Bright and Sunny New Year Horizon
Looking forward to some upcoming events both in person and on-line to kick off this new year.
If you missed the Arcturian New Year Prosperity Transmission, you can still get the mp3 recordings using the link below.
We'll be having the first set of group healings this January 17, 18, and 19 focusing on balancing and improving intelligence, memory, attention, and clarity in thinking. You can read more about the series below under Arcturian Neurobiology of Attention Group Healings.
For people following the Arcturian Healing Method path, there is scheduled a new Level 7: the Arcturian Elite for the end of the year during the Winter Solstice. This is a purely Arcturian downloaded transmission with all new frequencies and techniques. Details also below.
Also, so happy to be starting a series of Arcturian Healing Method classes on the West Coast this January 26-February 1 in Thousand Oaks, CA. This will be followed by level 4 on March 11-13, level 5 from June 6-10, and level 6 from August 21-26. If you wanted to study the entire series this year, this would be a perfect place and cohort to follow.
If you wanted to attend the Mt. Shasta 2018: the InterGalactics Retreat, we started a second one from August 14-19. Details below.
Finally, I wanted to recommend the book Bo & Bon: Ancient Shamanic Traditions of Siberia and Tibet in Their Relation to the Teachings of the Central Asian Buddha by Dmitry Ermakov.
I wanted to recommend this book to people interested in Shamanic Healing as well as a background text recommended for the Arcturian Healing Method in general or people attending the Sedona Retreat or Mt. Shasta retreat this year. The book is encyclopedic and not in the category of light reading but it has many layers and many gems.
Here is a great explanation of car accidents from the Bo Shamanic Tradition:
"It is very important not to put or build any accommodation on spirit roads and especially crossroads. Although there has been a certain interest in geomancy in recent decades, in our modern world too little importance is given to spiritual matters in general and to choosing construction sites in particular. In the West most constructors would just laugh out loud if you suggested a site was not suitable because it blocked a spirit-road and that a professional should be called to check it. In practice, however, people living in accommodation built on desecrated ground, on the dwellings or roads of spirits, on land negatively charged due to 'heavenly' contamination (blood or other impurities falling to earth as a result of wars between sky-dwelling spirits, etc.) suffer from various serious diseases just as if they were, say, living on a radioactive site. The importance of this aspect of the work of a Bo, Utgan, or any other spiritual practitioner with similar capacity cannot be overestimated."
The type of spirits causing accidents are called Yabadal in the Bo tradition. Ermakov expains how "many accidents which happen seemingly for no reason, when for example the driver inexplicably loses control of the car are in fact due to crashing into a Yabadal." |
Straight Talk For the Soul
Hey Everyone,
I'll be talking with Cari Murphy on her Straight Talk for the Soul Global Masterclass Series Season #6. Last season was the first time I was interviewed by Cari and it was a blast. I was completely energized afterwards.
My interview with her will be on Tuesday, January 23 at 11 AM PST/2 PM EST. You can sign up for the series and access to this and many other inspiring interviews using the link below. All for free. See you then.
Arcturian Healing Method on the West Coast
Join us for Arcturian Healing Method Levels 1-3 and Quantum Spoon Bending in Thousand Oaks, CA (right outside Los Angeles) from January 26-February 1. The venue is the Hampton Inn and Suites in Thousand Oaks. You can use the link below to get a special room rate of $125/night (good until January 16). Look forward to seeing you there.
Friday, January 26 from 6:30 PM to 9 PM; $55
Saturday, January 27 and Sunday, January 28 from 9 AM to 5 PM; $350 (review fee $100)
Monday, January 29 and Tuesday, January 30 from 9 AM to 5 PM; $350 (review fee $100)
Wednesday, January 31 and Thursday, February 1 from 9 AM to 5 PM; $450 (review fee $150)
Hampton Inn and Suites Thousand Oaks
510 North Ventu Park Road
Thousand Oaks, CA 91320
To reserve your hotel room with the special discounted rate please use the link below:
Arcturian Neurobiology of Attention Group Healings
3 PM PST/6 PM EST/11 PM GMT on Wednesday, January 17; Thursday, January 18; Friday, January 19.
In this series of 3 group healings lasting 50 minutes each, we will be using the full array of Arcturian Healing Method frequencies plus a special intelligence transmission from the Arcturians to improve our focus, attention, intelligence, and clarity of thinking. Also referred to as the Arcturian Intelligence Transmissions, these group healings can be used repeatedly to improve your thinking and focus on all levels.
There will be a focus for each session on each of the subtle bodies as it relates to attention, focus, and clarity of thought. After each energy session there will then be a 30 minute discussion on some of the latest tools and techniques you can use on a daily basis to improve your thinking, attention, memory, etc as well as the neuroscience behind the techniques. This discussion period will also be a chance to ask any questions or share your experiences with the session.
Total running time per session is 90 minutes.
Below is the content of the 3 healing sessions:
1) Focus on the Physical/ Etheric Subtle Bodies- there will be a balancing of the brain structures involved with attention. These include 1) the Pre-frontal Cortex 2) the Medial Prefrontal Cortex 3) the Corpus Callosum 4) the Hippocampus and Parahippocampal Region 5) the Visual Cortex 6) the Fusiform Cortex (recognizes faces) 7) Thalamus 8) the Vagus and 9) Neurotransmitter Systems Involved with Attention (Norepinephrine, Serotonin, and Dopamine). We will also be clearing away any energetic congestion and debris in the etheric body of the brain and nervous system and other related systems involved in attention and thinking.
2) Focus on Emotional/Mental Subtle Bodies- This session will focus on the emotional and mental aspects of thinking and attention. We will be clearing out any patterns causing fogginess in thinking or lack of memory. In particular, we will be clearing any trauma patterns related with thinking or intelligence. We will then be using a wide array of frequencies to work on the emotional and mental patterns for sharpness and precision.
3) Focus on the Causal, Spiritual, and Divine Subtle Bodies- In this session we will go deeper into clearing and energizing the basic patterns involved in intelligence from a karmic, soul, and divine level. We will systematically work with each level in this session.
After the sessions, you can use the mp3 recordings on a repeated basis to continue to work on clarity of thinking, attention, and focus. Also, if you cannot make the live sessions, you can use the mp3 recordings to connect at a later time.
When you register, you will be sent call in instructions as a link to download a pdf. If you do not receive this link and pdf, please contact Gene at gene.ang@gmail.com You can use the link below to register.
Price: $97 |
Arcturian Healing Method Level 7: the Arcturian Elite
Saturday, December 15 through Friday, December 21 from 9 AM to 5 PM all days
Circles of Wisdom
Andover, MA
The Arcturian Healing Method Level 7: the Arcturian Elite starts with the basic premise of impermanence. We have limited time on the planet in this physical form. Therefore, we must bring out the best in ourselves so that we can bring out the best in others. The mantra of Level 7 is "You Flow, You Glow." The elite aspect is not an external special group but rather the elite aspect of ourselves blazing through.
The core series of this training is 6 days of attunements comprised of twelve 45 minute sessions meant to gear participants to 5 main healing topics/frequencies. The attunements come directly from the Arcturians to the participants. The seventh day is an intensive four 45-minute attunement sessions meant to accelerate the building of your subtle body structure to hold even more light and expansive consciousness.
All together you will receive and participate in sixteen 45 minute transmissions.
The 5 main healing topics/frequencies are as follows:
1) The Arcturian Shadow Frequency- Here we will go over an advanced vibration healing topic related to the vibratory body created when an object casts a shadow. The vibratory elements in this shadow can be worked with to heal and balance a person in a very profound, deep, and direct way. You will be attuned to a healing frequency, the Arcturian Shadow Frequency, which can work at multiple levels of the vibratory shadow body.
2) Arcturian Alchemy Frequency- This is both a process and a healing tool that you will be attuned to and can then use to help others in their subtle body building. This process and attunement builds the golden etheric body in a person's subtle body system. The Golden Body represents a highly prized state of the Etheric Body which has been imbued with enough Divine resonance to appear gold when viewed clairvoyantly. The process in this training also allows you to channel a frequency to continue your development of this Golden Body as well as help others achieve this state.
3) Arcturian Echelon Frequencies- These are six frequency levels that start where the Arcturian Codex left off. These six Arcturian Echelon frequencies are 6 octaves of development of the vibratory rate of the subtle bodies and consciousness meant to bring out the best qualities in yourself and others. Each octave of development can be worked with for a certain amount of time before moving to the next octave. Once the entire cycle is completed, the entire system can be gone through again after a period of integration but now on a deeper level of the spiral. This series of attunements also allow you to channel these frequencies and do this process for others (friends, family, clients, etc.)
4) Advanced Arcturian Clairvoyance Frequencies- This is a series of 3 attunements are meant to boost your clairvoyant/and sensing abilities. Once these attunements are received, you can then use the frequencies to continue to improve and accelerate your sensing abilities (clairvoyance, clairsentience, and clairaudience) as well as channel these frequencies for others to improve their sensing abilities. We will also be going over and practicing higher clairvoyance techniques.
5) Arcturian Glow Frequency- "You Flow, You Glow!" This attunement and frequency puts you and others in their flow state. This is the ultimate body/mind tune-up tool meant to act as a way to beautify all the subtle bodies but not from a surface level of attraction or beauty but from the core essence of a person letting what is most natural and flowing to come through them.
Seventh Day-Advanced Arcturian Structure Building Transmissions
The seventh day of the training is an intensive four 45-minute transmission day meant to continue the process started by the Arcturian Codex. Here your subtle body structure will be deepened and intensified using the Arcturian Consciousness and Energies. The deepening of this structure allows you to bring forth what is the best in you as well as bring out the best in others.
Requirements: Arcturian Healing Method Level 6 and Coding the Codex Training (either live or on-line; 5 day version)
Pricing: $1225
Please bring meditation cushion, yoga mats, blankets, pillows, eye cover, notebooks, pens and pencils, and water bottle as needed.
Sacred Travel-Second Mt. Shasta Retreat Added
A second Mt. Shasta 2018 Retreat has been added from August 14-19. The first retreat is sold out. You can read more about the second retreat using the links below. There are 6 spaces available to stay at the Majestic Retreat House. To register please contact Gene at gene.ang@gmail.com