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ACFN Newsletter April 2017
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ACFN Welcomes 2 New Franchisees!!

ACFN Welcomes 2 New Franchisee !! 
Congratulations and best of luck New Franchisees
Dave E - St Paul, MN
Mesh J - Corono, CA
Interview with Turker Sus, Franchisee & Manager @ ACFN

How long you have been a franchisee with ACFN?
It’s been 4 years now.
What made you decide if the ATM franchise was the right business for you?
Having seen how successful other franchisee became without investing a lot of time was very intriguing to me and my wife. WE both have professional careers we like and didn’t want to compromise. This business has no time consuming elements, does not require me to sell or to talk with people and no one even knows that I am the owner of the ATMs. Also we have a back office in ACFN which supports our business 7 days a week without having to manage a single employee.
This is the best formula one can ask for.
What kind of marketing do you do to grow your business?
I only follow the given process by ACFN. Marketing is ACFN’s strong suit. All I do is approve the locations which they propose and drop off the Marketing packages at the the locations approved by me. ACFN than follows up with a call and continues the dialog to secure contracts for the placement of the ATMs.
How much time do you spend running your business?
10 hours per week to manage the whole operation which includes currently 22 ATM locations. I am also in the process of adding 3 high-end Hotels to my portfolio, which is a part of a very large Nationwide acquisition.
Do you have to spend late nights fixing ATMs?
No,  The ATMs we use are high end machines made in the USA and have very limited moving parts and only one item on the Menu . I may visit an ATMs once per year for an out of routine visit. It could be to clean the sensors because of dust or as simple as a paper jam.
Do you see yourself owning more ATMs one day?
That would be beyond my physical capacity and unnecessary. My ultimate goal is to have 30 quality locations. I am quite close to achieving my goal. This is plenty to support a good retirement in the Silicon Valley.
What do you think about other Vending businesses?
The average vending machine has a lot of moving parts, is heavy and carries a variety of products or items. Trying to find an audience that like these particular items does not sound that easy. I rather promote one product with no expiration date which all customers use and need - cash.
What does it take to become a successful ATM franchise owner?
Not much besides reviewing prospective leads to approve and having access to funding. Since ACFN is doing the research, negotiates the contracts, handles the communication and does the bill pay, I literally don’t have to add any of my magic to it. As a franchisee I take pride in providing a very good service to all of my location which in return means that they never worry about this ATM service provider.
Franchisee Review “Things I appreciate about ACFN"
This is my 13th year with ACFN, if my memory serves me right; Cathy and I, were the 10th franchisee to sign up for this adventure. I have had some rocky roads for sure. Some misunderstandings & disappointments, but you are going to have this with any relationship.
We are up to 20 locations and hope to reach 25, in 2017.
There are many things I appreciate about my decision to start this business, back in 2004.
The Marketing Department
They do a lot with so many leads with over 250 franchisees. It is hard to see how they can keep up with calling & following up on each of my leads, but for the most part they do a fine job. As I remember they had a marketing staff of one or two folks, calling for just 10 franchisees.  So to keep up the contact with my leads on a timely basis with the current marketing staff is hard indeed. I have done phone marketing years ago in my business & I know how hard it is to be up for making calls, being professional, pleasant and on top of calling folks, that do not know the value of using ACFN for their ATM needs.
I appreciate Jim’s tenacity, attitude and work ethic to be a part of the many corporate endorsements and hotel management/ownership takeovers. This has been the best part lately for our portfolio. Jim and his team have helped me get 3 new hotels in 2016. (Which I value the most; they have the best retention and profitability). I appreciate their innovations in the Franchisee Lead database, which has gone thru I think five revisions, to where it is today.
Technical Support Department
A big Kudos, for all their help to answer questions and advice in any troubleshooting.  I cannot say enough about all the technical support staff.  I really appreciate the long term commitment and help of the head of the department, Gershon Yakir. He is always so patient, pleasant and knows everything there is to know, about keeping your ATM up and running and incompliance. 
They are always on top of industry regulations and quick to reply. And the technical library on the Support Web site is detailed, simplified and has all I need to perform any programming or service. Many times they have walked me thru a repair on the phone, always in a friendly professional manner. I even appreciate, even though it may cost me now, (but will ultimately save me from potential future headaches and or, legal issues) the way ACFN keeps informed on the latest laws and needed updates i.e. EMV and other Software Updates.
I appreciate, that they take calls from customers and location personnel when they report an issue with their ATM. This again promotes good customer service and thus helps in business retention. They are sometimes able to take care of the issue directly or with Triton Connect without my involvement.
I appreciate how all the entire ACFN team is very customer service orientated in their dealings with me as one of their franchisees. 
I appreciate the ROI I am enjoying on my investment through my overall portfolio of locations. Some locations are above average and some are below but as a whole, it provides a monthly return that helps in my retirement planning.
I appreciate that I can continue this type of business, in my retirement years. Which according to my wife Cathy has been the last 12 years!! 
Terry C
ACFN Franchisee
ACFN • 111 West Saint John Street, Sixth Floor • San Jose, CA 95113
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