Bring More Love Into the World . . . Love Yourself
Begins May 1st 
21-Day Self-Pleasuring Challenge
In my opinion, the greatest gift we can give the planet is to be happy and love one another. Bringing more pleasure into the world through loving ourselves - sexually - is a humanitarian contribution worthy of a Nobel Peace Prize (at least).

Our 21 Day Self-Pleasuring Challenge begins May 1st. You may be asking yourself why on earth you'd want to commit to such a thing.

As if I need to make a case for pleasure, but here goes . . .
  • Pleasure is one of the major side-effects of being in the moment. Self-love is a powerful entry into NOW.
  • Self-Sexual exploration builds sexual intelligence and artistry.
  • We all too often distract ourselves with the latest Netflix Original Series because we'd love to be having sex but aren't. We've forgotten we have the perfect partner available at all times - ourselves.
  • Eat all the reishi mushrooms you want, sexual energy is still the best super food on the planet. 
  • Open hips = an open heart. The fastest way to open your heart is to amp up the sexual voltage in your body.
So. Are you ready? It's time to join me for the 21 Day Self-Pleasuring Challenge beginning Monday, May 1st. Challenge ends Sunday, May 21st.

Create a self-pleasuring practice that fits your life-style, preferences and desires. Schedule time each day for your pleasure. Your practice may be 20 minutes or 2 hours, the length of time isn't as important as the dedication to exploration and willingness to meet yourself in ways you may not have experienced before.

The focus of the 21 Day Self-Pleasuring Challenge is love and pleasure rather than orgasm - which just might be a whole new concept. You may be asking yourself, what is self-pleasuring without orgasm as the focus?
  • Self-pleasuring without focusing on orgasm gives us the opportunity to explore the wide array of feelings, sensations, environments, moods, and expressions our sexuality can take.
  • It makes self-love a feast rather than a fast-food snack.
  • It places the emphasis on taking our time to explore our pleasure and arousal cycles deeply, rather than merely scratching an itch. 
  • It gives us confidence - and - greatly enhances our sexual magnetism and vitality. 
  • When we approach self-pleasuring in this way, we are learning to love and accept ourselves sexually and we are learning to listen to important cues our bodies are giving us about our sexuality and openness to intimacy.
  • We are bringing more love and pleasure on the planet - by filling our bodies with sexual energy.
To anchor your explorations, I encourage you to keep a daily journal tracking your physical, emotional and spiritual experiences along the way. I also invite you to check in daily on our SECRET Endless Love Facebook Group, sharing what you discover with our dynamic Tantra community. I'll be checking in there daily myself. Endless Love is a SECRET group, which means your posts will not appear on your friends feed, they'll only be visible to you and other Endless Love Facebook members. 


If you fully participate in the 21 Day Self-Pleasuring Challenge for all of the 21 days and check-in on the Endless Love SECRET Facebook Group each day, you'll win a free 30 minute Skype Tantra session with yours truly (a $30,000,000.00 value).

How about that?
21 Day Self-Pleasuring Challenge Throwback . Day 1 From 2012
Dawn's Check-In

I've been pretty excited about this Self-Pleasuring as a daily practice since the Be Fully Alive Weekend Immersion a couple of weeks ago. I did a little "pre-practice" last night with candles, music, oils, lubricants and a wand - then - settled into the challenge this morning . . .

Sunday . January 29th . 2012 . 9:00 am

I started with The Streaming Practice, a bio-energetic practice that releases tension throughout the whole body, especially the pelvis. While lying down during the opening phase, I could feel my sexual energy beginning to stir.

After about 20 minutes or so, my hands naturally began to caress and massage my body. I followed the sexual channels along my inner ankles, calves and thighs. I was actually able to feel myself giving to myself - this was the first experience of self-love in the practice. I was able to receive myself, Dawn, giving myself pleasure, time and space, while pouring all my years of study and experience into my body. Deeply relaxing and emotionally secure.

By this time, my body was trembling softly and I found myself practicing the Sexual Breathing Practice. This practice seemed to spread the sexual arousal in a linear way, up and down my body. I spent a little time deliberately checking-in at each chakra, feeling the sexual arousal in each on the journey up, then down. I experienced something I've been aware of for sometime, that the intensity of arousal increases for me as I move up into Ajna and Sahasrara - so - I focused a bit more time and attention on the other 5 chakras to bring about a feeling of balance.

I experimented with the PC Pump and Pelvic Rocking practices - these increased the amount of pleasurable sensation in my genitals dramatically.

I was approximately 50 minutes into the practice by now and began to include genital stimulation in the practice. At first the genital stimulation seemed to distract me from the pleasure and flow I'd been experiencing, then, after 5 minutes or so, the genital stimulation integrated into the whole experience and there was a feeling of harmony through my body.

As my arousal grew, I could feel a barrier between my arousal and my willingness to experience it fully. It was interesting, almost as if my arousal lay just on the other side of a closed door - the heat and pleasure were there but just out of reach.

I relaxed more deeply and let the arousal spread, laterally, through my body, while I incorporated the Opening the Inner Flute practice again. This helped to dispel any frustration or distraction.

I felt my body fully aroused, my genitals full of pleasure and excitement. I relaxed even more and let go of the practice. As I placed my hands on my body to rest, I felt a surge of emotion erupt. Tears and sobs. The emotions seemed to come from deep in my pelvis. There were no images or stories. I let the emotion express fully.

When I stood up after the practice, I noticed immediately that my legs and feet were incredibly sensitive and alive. I could feel an enormous amount of energy in my legs. I felt strong, balanced, centered, clear.

Total practice time 90 minutes.

The practices I've referred to above, such as Sexual Breathing, PC Pump, Pelvic Rocking, Opening the Inner Flute, etc., are practices taught LIVE in my weekend immersion, Be Fully Alive, offered in Santa Monica August 5th - 6th, 2017. You're invited to join me to learn and experience these Tantra practices LIVE at Be Fully Alive!  
Register for Be Fully Alive . August 5th - 6th . 2017
Photo By Marc Larouche

All of the Black and White Hair series can be purchased as prints. Please contact Marc Larouche for further details.
"Self-love is the strong sense of respect for and confidence in oneself. It is different from narcissism in that as one practices acceptance and detachment, the awareness of the individual shifts and the individual starts to see him or herself as an extension of all there is. Ultimately, the identification of ā€œIā€ from a personal individual perspective, shifts to ā€œIā€ from a perspective of consciousness or life being experienced from the perceptual point of view that we call by our individual names. Love is happiness.
Self-love can be taught in childhood through honesty, acceptance and unconditional love. Since most parents have their own self-doubts and limiting beliefs, they project these onto their children and the cycles of self-rejection and self-abuse repeat themselves.
In 1956 psychologist and social philosopher Erich Fromm proposed that loving oneself is different from being arrogant, conceited or egocentric. He proposed that loving oneself means caring about oneself, taking responsibility for oneself, respecting oneself, and knowing oneself (e.g. being realistic and honest about one's strengths and weaknesses). He proposed, further, that in order to be able to truly love another person, a person needs first to love oneself in this way."
Daily Check-In
Endless Love SECRET Facebook Group
A place to share your Self-Pleasuring experiences and discoveries each day.
You can even start now. Introduce yourself, share your pre-challenge thoughts and experiences and get to know the other EXTRAORDINARY pleasure seekers in the group.
Endless Love is a SECRET Facebook Group. Read about Facebook Group privacy settings
Because Endless Love is a SECRET Facebook Group, you must first friend me (or someone else in the group) to join. To do this, please send me a quick e-mail, see below, and include a link to your Facebook Timeline, your link will look like this:
Join the SECRET Endless Love Facebook Group
Feedback and Q&A
What's happening in your life?

Please keep send me your questions - what's happening in your life? Here are some letters from previous 21-Day Self-Pleasuring Challenge participants . . .

Dear Dawn,

After the Self-Pleasuring Practice and bringing my sexual energy "up", I find that I often have a headache. How do I address the feeling of energy trapped in my head?

Thanks, Lee
Los Angeles . California . USA

Dear Lee,

Here's what I do - I lie down on my back, knees bent, feet flat on the floor a little more than hip distance apart. I relax my arms next to my body and breathe normally.

Then, I begin by slowly turning my head side to side. I make sure my head does not leave the floor, by simply turning my chin from left to right to left. I do this 5 minutes.

Then, I allow my head to rest at center and begin to allow my knees to fall to the side - to the right, the left, the right - almost like windshield wipers. My feet remain on the floor, rolling over on the edges as my knees drop slowly side to side. I do this 5 minutes.

Next, I turn my head and my knees side to side simultaneously. They don't have to move in sync, I let it all happen as it wants to - I'm natural and I allow my body to set the rhythm and relationship between the head and the knees. I continue 5 minutes.

When I'm complete, I allow my legs to stretch out on the floor, I settle into my body, rest and receive.

Much love, Dawn

. . . . . . . .

Dear Dawn,

Why was I so tired? I was sooo tired after the day of Tantra - I felt resistant to self-pleasuring.

Love, Sparky
Los Angeles . California. USA

Dear Sparky,

In his book, A Path With Heart, Jack Kornfield reports that, when beginning a meditation practice, the first thing a person encounters is often a deep feeling of exhaustion. He says that it's not the meditation that makes the person tired, it's the meditation that reveals how exhausted the individual is already.

Could it be that you are more exhausted than you realize? Is your body communicating a need for peace and quiet?

Love, Dawn

. . . . . . . .

Dear Dawn,

Lately, I've found myself trembling and shaking a lot while I am relaxing into my feelings. Will this continue as I go deeper into these practice?

Why the focus on full body orgasm?

Love, Joseph
Los Angeles . California . USA
Dear Joseph,

Wow, as I'm feeling into this it feels incredibly freeing. I wonder if you've unconsciously held your feelings in check through muscular tension?

If so, this would be classic Reichian philosophy: body armoring = unexperienced feelings and emotions + bio-energetic practices = trembling = release.

If this is the case, the trembling will, at some point, subside and you'll be left with something more like a vibration which is fluid, strong, alive and available to energy flow and pleasure.

Full body orgasm is what happens when allow our full potential as human beings to flow freely in the body. That's why it's our focus. Of course there are lots of ways of putting it, it's just that orgasm, as a word and as an experience, has been misunderstood and therefore limited - I'm committed to moving beyond that misunderstanding and those limitations.

Much love, Dawn
Chandra Bindu Tantra Institute
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