In this issue:
What is the Sweet Taste of your Own Medicine?
Thought for the Week
A Holiday Shopping Idea for You
Upcoming Sunday Programs 
Common Health Issues Helped using the Holon
Everything You Did Not Want to Know About Little Fire Ants
Thanksgiving Interfaith Concert
The First Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving Dinner
Kona Loving Group
Sunday Morning Sound Meditation
Beginning Belly Dancing
Dances of Universal Peace
How to Find Us
Is this property meant for you?
Space Available
What is the Sweet Taste of your Own Medicine?
Sunday, November 19, 2017
10 am
with music by The New Thought Thanksgiving Singers
Workshop 1:30 pm

Carol Maikalani Hannum, D.eM will be sharing how we can heal ourselves using the Holon Method - a correction process based on the power of words or soul commands that instruct the high self and body to make appropriate changes. The changes range from clearing thousands of toxins and pathogens from the body to aligning the spine and healing fractures and discs. Balancing the electromagnetic and emotional body, making genetic corrections and removing negative energy also occurs.
The Holon serves to address all illness as causative factors are identified and eliminated. A freeing and lightening the load of accumulated biological/chemical baggage occurs, creating a new lightness which has been reported by most people.I 
Carol Maikalani Hannum D.eM, Medical Intuitive or Medium, Founder, Practitioner and Author of the Holon Method graduated from Psychic Horizons, San Francisco, and the Clairvoyant Center in Kona, Hi. She received her degree after 15 years of study with AIWP University in Long Beach, Ca. Association for the Integration of the Whole Person. Carol studied with Dr. Hulda R. Clark, noted Cancer researcher in the 90s. Other Academics include a Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Psychology from Washington State University, and Bachelor of Landscape Architecture at U. C. Berkeley. She practiced Landscape Architecture until 1990. Carol is one of the healers recommended by Dr. Norm Shealy. She has been featured on many radio shows, programs with Dr. Miriam Knight New Consciousness Review and Cyndi Silva, Women’s Intuitional Network.
The Book “The Holon Method, A Breakthrough in Energy Medicine and Step by Step Guide to Powerful Self Healing” was published in 2013. Dr. Hannum has given presentations and classes in Hawaii, Ukraine, Mt. Shasta, San Francisco and North Bay area. In the process she has accumulated 30 plus years of practice. She lives now in Hawaii. She is an artist and musician playing regularly when not prevented.
Thought for the Week
A Holiday Shopping Idea for You
When Shopping on Amazon please click this link and Amazon will make a donation to New Thought Center.   This is through the SMILE program.
Purchase Through the Amazon Smile program
Upcoming Sunday Programs 
November 19: Carol Hannum- What is the Sweet Taste of your Own Medicine? with music by The New Thought Thanksgiving Choir
November 26:  Susan Gregg-"Love or Fear?" with music by Davina Mar
December 3:  Dr. Will Tuttle - Awakening Our Inner Genius with music by Will Tuttle
Afternoon Workshop:The Four Viharas and the Eightfold Path to Peace
December 10:  Tree Trimming Holiday Party
December 17:  Dawn Barnett - Winter Solstice Celebration
December 24: Bruddah Joe Hadley - "Da Kapenta"
December 24:  Candlelight Service 7 pm
December 31:  Kumuhula Keala Ching - "E Ho’ōla ē"
January 21: Nancy Rosenfeld Daly - "Leaping into the Unknown"
Afternoon Workshop
February 11: Dr. Hank Wesselman
February 17: All day workshop
For other speakers visit our SCHEDULE page on our website.
For details on workshops and other events click here
Common Health Issues Helped using the Holon
Workshop with Carol Hannum
November 19, 2017
1:30 pm
by donation
Your questions about Holon will be addressed and a short healing for the group will follow.
This method addresses such subjects as: Leaky Gut, “Bad”Genes, Cancer, Dysbiosis, Fatigue, Sleep issues, Addictions, Headaches, GERD, and other symptoms as time allows.
Everything You Did Not Want to Know About Little Fire Ants
November 16th, 2017

An Evolutionary Yoga Seminar
Saturday, November 18, 2017, 1:00 – 4:00 pm
with Marya Mann, Ph.D.

Acu-Yoga uses the power of touch, the breath, and your intention to bring more joy, balance, and stress resilience into your life. Exploring the acupressure points Central Treasury (Lung 1), the Great Surge, (Liver 3), the Gushing Spring (Kidney 1), and other Meridian and Regulatory Channels, you’ll learn to nurture and harness your inner life force.
Through long yin yoga stretches and flowing asana practice, we’ll engage energy centers that bring deeper intimacy with the movement of vigor, healing, and wisdom in our bodies while clearing and cleansing the biofield.
A hybrid of Yoga Therapy and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Acu-Yoga features finger, hand, or elbow pressure at meridian skin points to remove harmful toxins and boost endorphins. Specific points also help to release trauma from the body, balance the chakras, restore vital energy, and empower the Soul.
While in yoga poses — or walking, talking, even working at your desk — you can delight in the right touch. Acu-Yoga bridges body and mind back into harmony so your natural life energy flows fully. You have new strength to face any challenge with less stress, more insight, and just the right touch.
Please bring a yoga mat, a journal, and a closed water bottle.

When: Saturday, November 18, 2017, 1:00 – 4:00 pm
Where: New Thought Center – 81-6587 Mamalahoa Hwy, C302
Pualani Terrace in Kealakekua
Why: For harmony, health, and happiness
How: Fee is $40. Please register here:
Or call 808-345-0050 for more details.
At the heart of it all, peace lives.
Thanksgiving Interfaith Concert
This special evening brings spirits together to give thanks for all we have.  Please attend (it's fun) and support our New Thought singers & musicians.  Bring cans of food or donation of cash and a pupu to share after the program. 
The First Thanksgiving
The First Thanksgiving, 1621, Plymouth, Massachusetts
Here are some interesting historical footnotes from Board President, Pasha MacGregor, née Priscilla Davidson, shared with the encouragement of Nikki Spencer.
Who was there? The 56 Pilgrims who had survived the first winter in New England. (50 had perished) The survivors included my ancestor and namesake, Priscilla Mullens and her future husband John Alden. Squanto, a Pawtuxet who had mentored the English settlers in effective New World agricultural practices, was present for the celebration. The guests were Chief Massasoit, his brother Quadequina, and 88 other members of the Wampanoag Tribe.
What did they eat? Roast duck, roast goose, and a “great store of wild Turkies”. (However, the word “Turkies” in 17th century English was used in a broad sense—it may or may not have referred to the bird we now call turkey.) Fifteen young boys were sent to gather wild cranberries from the bogs. The menu also included lobster and clams, leeks and watercress, corn and squash. For dessert there were dried berries and bitter wild plums. (Pumpkin pie and whipped cream came much later.) The guests contributed venison and popcorn. Legend has it that Quadequina brought several deerskin bags of popcorn, already popped.
How do we know? Governor William Bradford, wrote a chronicle called “Of Plimouth Plantation” which traced the history of the Pilgrims from 1620 to 1647. This is the primary source of information about the first Thanksgiving.
My 9 times great grandmother Priscilla, a teenager at the time, was one of 6 women who prepared the meal. I’m so glad we have potlucks now! I will be pleased to do my part.
Thanksgiving Dinner
New Thought Center of Hawaii is celebrating its 4th Annual Thanksgiving Day Gourmet Potluck Dinner Thursday November 23 from 5pm to 8pm. Please join us and bring your favorite delicious food dish to share as well as a musical instrument. NTCH is providing a turkey and a vegetarian tofurkey option.
We will have a gratitude circle and serve the food at 5:30. Following dinner we will have a musical sharing with drums, rattles, guitars & whatever else you would like to contribute.
Please contact Nikki at 937-3013 and let her know how many guests you are bringing and what you would like to share. We would love help either setting up and/or cleaning up so please let her know if we can count on you for that. Mahalo... See you there!
Kona Loving Group
Free Weekly Support
from 6-8pm

Kona Loving Groups offers Free Support from past trauma, recent breakups, and upsets in a safe place to share. Trained facilitators, Davina Mar 808.938.8452 and John Float 808.896.7391 alternate Hosting the Weekly Meeting on Thursdays from 6-8pm in the Honua Room.
If you are wanting more happiness and peace of mind and are ready to learn and practice universal principles of unconditional love, feel free to attend any of our drop-in, no participation required meetings. Arriving early ensures the group will meet and that there will be time to speak and/or get held. All donations benefit the New Thought Center of Hawaii.
Loving Groups is a non-profit organization that focuses on bringing consciousness to the unconscious. For more info visit
For up-to-date calendar of our Free Conference Calls, Zoom Meetings, Social Events, Book Studies, Classes, Workshops, and Retreats, visit and Join us.

Aloha & Blessed be,
Davina Mar, Unconditional Loving Life Coach
"Moving from Annoyance to Acceptance"
To learn more click here...
Mondays 5 - 6:30 pm
Drop-in: $15 - Multi-class memberships: 3 class/$40
Beautiful Light-Filled Space overlooking Kealakekua Bay

Glow with the Gentle Flow!
To read more click here....
Find our more and reach out to Marya Mann at
Sunday Morning Sound Meditation
Join us at 9 to 9:30 am for Quartz Crystal Singing Bowl Chakra meditation. This meditation is very powerful and healing as each bowl is tuned to each of the 7 chakras.
Please arrive early as the doors close promptly at
9 AM.
Donations and Love Offerings are greatly appreciated and support services offered by New Thought Center to you.
Beginning Belly Dancing
Weekly Saturday, 9:30 to 11:00
Holiday Schedule
Sat., Nov. 11
 Sat., Nov. 18
Esoteric Belly Dance - dance to unite body and spirit, emotional and physical expression. Classes taught by Alay'nya, author of the widely-recognized book, "Unveiling: The Inner Journey."
Alay'nya has studied extensively with New York City master teachers and brings their rich and expressive vocabulary to the Big Island, including work with veils and zills (metal finger cymbals).
See us on Facebook at Aloha Belly Dance.Cost is $25.00 for single class / drop-in (1 1/2 hour class); prices drop when class coupons are purchased in sets. For more information:
Dances of Universal Peace
December 10, 2017
6 - 7:30 pm
People worldwide yearning for Unity have found in the Dances of Universal Peace a renewing and inspiring spiritual practice that brings us face to face with Life and Truth, beyond concepts and beliefs.
Moving in the moment while singing sacred phrases, mantras and poetry of the myriad of spiritual traditions that grace the Earth. The dances open us to remembrance of the natural human state -- unguarded, authentic and free. They continue to be, (as the originator, Samuel Lewis envisioned) “a way to generate life-energy and the peace that passes all understanding.”
For more info: Swami Om 808 323-3344
How to Find Us

We are located at
Pualani Terrace,
81-6587 Mamalahoa Hwy
Building C302 in Kealakekua,
next door to Antiques and Ice Cream (large red building on makai/ocean side of the highway.  From south we are on the left, just a few tenths of a mile past Konawaena School Road traffic light.
Phone:  808-323-2232
for email:

for mail: P.O. Box 333, Kealakekua, HI 96750
Our facilities are handicap friendly with lots of paved parking area.
Childcare is provided at Sunday morning services.
For more information about New Thought, map and what we offer please visit our website at:
Our officers for 2017-2018 year are:
Pasha MacGregor, President
808 325-7441

Nigel B. Patterson,

Vice President
808- 747-4654

Palmer Vaughn, Treasurer
808 238-5198

Momi Nobriga,

Is this property meant for you?
In 1976, a member donated two lots in Hawaiian Ocean View Estates (HOVE) to the Religious Science church that evolved into New Thought Center.  In 2016 the current Board of Trustees decided to put the parcels on the market, with the understanding that the proceeds from the sale will go into the building development fund for our property at Pualani Terrace.  For 40 years we have paid taxes and road maintenance fees.  Our predecessors even made special payments to HELCO to bring electricity close to the properties.  
The two properties will be sold together because of their shape. The asking price is $23,000 for both. Please help us get out the word to potential buyers. Our realtor is Donna Durgin.  She can be reached at 808 937-8260, or by e-mail,
Space Available
New Thought Center has fabulous spaces available for events and special occasions and classes at $45 per hour.  See:
for more photos.
To rent space or book an event, callTerry Browne at 808-328-2337 or email to:
For more info and photos click here...
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New Thought Center of Hawaii  •  P.O. Box 333  •  Kealakekua, HI 96750

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