Vino Volo
A clever play on Latin—is it "I wine, I fly'? These airport wine bars educate patrons on their "flights" of wine.
What a Difference a Letter Makes
Kenneth Branagh as Hercule Poirot
When his name is pronounced as "Hercules" in Murder on the Orient Express, the famous detective corrects the speaker, clearly enunciating his name as Hercule Poirot (sans final s) and asserts that he is "not the one who did the labors."
When Billy Elliot says he wants to dance but seems reluctant to practice, the ballet teacher Mrs. Wilkinson chides him, "Oh, so you're fully formed from the brow of Zeus!"
Just What the Doctor Ordered
From the Pro Re Nata Brewery's website: Doctors' orders for treating what ails us. Enjoy PRN Farm Brewery's hand-crafted ales and lagers, one of the world’s oldest elixirs — "as needed."
What's in a Name? While the F.P.Journe Company avers that the motto Invenit et Fecit asserts that its watches are made solely in the company’s own workshops, Forbes in a 2010 article characterized the Latin motto as "unhumble."
Classical Conferences and Meetings in 2017 and 2018
ACTFL—American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Language TFLTA—Tennessee Foreign Language Teaching Association in conjunction with ACTFL 2017 Annual Convention and World Languages Expo November 17–19, 2017 Music City Center Nashville, TN Representatives: Allan Bolchazy and Donald Sprague
Publisher's Presentation:
Friday, November 17, 3:30–4:20 p.m. Music City Center, Exhibit Halls B, C & D, Workshop Room #4 E29 "Latin for the New Millennium: Editor/Teacher Perspectives" Donald Sprague, B-C Editor; Dawn LaFon, White Station High School, Memphis, TN
2018 Conferences
SCS/AIA—Society for Classical Studies/Archaeological Institute of America January 4–7, 2018 Boston Marriott: Copley Place Boston, MA Representatives: Allan Bolchazy, Bridget Dean, and Donald Sprague
CANE—Classical Association of New England March 16–17, 2017 University of Rhode Island Kingston, RI Representative: Donald Sprague
CAMWS—Classical Association of the Middle West and South April 11–14, 2018 Hotel Albuquerque at the invitation of the University of New Mexico Albuquerque, NM Representatives: Bridget Dean and Donald Sprague
The 53rd International Congress on Medieval Studies May 10–13, 2018 Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, MI Representatives: Adam Velez and Laurel Draper
ACL—The American Classical League 71st Annual Institute June 28–June 30, 2018 University of Montana Missoula, MT Representatives: Allan Bolchazy, Laurel Draper, and Donald Sprague
Amherst College Harry de Forest Smith Greek Translation Contest registration: late November 2017 administration: February 9, 2018
National Greek Exam deadline: January 20, 2018 regular* administration: February 26–March 3, 2018
National Mythology Exam deadline: January 15, 2018 administration: February 19–March 3, 2018
National Latin Exam deadline: January 20, 2018 regular* administration: March 12–16, 2018
National Roman Civilization Exam deadline: February 2, 2018 administration: February 7–March 9, 2018
National Latin Vocabulary Exam deadline: February 2, 2018 administration: February 7–March 9, 2018
Exploratory Latin Exam deadline: March 1, 2018 administration: October 1, 2017–April 1, 2018
Bernice L. Fox Classics Writing Contest
deadline: March 15, 2018 postmark
*check online for early administration dates.
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The eyeVocab software leverages human memory for distinctive affective images* presented in isolation to radically improve the speed, depth, and permanence of second language vocabulary acquisition. Images are drawn from classical art, both western and eastern, from photojournalism and historical photography, great book illustration, and other sources.
*Learn how images are chosen.
Far more than a set of electronic flashcards, the multimodal vocabulary program facilitates a significantly deeper learning and retention. Students will readily master the frequent Vergil and Caesar vocabulary for the AP® Latin Exam and thereby devote far more of their study time and energy to reading and discussing De Bello Gallico and the Aeneid.
eyeVocab programs correspond to the following B-C books.
Caesar: Selections from his Commentarii De Bello Gallico
(Mueller) (218 words)
Vergil’s Aeneid: Selected Readings from Books 1, 2, 4, and 6
(Boyd) (162 words)
Vergil’s Aeneid: Books I–VI
(Pharr) (292 words)
Latin for the New Millennium Level 1 (423 words)
Introductory rate for each of the AP® Latin programs is $14.95. The LNM 1 and LNM 2 introductory rate is $24.95 per program. For site licenses, contact Miles Becker at
Click on each title to learn more.
The Pompeiiana Newsletter created and edited by Bernard Barcio ran from 1974 through 2003. The newsletter offered a place for Latin students to publish comics, stories, games, and articles, and was a beloved resource for Latin teachers. In 2008, Barcio granted Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers the rights for all of the Pompeiiana Newsletter. B-C is proud to serve as curator for this archive and has made the issues available for teachers, students, and friends of the classics. Check out
Each September, Bolchazy-Carducci mails its Roman Calendar to Latin teachers across the nation. Watch for yours! If you're not on that mailing list, send a note TODAY to Put Roman Calendar in the subject line and provide us the USPS address to which you wish the calendar to be sent. The calendar is also available in a digital format.
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AP® is a trademark registered and/or owned by the College Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, this site.
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Dear Colleagues,
As our nation plans its national day of Thanksgiving, all of us at Bolchazy-Carducci give you thanks.
We are grateful for the opportunity to serve you, your students, and the classics community. We are gratified by our classics colleagues who regularly visit our exhibit at conferences not only to examine our new titles but also to let us know how much they appreciate what Bolchazy-Carducci has done and does for the classics community.
We look forward to our ongoing collaboration!
For teachers looking for something special for a Thanksgiving lesson, we provide a lesson from Elizabeth Heimbach's Word Mastery through Derivatives: Designed for Students of Latin that we published this past August. See the "Teaching Tips & Resources" section. This month we're offering the special discount on classroom sets of this text.
For those of you attending the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Language annual meeting in Nashville this week, be sure to check out the B-C booth. Friday afternoon it is my honor to collaborate with master teacher Dawn LaFon on a presentation about Latin for the New Millennium.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Texas Classical Association Fall Conference Report
The Texas Classical Association fall meeting, hosted by the University of Texas at Austin, was well attended and offered teachers excellent presentations in several areas. Author Rose Williams represented Bolchazy-Carducci at the gathering that met October 27–28.
The engaging and informative presentations included Dr. Robert Cape's discussion on the use of storms in the writings of Caesar and Vergil. Andrew Simmons discussed singing among the military in ancient and modern times as a motivator in the face of danger and even as a counter influence against pain. Michael Skupin gave an interesting and amusing account of Hrotswitha's spin on affairs in the courts of Otto I, II, and III. In practical classroom matters Jeffrey Shoup gave an excellent and statistic-laced utilitarian argument for the value of classics in the schools, Rachel Clark demonstrated methods of differentiation in the Latin classroom, and Shawn and Miranda Jennings offered the group excellent advice about and patterns for Roman costume.
Laura Shaw presented "Reading the Margins of the Gallic War." She shared excellent material not only from Caesar but also from Cicero, Sallust, and Lucan on well-known Gallic tribes and individual Gauls. After all my years of working the De Bello Gallico, I did not know that Diviciacus had stayed in Rome as a guest of Cicero! Tara Sewell Lasater of the University of Houston talked about the Amazons, myth, and reality—how they lived in Scythia and fought beside and against men. She made compelling connections between the Amazons and such modern heroines as Xena and Wonder Woman. Nancy Llewellyn of Belmont Abbey College talked about the living Latin movement on Friday and delivered the keynote address "Electrify Your Latin Classroom with the Living Language" on Saturday. She had the group practicing the pluperfect subjunctive from a De Bello Gallico passage by substitution oral work.
Ryan Williams, who took a BA at the University of Mississippi and will complete an MA in classics at Texas Tech in May, won the Bolchazy-Carducci book drawing and took home a complete set of Latin for the New Millennium, Levels 1–3. He looks forward to teaching Latin. Williams gave a very good presentation, "The Sound of Latin," involving, among other things, giving students a paragraph and some extra words to plug in, in order to ask and answer questions.
Rose Williams
Ryan Williams, winner of the B-C book drawing.
Jesuit Latin Colloquium IV Report
Two dozen Latin teachers from fifteen Jesuit high schools from across the country—including Loyola High School in Los Angeles, Jesuit High Dallas, St. Xavier High School in Cincinnati, Gonzaga High School in Washington, DC, all three Jesuit high schools from Chicagoland: Loyola Academy, Wilmette, along with St. Ignatius College Prep and Christ the King Jesuit College Prep in Chicago—converged on Brophy College Prep in Phoenix for the Jesuit Latin Colloquium IV held November 2–4. Brophy Latin teacher Chabli Balcom served as organizer and host and was assisted by her Latin teacher colleague Serena Crosson. Veteran participants warmly welcomed first timers who accounted for over half of the attendees. Editor Don Sprague, who taught Latin and Greek for twenty-six years at Loyola Academy in Wilmette, IL, represented Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers at the colloquium and exhibited a representative sample of B-C texts and materials.

Jesuit Latin Colloquium IV participants assemble in Brophy’s Jesuit garden.
Jim Clauss, professor at the University of Washington, a graduate of the Jesuit Scranton Prep and University of Scranton, delivered the keynote presentation " 'Now my charms are all o'erthrown': Intertextuality and the Theme of Succession and Replacement in Clash of the Titans (1981)." Formal sharing sessions complemented the informal sessions over meals and socials. Talks included Nick Young (University of Detroit Jesuit High School and Academy) "Aeneid 2: Often Overlooked and Underappreciated," Becki Wick (Loyola Academy, Wilmette, IL) "The Formation of Global Citizens through the Teaching of Classical Literature and History," and Elizabeth Olson Wise (Loyola Blakefield, MD) "The National Latin Spelling Bee."
Host Chabli Balcom (Brophy College Prep, Phoenix, AZ) shares her implementation of mastery-based grading.
Hosts Chabli Balcom and Serena Crosson gave attendees a comprehensive tour of the Brophy campus with special attention to the Office of Faith and Justice and to the Innovations Common. As the assembled Latin teachers experienced the school's impressive facilities, they learned about the school's various programs including a semester course in technology required of all freshmen. Balcom took great pride in explaining Brophy's "Loyola Academy" that welcomes students from underperforming schools to an intensive grade 6 to 8 program that provides students a foundation that prepares them for a college prep curriculum like Brophy's. Balcom teaches Latin to the 7th and 8th graders in the Academy.
Saturday saw participants gather in the Brophy chapel for a Latin Mass. The architecture evoked the Spanish mission tradition and the school’s pioneer-like beginnings when it was built in 1928 in the fields on what was then the outskirts of Phoenix. Director of Alumni Father Philip S. Postell, SJ, graciously welcomed the group and served as celebrant. Following Mass, a number of the group headed to the Heard Museum where they experienced an insightful tour of the highlights of the museum's collection of Native American art.
The group unanimously sang the colloquium's praises and expressed the desire that next time they needed more time!
The Brophy Chapel and its Spanish baroque splendor is the jewel of the original 1929 school building.
At the start of this school year, I decided to use to provide my students with additional practice opportunities for both forms and translation skills. I have been really pleased with how easy it is to use. Lots of different types of activities are beneficial either in class or as independent practice. The "lacunae” are a fun mad-lib style activity to use as a bell-ringer or warm-up. Cartoons that can be used to promote both oral and written skills. In my Latin 3 and 4 classes, we have been reviewing forms and important grammatical structures. has been a great tool for this. I particularly like that, as the teacher, I can limit the practice to the specific forms or constructions that we are working on in class. So, if my students have not yet been introduced to a particular tense, mood, conjugation, etc., I can eliminate those from the practice. A teacher can create a teacher account and provide a code to students so that they can join the class. Then, it is simple to share an assignment with the class and to check for completion and accuracy. I really like that I can see how my students are doing as well as how much they are practicing. is free but there is an option to make a donation to support the work. To get started, visit
Lynne West Latin Teacher and Instructional Specialist Bellarmine Jesuit College Prep San Jose, CA
Webinars Fall 2017
Tuesday, November 28, 6–7:00 pm ET Honor Among Thieves: Craftsmen, Merchants, and Associations in Roman and Late Roman Egypt Presenter: Phillip F. Venticinque, PhD, Associate Professor of Classics, Cornell College, Iowa
This webinar is drawn from Professor Venticinque's book of the same title. He provides an analysis of how craftsmen, merchants, and associations interacted with each other and with elite and nonelite constituencies; how they managed economic, political, social, and legal activities; and represented their concerns to the authorities. His examination of primary source material led to his insights into this demographic's acquisition and use of social capital and created status among their own ranks. Hence, the title Honor Among Thieves.
Philip F. Venticinque is an Associate Professor of Classics at Cornell College in Mt. Vernon, Iowa where he was honored with the Gaarde-Morton Junior Faculty Award in 2011. Students chose him to deliver the faculty address at commencement in 2015. Dr. Venticinque earned his PhD and his MA from the University of Chicago Department of Classics and the Program and Committee on the Ancient Mediterranean World respectively. His BA in classical languages and literature is also from the University of Chicago. He has been the recipient of fellowships from the American Council of Learned Societies, Center for Hellenic Studies, and Loeb Classical Library Foundation. He also received the Mrs. Giles Whiting Dissertation Fellowship, the Dumbarton Oaks Junior Fellowship in Byzantine Studies, and the Martin Marty Center Dissertation Fellowship from the University of Chicago Divinity School. Professor Venticinque has published and presented on various topics about Roman Egypt.
What Equipment Do I Need for B-C Webinars?
To participate in Bolchazy-Carducci Publisher sponsored webinars you will need high-speed internet access, computer speakers/headphones, current web browser, and the link to the webinar virtual meeting space, which is provided in your webinar invitation.
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Participation is free. All webinars provide opportunity for participants to ask questions. Learn lots—attend as many presentations as you can. Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers provides documentation for your participation. You can share this with your supervisors. Many webinar presenters provide handouts, etc.
Resources & Teaching Tips
√ Thanksgiving Lesson
Talented teacher Elizabeth Heimbach's Word Mastery through Derivatives provides twenty-five chapters on derivatives for students who study Latin. Two chapters cover affixes, eleven chapters feature grammar-related derivatives like prepositions and deponent verb derivatives, and twelve chapters present special topics like mythology. One of those special chapters is devoted to the Thanksgiving holiday. We present that chapter for you to use with your classes. We provide the lesson from both the student text and the teacher's manual along with a practice quiz, a final quiz, and the answers keys for each.
In addition to replicating all of the student text and providing answers to the exercises, the teacher's manual for Word Mastery through Derivatives contains three general pre- and three post-study diagnostic tests as well as a practice and a final quiz for each of the twenty-five chapters.
NB: This is a publisher-authorized complimentary download for use in your classroom only—not for any other form of distribution or sharing.
√ Arab Astrolabe Discovered
Students intrigued by the astrolabe illustration in Chapter 3 of Latin for the New Millennium, Level 2, will find this article of interest.
√ Literature Transforms Lives
We're often questioned about the value of the classics. This feature article from the November 2017 issue of Smithsonian provides great talking points.
√ Discovery Provides New Insight on Greek Art
"So, what's new in the classics?" is often delivered with a tinge of sarcasm. To such questioning, we often reply that archaeological discoveries prompt ongoing reassessment. Check out the Smithsonian piece and the New York Times article on a newly found Greek masterwork.
Ancient Music
Check out these cool videos that demonstrate the reconstructed sounds of ancient Greece and ancient Gaul.
Ostia Antica
While Pompeii receives megatons of attention, the Roman port city of Ostia and its remains are equally vital to our understanding of the Roman world and especially to our reconstruction of the late antique period. Recent work at the site makes it an even more appealing site to visit. |
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Enter coupon code 48BC17 upon checkout. SALE STARTS NOVEMBER 27TH! (CYBER MONDAY)(The sale begins at midnight November 26th and ends at midnight November 28th) This offer is valid for one copy per title, prepaid, no returns. Discount is not available to distributors. This offer expires 11/28/16. (Please note that there will be no adjustments on previous purchases.Offer is nontransferable and subject to change without notice.Only valid on products published by Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers, Inc.) Shop: |