerate the pace of our growth we will be reaching out to each franchisee to review recent activity, discuss growth goals for the future and work together to achieve those goals. If you are getting the performance you want and are looking to continue to grow we want to help build on your success. If you are not getting the performance you are looking for we will put a plan together to help bring performance up to expectations. To do well we need to collaborate well and these reviews should prove to be a valuable medium for communication and a great tool to improve and grow your business and by extension the ACFN franchise network. We are fortunate to have many franchisees so it will take time but we look forward to connecting with all of you over the coming months.
Looking forward to a great 2017!
Jeffrey Kerr
Work hard – work smart – do it now!
ACFN of Fresno - 2016 was a record breaking year !
How can you have a record breaking year?
We asked the owner to share some words of wisdom and explain is his own words what it takes to build a successful ACFN franchise:
Number of ATMs in operation as of 12/31/16 – 47
Total paid to ACFN of Fresno for the year 2016 - $209K
I believe that our success can be boiled down to just a couple things. Obviously first and foremost comes taking care of your existing clients.  In theory this shouldn't be hard to do.  The concept is simple - keep our machines in working order and keep open lines of communication when problems arise.  With almost 50 ATMs in operations however this isn't always easy but making the effort has proven to be worthwhile.  These challenges are most apparent in our most profitable and largest account "Yosemite National Park".  Having 9 ATMs spread throughout the park, some seasonal, some remote, and some seemingly at times not worth it, has its challenges.  With phone lines down, sudden influxes of business, road and weather conditions, park closures, and simply many hours on mountainous roads it can become overwhelming at times. Having said that, I need to mention that this account has both directly and indirectly lead to our business being what it is today.
The direct benefits have been obvious, added revenues which helped our growth and acquisition of other related accounts such as Sequoia/Kings Canyon national parks.  Indirectly we have seen growth with other large accounts that were only made possible by having Yosemite on our resume, notably Tachi Hotel and Casino, Stars Casino, and Tenaya Lodge resort.  It pays to have Yosemite as a customer and reference when communicating with prospective locations and working to close a deal!
Secondly, trusting the ACFN business model and process will bring results. If you're patient you will grow your business over time.  Make sure that you're ready to move forward when you get your opportunities! 
Thank you to everyone in our corporate office that makes all this possible. 
Special thanks to my cousin and business partner Mike C., this wouldn't have been possible without you.
Let's all have an even better 2017,
ACFN of Fresno
This Month's Case Study - Bingo Hall

 Identify hot spots and benefit$
This Month’s Case Study:
December was the first full month – completed 354 surcharge transactions$
A large and busy bingo open for bingo games Tuesday – Saturday. Bingo is basically legal gambling so any dedicated Bingo halls (not places that have bingo once a week……..) are good placement opportunities.
Key charactaristics
  • big
  • busy
  • open for bingo multiple days a week
  • multiple games each day
Find the bingo hall closest to you, submit it as your lead and we will work together to secure it for your next ATM.
ACFN • 111 West Saint John Street, Sixth Floor • San Jose, CA 95113
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