Welcome back! Hoping this newsletter finds everyone eager for the new school year after a relaxing and rejuvenating summer. There are some exciting free professional development opportunities that happen to be taking place in the North Country this fall including the statewide CS4NH Summit and the NH State Arts conference. For paraprofessionals, NCES has another special special program lined up as well. Don't miss out!
If there is news to be shared with the education community, feel free to send it along. If it's not timely for the monthly newsletter, we can likely share it on our Facebook page.
Lori Langlois
Executive Director

A few slots remain in latest professional development opportunity through the NCES and WMSI partnership.
Many of you may already be engaging with the "Hour of Code" activity through Code.org. The intent of this PD opportunity is to give North Country Code Leaders the skills and curriculum ideas to bring back and teach to their colleagues in order to take the school to the next steps beyond the "hour of code".
The purpose of this professional development series is to begin integrating coding literacy in the elementary grades as a key element of developing robust computer science programs K-12. The PD is a "train the code leader" model and will focus on curriculum for K-8. Depending on the structure of your school(s)/district, this could involve a high school educator if there is a means for to work on implementation in the earlier grades.
Time: 4:00 to 8:00 PM
Dates: Wednesdays
October 11, 2017
November 8, 2017
December 13, 2017
January 10, 2018
February 14, 2018
March 14, 2018
Make-up snow date if needed, April 4th
April 11, 2018
May 9, 2018
Cost: $1250 per teacher
Learn more
K-12 educators and allies, plan to join us for the second annual CS4NH summit that will bring together NH and national experts, K-12 and higher education teams, business / industry representatives, and policy drivers to share our common vision for K-12 CS in NH. CS4NH is about expanding K12 access to Computer Science education. Computer Science, the study of the principles and use of computers, includes coding and other critical skills and concepts for 21st century. This event will include workshops for a variety of user levels and will be a great opportunity to learn more about integrating CS. There is NO COST to participate. Pre-registration is required and space is limited on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Featured speaker
Jennifer Wang, Ph.D., Computer Science Education Outreach Program Manager at Google At Google, Jennifer works to advance research and opportunities in CS education. Her background is in teaching, developing, and researching engineering and CS activities and the impacts of open-ended tinkering activities on STEM/CS learning. She obtained her Ph.D. in the Graduate Group in Science and Mathematics Education (focusing on Engineering Education), B.S. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, and M.S. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of California, Berkeley.
Breakout sessions
Hands-on workshops will be provided across the K-12 spectrum for novice to experienced computer science enthusiasts. Topics will include:
- CoderZ cloud-based curriculum (middle/high)
- Kibo Robotics (grades 1/2)
- LEGO WeDo 2.0 (grades 3/4)
- Coding for Mobile Apps Using Bitsbox
- Using Python to Teach Mathematics and Science
- Confident Coders (grades 3-5)
- Project Lead The Way, Computer Science Principles (high)
- Project Lead the Way, Launch (elem/middle)
- Growing a Computer Science Program (high)
Register for the summit
Strategies for Being a Highly Effective Paraprofessional
Instructor: Susan Fitzell, M.Ed., CSP
Dates: Thursday evenings, September 21, October 12, November 16 & December 14, 2017 Time: 4:00 to 8:00
Location: NCES, Gorham, NH
Cost: Free to para educators employed by NCES full or associate member districts (SAUs 3, 7, 20, 35, 36, 58, 68, 77 & 84). Light snacks provided. Feel free to bring something more substantial for supper (there will be a 20 min break).
Stipend: A stipend of $140 will be paid to those participants who attend all 4 sessions. No stipends for partial attendance. Those attending all four sessions will also receive a copy of Susan's latest book, Paraprofessionals and Teachers Working Together.
Topic 1: Build a Strong Foundation for Success Topic 2: How to Collaborate Successfully Topic 3: Positive Behavior Management Topic 4: Academic Support
Register: ncedservices.org/para-series-2017
Learn more about Susan's work with paraprofessionals here: ParaprofessionalOnline.com
About the instructor:
Susan Gingras Fitzell, M. Ed, CSP specializes in transforming teaching from whole class instruction that teaches to the middle to instruction that structures and enhances lessons to reach every student, whether gifted or struggling. She's a dynamic, nationally recognized presenter, author of nine books for teachers and parents, and an educational consultant. Susan speaks from experience in the classroom! Her work focuses on building caring school communities and helping students and teachers succeed in the inclusive classroom.
High Altitude Balloon Launch & Recovery

Date: The launch is scheduled for Monday, September 18, but depending on the high pressure systems, the launch may take place on a school day between the 18th and 29th. There will be at least a 24 hour notice of any changes to the date.
Location: Launch location will be determined by prevailing weather conditions and will be communicated to participants the day before the launch.
Cost: Free to NH certified educators
Instructors: Bill Church and Steve Roberts
Join a Berlin High School team as they launch a balloon and payload with cameras and science experiments to up to 100,000 feet. Other schools are invited to include experiments to ride along in the BHS payload container. This could include temperature data logging, UV exposure data logging, wind speed, fast plant seed exposure to low temps and high radiation environments. We will deploy at least two camera systems to photograph the entire journey to space and back.
Teachers interested in participating in the launch or in having students design an experiment should send an email to lori@ncedservices.org for more information.
Teachers may be able to participate in the recovery, but participation will be at the discretion of the project leaders depending on weather, daylight, terrain, and other conditions.
Photo credit: Profile High School 2016 launch
News from The Arts Alliance of Northern New Hampshire
The Arts Alliance of Northern NH presents a series of regional artist residencies and professional development opportunities throughout the year. The Alliance also offers customized arts & humanities programs for school districts and technical assistance for integration and planning. Check out the year's residencies here
You can visit www.aannh.org, or email programs@aannh.org or call 323-7302 with any questions or ideas. The Alliance would like to have a representative at every school – please contact AANNH if you’re interested.
Fall Artists in Residence:
For high-school & community theater people (actors, directors & theater/Shakespeare lovers and teachers): Actor Christian Camargo offers a series of low-cost master classes, discussions and workshops on the craft of acting and the exploration of text from Monday, September 18, to Wednesday, September 20 in Plymouth. Camargo most recently starred in the Royal Court's sold-out production of The Kid Stays in the Picture in London, as Pericles in Trevor Nunn's production of Shakespeare's Pericles, and as Mercutio with Orlando Bloom in Romeo and Juliet in New York. Film credits include The Hurt Locker, Breaking Dawn 1 & 2, and many other roles. His residency is part of a PSU Deans Initiative project, with the Arts Alliance as community partner. Preregistration for the Actor's Studio discussion and for hands-on workshops ("The Actor & the Player," "From Mask to Character," "Player's Shakespeare," plus a session for educators on Reading and Performing Shakespeare) will open Friday. Contact the Arts Alliance for details.
For elementary schools/libraries/Title I & reading programs: Children's author Alicia Potter is the Arts Alliance Artist in Residence the last weeks of September and October, in partnership with the Vermont College of Fine Arts Young Writers Network. Alicia -- author of fiction and nonfiction books including Miss Hazeltine's Home for Shy and Fearful Cats, Mrs. Harkness and the Panda, and Jubilee! -- will offer school programs, hands-on workshops, family readings of her work and also public community programs for adults, with readings of her books and discussion of the writing and publishing process, plus tips on writing for children for everyone from neophytes to more experienced writers. We invite schools, libraries and community groups to email to book a session!
Music, songwriting & sound production: Ross Malcolm Boyd and Jamie Feinberg, young NH musicians who have been traveling the country for the past year, will be in the region from mid-September to mid-October, and are available for performances and singalongs for all ages, including preschoolers; they also offer songwriting, theater/improv and sound production workshops in schools. Contact us for details!
And watch for November artist in residence Veronica Robles, offering Mexican and Latin American music and dance programs.
Professional Development:
“Teaching Innovation & Creativity,” the NH State Council on the Arts’ Statewide Education Conference, is in Littleton November 3 & 4! Registration is now open, with discounts for Arts Alliance members and early-bird rates through September 30. Presenters include Alan November (one of Tech and Learning Magazine's 15 most influential thinkers of the decade), on "Critical Thinking & Media Literacy; artist in residence Gowri Savoor ("Building Lanterns and Community"); and choreographer Yo-EL Cassell. There will also be great panel discussions, and workshops led by juried teaching artists in media, dance, theater, visual arts, music and design. Read more and register here.
Early Bird Registration for Write Now! Conference: The Annual Reading/Writing Conference for educators, dedicated to the memory of Donald Graves, takes place Saturday, March 31, 2018, at Kennett High School, North Conway. Presented in partnership with the Conway School District, the 2018 conference features Kylene Beers, author of many highly respected books on literacy, including Disrupting Thinking, Notice and Note and Reading Nonfiction. Register by September 15 and save (additional discounts for Arts Alliance members)! Learn more and register here.
Also watch for this year’s Arts in Early Learning conference, “How I Go from Here to There,” October 28 and November 18.
Teacher Residency for Rural Education
North Country Student Film Festival
If you are interested in being contacted with information on participating in this year's film festival for grades 4 to 8, please email lori@ncedservices.org.
NCWIT Awards
Click either link below for the respective Aspirations in Computing Awards. For more materials to publicize these awards, click here.
NH State Arts Conference
Be a North of the 44th Placemaker
Share your energy and ideas.
Highlight the good things in our region.
Act together with your friends and family to make our place as great as it can be.
Practice thinking positive and building from strengths.
Embrace people who are different from you.
Join the North of the 44th Movement today!
Looking for help with substance abuse or mental illness but don't know where to turn?
Granite Pathways Regional Access Point Services is a statewide network, accessible by phone or in person to help New Hampshire residents struggling with addiction, to get the timely, supportive services they need; helping both individuals and families navigate the complex systems of care to real solutions. Call 1-844-711-HELP or visit: granitepathwaysnh.org/rap/
Interacting with a child from birth to age 5?
Vroom turns shared moments into brain building moments. Whether it’s mealtime, bathtime, or anytime in between, there are always ways to nurture children's growing minds.

The Campaign to Change Direction has made the above rack-cards available to all students and teachers in NH schools. For the North Country, these were distributed through the superintendents. Learn more about this campaign to change the culture of mental health in America.
Comprehensive School Mental Health System Assessment
Learn more at https://theshapesystem.com/
Support NCES with a tax deductible donation
Your tax deductible gift helps support the work of the organization in being a leader in providing professional development and educational services, facilitating partnerships and fostering collaborations that benefit member schools, advocating for resources for teachers and students, and continuously creating opportunities that enhance education in the North Country.
Support NCES through AmazonSmile
Please consider supporting NCES by shopping through AmazonSmile. Amazon will donate to NCES every time you shop through this link:
Contact Information
North Country Education Services
300 Gorham Hill Road
Gorham, NH 03581
NCES is an equal opportunity employer and provider.