Of late I have been speaking to many people who are having problems “transitioning” either in their relationships with themselves, with others, or their careers. We’ve all been there at one time or another and it can be messy being a human being. Freud was correct (and I’m not a Freudian type of person) when he said that if people have at least one of these situations going well in life (love or work) they would be relatively happy. Freud said that love and work (Liebe and Arbeit) are the cornerstones of our humanness. That being said, there sometimes comes a point of no return in a particular situation when you have given all you can give, taken all you can take, learned all you can learn, and taught all you can teach, been all you can be.
You realize there is no hope of things getting any better, and you have done all you know how to do to turn things around. ....
Minister's Column cont.
Sunday, 7 May 2017, 11 am Rev. Robert Hughes "Living Our Inherent Worth and Dignity"
Our First Principle is one that is refreshing and, sometimes, challenging. We will consider some ways to put into practice and live out our belief in the inherent worth and dignity of every person - including ourselves. This talk will focus on the psychological dimensions of this challenge - working with subconscious, conscious, and higher levels of functioning.
We welcome for his first visit to UUCSV, Rev.Robert Hughes, a retired Unitarian Universalist minister who emphasizes practical spirituality. He has also worked as a licensed massage therapist, medical social worker, and co-owner of a small business, and taught world religions for several years. In addition to folk music he has an interest in holistic living, enjoys therapeutic narrative, and is a Psychosynthesis Life Coach. He has been married to Judy for 41 years and they are the parents of two children and four grandchildren. They moved to Matthews, North Carolina to be close to family (especially their 2 grand daughters!)
Sunday, 14 May 2017 11am
Rev. Michael S.J. Carter
“The Activist and the Mystic”
New Members Recognition
One of the legacies of our free, progressive faith tradition is social action. Many UUs are drawn to this social justice ministry as an avenue whereby they can put their faith into action. Many times I as your minister have said that if one wants to change the world, one must begin by changing oneself, for as within so without. For some, but not for all, this is a hard saying. Yet, it is not an either/ or premise but both/ and. I am a mystic and by that I mean that I draw my spirituality from encounters that I have had with at times visible and invisible energy. I do not say that everyone has to but I do. I believe that genuine transformation, of the society and the individual must occur from within. We have a choice how to channel this energy. Let’s explore!
Sunday, 21 April 2017, 11 am
Our Religious Education Program "Crossing Bridges "
As we come to the end of our program year in children’s RE, we celebrate the wonders of growth and the many bridges we have crossed. This year, crossing bridges will be a little more tangible for 2 of our UUCSV youth who are graduating high school and crossing the bridge here from the children’s & youth’s classrooms to the exciting world of adulthood. Teacher appreciation will also be part of our service as we recognize, thank, and celebrate the dedication of all of our wonderful teachers & other volunteers for their service to our younger members.
Sunday, 28 May 2017 11 am
Nancy Poling
"When Memory Gets Complicated"
UUCSV Choir will perform
The springboard for this sermon is Nancy's recently published non-fiction book Before It Was Legal: a black-white marriage (1945-1987) It is described as " the story of an independent white woman, a talented black man, and the times in which these two remarkable people lived."
After decades of career hopping—from educator, editor, Realtor, communications consultant, back to educator—Nancy discovered a passion for writing. Her political opinions frequently appear in the Op-Ed section of the Asheville newspaper and on her blog: www.nancypoling.com/blog. Nancy lives in Black Mountain with her husband, Jim Poling, a retired seminary teacher turned avid bird watcher.
Sunday, 4 June 2017 11 am
Steve Brooks "The Crack in Everything"
Of the great songwriters of our time, Leonard Cohen was perhaps the most spiritual. He spent five years in a Zen monastery. His songs are cryptic koans, about the contradictions of seeking light, love and justice in a dark and fallen world, while holding onto humor and hope. Songwriter Steve Brooks sings and unravels several of his favorites, while he explores their lessons for surviving the New Dark Age.
A longtime member and former board member of Austin's Wildflower Church, speaker and singer-songwriter Steve Brooks has performed at more than 30 UU churches around Texas and beyond. His services are an entertaining and thought-provoking blend of sermon and song, in which he integrates homilies, hymns and special music. A master of words as well as music, he was featured on TV's "I've Got a Secret" as six-time World Pun Champion. His seventh CD, "I'll Take You Home," was released January 29. http://www.stevebrooks.net/
Please note the corrected date: Thursday, May 18!
The Swannanoa Valley Christian Ministry coordinates meals that churches provide for a project to repair homes of poor people who cannot afford to do it themselves. Local churches provide the meals for the volunteers and SCCW women (prisoners) that do the work. UUCSV has volunteered to provide lunch at the Lake Tomahawk pavilion. We will need volunteers to provide the food and to set up and clean up. We usually meet at the pavilion at 11:30 am and leave after cleaning up around 1:30 pm.
This year we will be providing the lunch on Thursday, May 18. Please sign up at the church or call Emory for what you want to do: bring food, clean up, etc. Contact Emory Underwood at 669-0869 or email at underwoode@charter.net.
The colors of Spring are everywhere. We are finishing up in kids' RE, but the fun is not over!!
This month we will be celebrating the end of our program year with kids' RE as well as the bridging to adult status of 2 of our wonderful youth: Aven Blozan and Gable Lammens. This will happen on May 21 in our annual Religious Education service. Please join us as we from the classrooms wish our friends bright journeys as they cross the bridge to join the adult congregation as peers.
From the RE Committee is the invitation to all to a Founder's Day picnic on June 17. This is a potluck to celebrate the 13th anniversary of the founding of UUCSV! Food, fun, and fellowship will be in abundance at Lake Tomahawk picnic shelter, Saturday, June 17, 1pm-4pm. For those of you who are founding members, bring your favorite memories to share. There will be games and prizes too! Drinks and desserts provided by the RE committee.
And last but not least, the 4th annual RE Take Me Out to the Ball Game will be July 28. Tickets to this Asheville Tourist game will be available beginning May 1. Adults=$7, Child/Senior=$5. This is a great event for members and friends alike so don't be shy about inviting friends! Carpooling will be organized closer to the event date.
So much has been happening the last few months and I am so grateful to everyone for all their hard work, dedication, and support this year. Thank you all.
The May meeting of the UU Women's Group will be held at 1:00 pm on Friday May 12 in the Lynx Condominiums Club House. Our topic is "What can we learn from ancient cultures and how we can create our own theology?"
For example, native Americans honored nature and great Spirit or Great Mystery. Another example, the Druids shared a belief in the fundamentally spiritual nature of life. An important characteristic of modern day druids is their tolerance of diversity. All druids sense Nature as divine or scared. (as did John Muir). Every part of nature is sensed as part of the great web of life, with no creature or aspect of it having supremacy over any other.
A cornerstone of Druid belief is in the "Otherworld" - a realm or realms which exist beyond the reach of the physical senses, but which are nevertheless real. The Otherworld is seen as the place we travel to when we die. We can also visit it during our lifetime in dreams, in meditation, under hypnosis, or in 'journeying' when in a shamanic trance.
That Druids belief in successive lives relates to their basic goals. Druids seek above all the cultivation of wisdom, creativity and love. A number of lives on earth, rather than just one, gives us the opportunity to fully develop these qualities within us. ....
This is a summary of the meeting minutes from April 17th.
Rebecca Williams and Linda Metzner will co-host a women’s spirituality group for women who have an interest in Earth-Based religion. They plan to meet quarterly. The Board saw this as a positive initiative, The BoT generally approved the formation of the group without a vote because they don’t want to create precedent of needing a vote to start a group.
Lee Reading, our Treasurer, reported on our year-to-date finances. We are 75% through our fiscal year, and the balance sheet is strong. Only cleaning supplies and printing expenses are over budget. Milt agreed to take over the procurement of supplies. Lee summarized the canvass total as $99,000 from 87 units making commitments. Seventeen new Members/Friends committed $15,200. We lost 11 units totaling $9250. The BoT gave Lee a round of applause in appreciation for his efforts in managing the Annual Canvass.. Lee thanked the Membership Committee and Michael for integrating our new members, many of whom are getting involved in the church.
Lee went through the proposed 2017-18 operating budget which included enough committed money to support a full-time minister. Also, the Social Action Committee’s budget was raised to $4000 which is 4% of pledges. The ad hoc Operating Budget Development Committee members felt that it is important to reinstate the budget of Social Action to it’s previous level of 4%. Based on the canvass, our income for the next fiscal year, has increased by 18%. This budget also restores our fair share payment to the UUA.
Hooker Wood has generously offered to serve on the Personnel Committee. Jim told Michael that the Personnel Committee is ready to meet with him to negotiate a full-time job contract. The 2017-18 Operating Budget was approved by the Board. May 28th was chosen as the date to hold our UUCSV Annual Congressional Business Meeting. At that time the Congregation will meet to adopt an operating budget and approve a slate for the 2017-18 Board of Trustees.
The Membership Committee reported that currently we have 103 Members and 34 Friends. New members will be recognized on May 14th.
There was a brief discussion about the request from a few members of UUCSV who want a UUA Fellowshipped Minister. David Reid, reported that he responded to their concerns as a BoT member. David said that the BoT and the congregation have full faith in Michael’s qualifications and abilities. Michael reported that the Fellowship process takes from 3 to 5 years to complete, including a supervised two year internship. He told the Board that it is not practical for him with his qualifications and experience at his age to undertake the process. The Board agreed that we will not require Michael to become a UUA Fellowshipped Minister.
The detailed minutes are posted in the lobby.
....When you finally reach this point, please remember, this is not a bad thing. It is simply time to move on. You will know you have come to the point of no return when your joy is gone, your peace is at risk, you are groping for some meaning, you are searching for a meaning. You are no longer angry because you can’t even get angry. When you come face to face with the point of no return, remember the good times, appreciate the joyful times, be grateful for any support, encouragement or contentment you experienced. Don’t cry because its over; smile because it happened. Pack all of those things in a corner of your heart and take them with you as you move forward. Acknowledge and accept that you may not be able to go back to what you had but that you have something to take with you on your new journey. Perhaps until today you have resisted the need to move beyond the point of no return. You may have been looking for reasons to stay in a situation that no longer suits you or fits you. Why not, just for today, acknowledge your needs and prepare to pack up and move on. You’ll be glad you did!
Sunday, May 28th following the service, all members are asked to attend our annual membership meeting. At this time the congregation officially approves the operating budget for 2017-2018 and votes on a slate of nominees for the Board of Trustees.
See the Board Report in this issue for the exciting news on our budget!
"GA" is UUA lingo for General Assembly - "the annual meeting of our Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA). Attendees worship, witness, learn, connect, and make policy for the Association through democratic process. Anyone may attend; congregations must certify annually to send voting delegates."
This year's GA is June 21-15 in New Orleans. Please note that if you wish to represent UUCSV as a voting delegate you need to put your name in nomination with the Board of Trustees for approval.
On May 25th at 7:00, the Social Action Committee will sponsor a showing of the film "Four Stories About Water" which is about the Navajo struggle for clean water as told in the voices of the people who live these stories. The discussion will revolve around the audience's own stories about water. For more information, please call Suzanne Ziglar, 581-0564
The next Luunch Buunch meeting will be Tuesday, May 2 at noon.
In May, our choir will sing on the 28th. We will rehearse on Sunday the 21st at 12:15 after the service, on the following Wednesday the 24th at 7 PM, and then on the day of the performance, May 28th at 10 AM before the service. We are enjoying the growth of the choir, with a number of new members, and we invite all interested singers to come! Linda Metzner, choir director
May’s Friday Fling, a fun party for grown-ups, usually every third Friday of the month, but the second Friday this month, will be held on 12 May at the UUCSV church. Red and white refreshments will be provided; please bring a potluck dish to share. First movie choice: Carol (2015; Cate Blanchett, Rooney Mara; sweet shop girl meets older confident woman, and love and problems ensue). Second movie choice: The African Queen (1951; Humphrey Bogart, Katherine Hepburn; the classic war of the sexes, shot on location in the Belgian Congo). Potluck begins at 6:30. For further information call Norm Kowal (458-4537).
Deb Vingle, recently returned long-time member of UUCSV, has assumed coordination of the Congregational Care Team from Jim Carillion. You can reach Deb at 828-674-4290 or at debrvingle@gmail.com
Thanks, Deb!
Social Action sends a special thanks to all the volunteers who have signed up to help out with Room in the Inn on May 5th. Our congregation has been lending a hand to homeless women in our community through this successful program for over a decade. Connie Krochmal, Room in the Inn coordinator
The Intuitive Development group (Psi) will meet on May 23 at 1:30 pm at UU. The topic will be Vortexes, Ley lines and Grids. The session will be based on the teachings of sacred ecology taught by Page Bryant who wrote the book "The Spiritual Reawakening of the Great Smoky Mountains.
Please hold the date of Sunday, June 4th, after the service, for a think-tank on UUCSV communications. Rebecca Williams and Ginny Moreland will share our current methods and seek ideas and volunteers to support and improve our efforts! This could cover everything from our social media presence to our e-publications to smoke signals and signage. This is not a standing committee, but it is important work. All welcome and thanks!
An important element of ancient cultures was the energy generated by stone circles or earthen structures positioned over nodes in the earth's magnetic grid or built on important ceremonial sites. (for example, Stonehenge in the UK or native American burial mounds.)
Megaliths, ancient temples and other sacred sites mirror the perfection of the universe. They were built with devotion and precision to last, by people with an unerring belief and knowledge of universal laws. These ancient architects understood the flow of subtle energy, located its hotspots, and by applying a combination of geomancy, sacred geometry and earth magic they created living spaces capable of influencing the human body’s state of consciousness
http://www.druidry.org/ druid-way/druid-beliefs
Freddy Silva site -invisible temple.com.
The deadline for the June Newsletter is May 25th. Please submit items to newsletter.uucsv@
gmail.com The best format is simply in the body of an email.
Ginny and Jackie
Board of Trustees:
Diane Graham
Sarah Kirkpatrick
Frank Pizzardi David Reid, President
Tina Rosato
Carol Sheeler
Dave Wells, Vice-Pres.
Rev. Michael Carter,
ex-officio, non-voting
Board Member
Lee Reading