Classical Conferences and Meetings in 2018-2019
Classical Association of the Empire State
55th Annual Institute October 26–27, 2018 Skidmore College Saratoga Springs, NY Representative: Donald Sprague
Tennessee Classical Association in conjunction with TFLTA November 2–3, 20 l 8 Franklin Marriott Cool Springs Franklin, TN Representative: Laurel Draper
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Language
2018 Annual Convention and World Languages Expo November 16–18, 2018 New Orleans Convention Center New Orleans, LA Representative: Donald Sprague
SCS/AIA–Society for Classical Studies/Archaeological Institute of America
January 3–6, 2019 San Diego Marriott Marquis and Marina San Diego, CA Representatives: Bridget Dean, Donald Sprague, and Amelia Wallace
CANE–Classical Association of New England
March 8–9, 2019 College of the Holy Cross Worcester, MA Representative: Donald Sprague
CAMWS–Classical Association of the Middle West and South
April 3–6, 2019 The Cornhusker at the invitation of the University of Nebraska Lincoln, NE Representatives: TBD
The 54th International Congress on Medieval Studies
May 9–12, 2019 Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, MI Representatives: Laurel Draper and Adam Velez
ACL–The American Classical League
Celebrating ACL's Centennial 72nd Annual Institute June 27–29, 2019 Hilton Midtown New York, NY Representatives: TBD
NJCL–National Junior Classical League July 26–31, 2019 North Dakota State University Fargo, ND Representatives: TBD
Good friend Judy Hallett shares this Trojan Horse from the sculpture collection in the gardens of the Four Seasons Hotel in Florence, Italy.
Editor Amelia Wallace caught this license plate in the parking lot at the Hawthorne Inn and Conference Center in Winston-Salem, NC, site of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South Southern Section biennial meeting. (For report on CAMWS-SS, see next month's eLitterae.)
The upper panel of this nineteenth-century looking glass depicts the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius. The glass captures the image of an historical interpreter at Old Salem, NC. Excavations during the nineteenth century led to Pompeii-inspired decoration like this.
Cindy Caltagirone and Don Sprague are hard at work planning the ACL Centennial Study Tour of Rome with an optional add-on tour to Campania.
So, mark your calendar for ROME2020 in July of 2020!
ROME202 Awaits . . .
Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers provides eTextbooks on a variety of eBook platforms. Bolchazy-Carducci textbooks are available through VitalSource, GooglePlay, Chegg, RedShelf, Adams Book, Follett, MBSDirect Digital, and ESCO. Each eBook platform offers a variety of tools to enhance the learning process. eBooks have the same content as our traditional books in print.
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The eyeVocab software leverages human memory for distinctive affective images* presented in isolation to radically improve the speed, depth, and permanence of second language vocabulary acquisition. Images are drawn from classical art, both western and eastern, from photojournalism and historical photography, great book illustration, and other sources.
*Learn how images are chosen.
Far more than a set of electronic flashcards, the multimodal vocabulary program facilitates a significantly deeper learning and retention. Students will readily master the frequent Vergil and Caesar vocabulary for the AP® Latin Exam and thereby devote far more of their study time and energy to reading and discussing De Bello Gallico and the Aeneid.
eyeVocab programs correspond to the following B-C books.
Caesar: Selections from his Commentarii De Bello Gallico
(Mueller) (218 words)
Vergil’s Aeneid: Selected Readings from Books 1, 2, 4, and 6
(Boyd) (162 words)
Vergil’s Aeneid: Books I–VI
(Pharr) (292 words)
Latin for the New Millennium Level 1 (423 words)
Introductory rate for each of the AP® Latin programs is $14.95. The LNM 1 and LNM 2 introductory rate is $24.95 per program. For site licenses, contact Miles Becker at
Click on each title to learn more.
The Pompeiiana Newsletter created and edited by Bernard Barcio ran from 1974 through 2003. The newsletter offered a place for Latin students to publish comics, stories, games, and articles, and was a beloved resource for Latin teachers. In 2008, Barcio granted Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers the rights for all of the Pompeiiana Newsletter. B-C is proud to serve as curator for this archive and has made the issues available for teachers, students, and friends of the classics. Check out
The 2018-2019 Roman Calendar is in the mail If you were not on that mailing list, the calendar is available as a download. We also have copies available at conferences. If you would like to be included in the 2019-2020 Roman Calendar mailing please submit your request.
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AP® is a trademark registered and/or owned by the College Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, this site.
These products have been developed independently from and are not endorsed by the International Baccalaureate (IB).
Please note: The Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers Webinar Program is intended to be a live interactive endeavor in which presenter and attendees ask questions, make comments, seek clarification, share examples, etc. Thus, by design and in order to protect the presenter’s intellectual property, B-C does not make recordings available to non-attendees. B-C encourages those interested in a given topic or presenter to plan to attend the live webinar.
If you have suggestions for webinars, please contact Don Sprague.
What Equipment Do I Need for B-C Webinars?
To participate in Bolchazy-Carducci Publisher sponsored webinars you will need high-speed internet access, computer speakers/headphones, current web browser, and the link to the webinar virtual meeting space, which is provided in your webinar invitation.
Webinars Make for User-Friendly Professional Development
Participation is free. All webinars provide opportunity for participants to ask questions. Learn lots—attend as many presentations as you can. Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers provides documentation for your participation. You can share this with your supervisors. Many webinar presenters provide handouts, etc.
Welcome to autumn—the fall colors of New England where I grew up made autumn my favorite season. And, for high school teachers, the football season with homecoming games, dances, and alumni reunions make autumn a special busy and festive time.
Please encourage your students to enter Bolchazy-Carducci's Dolus aut Dulce 2018 costume contest. The winner in each of the entry categories, individual and group costume, will receive a $50 book credit. Deadline for photo entries is November 7.
Keeping with the Halloween theme, we include in the "Resources & Teaching Tips" section some suggestions for class activities along with some complimentary downloadables for use in your classroom. Some of you might experience some déjà vu looking at these. Yes, we offered them in the October 2016 eLitterae.
A special delight for most teachers and, I believe especially for Latin teachers, is to see young people enter this venerable profession. B-C editor Amelia Wallace is following three such tyros on the B-C blog. Check the series out.
It's always edifying to see colleagues honored for their years of devotion to the profession. At this fall's annual Classical Association of the Atlantic States (CAAS) meeting, it was my pleasure to see David Murphy (coauthor of B-C's Horace: A LEGAMUS Transitional Reader and A Horace Workbook) honored with a Gratulatio. I was pleased that Mary Brown, CAAS executive director, with whom I have worked closely over the years, was honored with an Ovatio. CAAS's highest honor went to Henry Bender whom I first met over forty years ago when we were both leading Jesuit high school students on Italy tours. Henry received the Barbara McManus Award. Barbara was another dear friend whom I also met over forty years ago when we were both participants in a Vergilian Society program in Campania. Congratulations to such deserving colleague friends.
May your autumn bring you dulcia!
All the best,
This month, I am excited to write about a tool called Book Creator. It is a simple interface that allows teachers and students to easily create eBooks. Book Creator is available as both an iPad app and a Chrome browser-based tool which means that it can be used on most teacher or student devices. It has a number of simple templates to work from and allows enough flexibility to make it fun to use, yet it is not overwhelming. As the eBook author, you can add text, images, maps, video, audio, web links, and YouTube content. Teachers can generate short eBooks focused on specific grammar topics or themes. These short eBooks are a unique way to deliver important content and examples to students. For those of us who sometimes create our own class materials, Book Creator is an efficient way to share these materials with students. I think the real potential is in considering how students can use this tool.
For many years, when my Latin 3 class was learning about Pompeii, their assignment was to create a tour itinerary and an accompanying guidebook. Having my students create these materials digitally using Book Creator would enhance this assignment in a variety of ways. Students can record themselves talking about some of the sites on their tour. They can embed video clips of reconstructions of buildings as well as links to further information. It is free to create a Book Creator account with the capacity for forty students to generate an eBook. Premium options and site licenses are also available. Book Creator has generated a good library of tutorial tools as well as resources to spark your creativity. To get started, visit
Editor's Note: When assigning projects with this software, teachers can use this as a teachable moment to instruct students that this program is a means for them to assemble their own work and that using materials from copyrighted sources is plagiarism.
Resources & Teaching Tips
√ Some Halloween Teaching Treats
Connect your Latin students to the season. To help, we provide you with some materials that you can download and share with your classes.
From To Be a Roman, share this information about Roman death rituals.
From Petronius: Selections from the SATYRICON, we offer Trimalchio's ghost story.
From Rest Lightly, consider the following representative epitaphs.
Editor's Notes: The above PDFs are provided for classroom use only as downloaded by the eLitterae subscriber and are not to be otherwise copied or distributed. If you don't have copies of these resources for your classroom library, take advantage of this issue's special 33% discount.
√ The Aeneid
Connect your Latin students to the season. To help, we provide you with some materials that you can download and share with your classes.
• "Buffy GIFs" provide a creative insight to the Dido story in Aeneid 4.
• Was Vergil celebrating empire or providing constructive criticism? This New Yorker article pursues this quintessential question.
√ Latin Got "Woke"
The Nation's wide-ranging discussion of the rise of spoken Latin includes Terence Tunberg, coauthor of B-C's Latin for the New Millennium and translator of several children's books.
√ Classical Whiteness
An eye-opening exposition on classical sculpture and color.
√ Classics Reception: Not Always for the Good
• Himmler's use of antiquity.
√ Archaeology Discoveries
• Ghoulish news about what Mt. Vesuvius did to its victims.
• London brings out its dead—archaeology uncovers burials beneath London's streets.
• Excavation in Jordan reveals a Roman-era tomb with colorful frescoes.
• Restoration of Jewish catacomb in Rome brings religion and science into conflict.
• Graffito raises questions about date of Vesuvius's eruption.
• New excavations in Pompeii bring gorgeous garden frescoes to light.
• Cumaean tomb reveals naked servant fresco.
The Classical Association of the Atlantic States (CAAS) Annual Meeting Report
The Inn at Penn, with its gracious and accommodating staff, welcomed over two hundred classicists, a number well beyond expectations, to its facilities October 4–6, 2018. The program of some seventy presentations included panels addressing such timely topics as "Gender, Class, and Power in Plautine Comedy," "Afro-Greeks: A Panel in Honor of Emily Greenwood," and "Heroines Rising from the Depths of Misogyny: Women and Classical Themes in Modern Cinema." The CAAS program committee is to be lauded for its hard work—Saturday morning the committee met at 6:45 am to begin planning for the 2019 meeting!
A perennial highlight of each CAAS annual meeting is the Friday evening Clack reception and Clack lecture. The attendees took a brief walk or caught a trolley bus to the Penn Museum for libations, nibbles, and scintillating chat. They then assembled in the auditorium, where Yale University's Emily Greenwood delivered the 2018 Clack Lecture. Jerry Clack, classics professor emeritus at Duquesne University (and author of three works on Greek poetry published by Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers), established a fund for the lecture that annually presents a classicist of note. Greenwood's presentation on reception was well-received.
Professor Greenwood presents "Speaking Bones: Classical Philology in Black Experimental Writing."
Editor Don Sprague represented Bolchazy-Carducci. The company's display of B-C titles filled four tables and anchored the exhibit room. Grad students, high school teachers, and college professors all expressed their gratitude for B-C's service to the classics community and for the opportunity to examine the books firsthand. The nineteen BC Readers continue to draw professors looking for appropriate titles for their courses.
The B-C book display lined the back wall of the room and enjoyed a prime view as attendees entered the exhibit space.
CAAS annually honors its members for their dedication to the profession. CAAS Executive Director Mary Brown, who has taught Latin at both the high school and college level, received an Ovatio to recognize her service and especially her diligence at mastering the logistics of each annual meeting. The Shipley School's Anne Reidel Smith, the George School's Jane Dunlap, Linganore High School's Deborah Carter, and McDaniel College's Thomas Falkner all received Ovationes. Gratulationes honored Lee Pearcy and his editorial colleagues for their work with Classical World and David Murphy and Mervin Dilts for their new Oxford Classical Text of Antiphon and Andocides. CAAS presented the Barbara McManus Award for Leadership to Henry Bender. What an honor to celebrate these dedicated teachers!
With the program committee already hard at work, the 2019 annual meeting in Silver Springs, MD awaits!
Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers congratulates Henry Bender, coauthor of Poet and Artist: Imaging the AENEID and of Catullus Expanded Edition, on receiving the Classical Association of the Atlantic States Barbara McManus Leadership Award. The citation delineating the breadth and depth of Henry's career and service will dazzle you.
Henry Bender, CAAS Barbara McManus Award winner, flanked on his right by Irene Murphy of St. John's High School in Washington, DC, who delivered the citation, and Maria Marsilio, classics colleague at St. Joseph's University, and, on the left by Judy Hallett, longtime CAAS program chair.
Congratulations to Robert Holschuh Simmons, classics professor at Monmouth College, for organizing a week of classics activities in the community culminating in the biennial Classics Day Festival at Monmouth. B-C's president Bridget Dean represented the company at this special celebration of the classics on September 29.
Monmouth College Classics Spirit
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National Classical Etymology Exam
registration: September 1–October 27, 2018 administration: November 1–December 8, 2018
CAMWS Latin Translation Contest [intermediate and advanced levels for high school students and for college students]
deadline: November 1, 2018 administration: November 26–December 7, 2018
National Greek Exam
deadline: January 19, 2019 regular* administration: February 25–March 3, 2019
About the National Mythology Exam
deadline: January 20, 2019 administration: February 18–March 1, 2019
National Latin Exam
deadline: January 22, 2019
regular* administration: March 11–15, 2019
National Roman Civilization Exam
deadline: February 2, 2019 administration: February 7–March 9, 2019
National Latin Vocabulary
deadline: February 2, 2019+ administration: February 7–March 9, 2019+
Amherst College Harry de Forest Smith Greek Translation Contest
registration: late November 2018 administration: February 8, 2019
The Exploratory Latin Exam - ELE
deadline: March 1, 2019 administration: October 1, 2018–April 1, 2019
Bernice L. Fox Classics Writing Contest
deadline: March 15, 2019 postmark
*Check online for early administration dates. +Based on 2018 dates.
Webinar Registration
Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers professional development webinars are offered on Tuesday evenings 6:00-7:00 p.m. Eastern Time (5:00-6:00 p.m. Central Time). Webinar participants will receive a certificate of participation for professional development credit.
Tuesday, November 13, 2018, 6–7:00 pm ET Caesar: Man of Letters
Presenter: Debra L. Nousek, Associate Professor, The University of Western Ontario
Professor Nousek is a Caesar devotee who has extensively researched, presented on, and written about him. Her most recent delineated below focuses on Caesar as author. This webinar will be a great learning experience for all teachers of Caesar and especially those who shepherd their students through the AP Latin curriculum.
Debra L. Nousek is associate professor at The University of Western Ontario in Canada where she served as Director of the Graduate Program in the Classics. She earned a BA at the University of Alberta, an MA at the University of California at Santa Barbara, and a PhD from Rutgers University.
Tuesday, December 11, 2018, 6–7:00 pm ET Discover the Beautiful Bounty of Post-Antique Latin
Presenter: Terence O. Tunberg, Professor, The University of Kentucky
Recognized internationally for his expertise and scholarship in medieval and Neo-Latin, Professor Tunberg will share his passion for post-antique Latin in this webinar. Tunberg will discuss representative examples of this beautiful bounty—twice as much Latin published in the post-antique period as during the Roman era—noting that many authors emulated the style of their Roman predecessors.
Terence Owen Tunberg is a professor in the Department of Classical Languages and teaches in the Honors Program at the University of Kentucky. Tunberg received a BA and MA in classics from the University of Southern California and a PhD from the University of Toronto.
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