• Sun. May 28 at Isis with Justin Ray
• Sat. June 3 Soul Purpose Journey w Brenda Lee
• Sat. June 10 Our Love is Power conference
• Sat. June 17 12 Rays workshop & Solstice Concert
Justin Ray & Richard Shulman at Isis Sun. May 28th 5:30 - 7:30
Jazz Standards and More with Justin Ray and Richard Shulman at the Isis Lounge, 743 Haywood Rd., West Asheville 28806
Please join us in the Isis Lounge for an intimate evening of jazz standards, both well-known and obscure, interpreted by two of the region’s most creative and in-demand musicians. Ray’s passionate vocals and fiery trumpet combined with Shulman’s crystalline and deeply swinging accompaniment are sure to provide an unforgettable evening. Admission $10
Soul Purpose Journey/Workshop w Brenda Lee Sat., June 3rd, Hot Springs
Upcoming Events - Richard Shulman performances:
May 2017
Sun. May 7, 9:45 & 11:30 am playing music at Unity of the Blue Ridge 2041 Old Fanning Bridge Road, Mills River, NC 28759 (828) 891-8700
Fri. May 12, 4:00 - 8:45 playing keyboard with Mark Guest jazz group, Antler Hill, Biltmore Estate, Asheville, NC
Sun. May 14, 9:45 & 11:30 am playing music at Unity of the Blue Ridge 2041 Old Fanning Bridge Road, Mills River, NC 28759 (828) 891-8700
Wed. May 17, 6:00 – 9:00 pm playing keyboard with Maureen Renihan at The Local, 179 Howard St., Boone, NC Call 828-266-2179 for info
Thurs. May 18, 8:00 pm Playing keyboard with Maureen Renihan and the Johnson City Jazz Festival at Wellington's Restaurant in the Carnegie Hotel 1216 West State of Franklin Rd., Johnson City, TN 37604.
Call (423)979-6401 for reservations.
Sun. May 21, 9:45 & 11:30 am playing music at Unity of the Blue Ridge 2041 Old Fanning Bridge Road, Mills River, NC 28759 (828) 891-8700
Sat. May 27, 8:00 pm playing piano with the AJO (Asheville Jazz Orchestra) at White Horse Black Mountain 105c Montreat Road, Black Mountain NC 28711 (828) 669-0816
Sun. May 28, 9:45 & 11:30 am playing music at Unity of the Blue Ridge 2041 Old Fanning Bridge Road, Mills River, NC 28759 (828) 891-8700
Sun. May 28, 5:30 to 7:30 Jazz Standards and More with Justin Ray and Richard Shulman at the Isis Lounge, 743 Haywood Rd., West Asheville 28806 Admission $10
June 2017
Sat. June 3rd 11:00am - 4:30 pm Soul Purpose Retreat with Brenda Lee and Richard Shulman at Laughing Heart Lodge Chapel, 289 NW US 25-70 Hwy, Hot Springs, NC 28743. Call Brenda Lee at 828-989-7894 and see https://richheartmusic.com/workshops/ for more info and to register.
Sun. June 4, 9:45 & 11:30 am playing music at Unity of the Blue Ridge 2041 Old Fanning Bridge Road, Mills River, NC 28759 (828) 891-8700
Thurs. June 8, time TBA presenting Sacred Music with a group Musical Soul Portrait, at the Aspects of Consciousness Conference of the Academy for Spiritual Studies at the Sheraton Chapel Hill http://ascsiconference.org/
Sat. June 10, 10:00 am to 8:00 pm Our Love is Power Spiritual Summit and Concert, with Marianne Williamson, Rickie Byars Beckwith, Rev. Jack Bowmar, Leiohu Ryder & Maydeen Iao, Kat Williams, Rhoda Weaver, & More. For more info & to register: http://ourloveispower.bpt.me/
Sun. June 11, 9:45 & 11:30 am playing music at Unity of the Blue Ridge 2041 Old Fanning Bridge Road, Mills River, NC 28759 (828) 891-8700
Fri. June 16, 7:00 pm House Concert with Elaine Silver and Richard Shulman at Richard's home in Weaverville, NC (respond to this email or call 828-658-9604 for address and advance tickets) Admission $20 in advance, $25 at the door. For Advance tickets with PayPal click here. Only 20 tickets will be sold for this event.
Sat. June 17 10:00 am – noon The 12 Rays: Combining Music and Guided Imagery with Michael Love and Richard Shulman. This workshop will focus on the 7th and 9th Rays. UR Light Center, Black Mountain, NC. See http://www.urlight.org/light-center-events/ for more info and advance tickets. Admission $20 in advance, $25 at the door.
Sat. June 17, 7:00 - 9:00 pm Summer Solstice Concert with Richard Shulman at the UR Light Center, Black Mountain, NC. See http://www.urlight.org/light-center-events/ for more info and advance tickets. Admission $15 in advance, $20 at the door.
Sun. June 18, 9:45 & 11:30 am playing music at Unity of the Blue Ridge 2041 Old Fanning Bridge Road, Mills River, NC 28759 (828) 891-8700
Wed. June 21, 7:30 pm The Richard Shulman Trio with Zack Page - bass and Rick Dilling - drums at White Horse Black Mountain 105c Montreat Rd. Black Mountain NC. Presented by Bill Bares, Jazz Wednesdays. Admission $10 in advance $12 at the door. Call 828-669-0816 for reservations and info.
Our Love is Power Conference and Concert Sat. 6/10, Crowne Plaza Asheville
Elaine Silver & Richard Shulman House Concert Fri. June 16 Weaverville NC
Faerie Elaine Silver and Richard will give an intimate concert in Richard's home in Weaverville, NC, Friday, June 16 at 7:00 pm. Elaine's heart–melting voice and Shulman's transcendent piano transport listeners to a blissful place of Love and Gratitude. Respond to this email or call 828-658-9604 for address and directions. Admission $20 in advance or $25 at the door. Advance tickets click Here (only 20 tickets).
12 Rays Workshop retreat with Michael Love & Richard Shulman, Light Center
Summer Solstice Concert at UR Light Center Sat. June 17, 7-9 pm
Enjoy this concert celebrating the Summer Solstice with composer, pianist, and recording artist, Richard Shulman Sat. June 17, 7-9 pm and hear the extraordinary sounds of the Kawai concert grand in the geodesic prayer dome of the Light Center. It is an experience of inner/outer beauty not to be missed! Advance tickets $15, $20 at the door. Call 828-669-6845, go to http://www.urlight.org/light-center-events/ or email dome@urlight.org for advance tickets.
Wed. June 21 7:30 pm Wednesday Jazz Night at White Horse w the RS Trio
Bill Bares Jazz Wednesdays at White Horse Black Mountain Presents:
The Richard Shulman Trio with 
Zack Page - bass &
Rick Dilling - drums at
105c Montreat Rd. Black Mountain NC
$10 in advance $12 at the door
New CD "Soul Purpose Meditation and Sacred Journey" with Brenda Lee
Soul Purpose Meditation and Sacred JourneyBrenda Lee with music by Richard Shulman
Soul Purpose Meditation and Sacred Journey is an experiential guided voyage to explore our Soul's intention. Join us in the Sacred Garden with the Grandmother Tree for a clearing and alignment meditation. After this healing process we journey to a Sacred Inner Temple to review our Book of Life, gaining insights into our Soul's Purpose.
Click on CD image to purchase
Everything's Going to be Alright - a true story
Everything's Going to Be Alright Changing my mind changes my experience
Before I moved to New York City a friend had offered a mantra to me of “Everything’s going to be alright” and I would occasionally repeat it when I was feeling anxious.
Several years later when I was studying with Hilda Charlton I had the opportunity to play a gig with a very fine bass player in Connecticut. I was worried about the gig in two ways. 1. The last time I had played with him he had been expressing very negative feelings and I was afraid being with him would pull me into a negative state; and 2. I was worried that I wouldn’t play well enough to be asked to play in the future.
As I got into the car I realized I was in a bad state and needed to lift myself out of it. I started saying over and over to myself: “Everything’s going to be alright.” Fortunately it was a two hour drive to the club and eventually the anxiety began to lessen.
Just as I drove into the parking lot of the restaurant I thought to turn on the radio. “Let it Be” was playing and I allowed the song to bring me into total relaxation, happiness and bliss as I realized that the Universe “had my back.” The gig was a dream! We played great together, had fun, and I drove home happy.
Thank you for your support of this music!
I wish you
Much Love and Many Blessings,
For more information see:
or call 828-658-9604