School feature
Bethlehem Elementary and Lisbon Regional are featured in Ammonoosuc Community Health Services' video about the pilot program of providing behavioral health services in school systems.
Click image for video.
Partner feature
 Located in the historic red schoolhouse on Main Street, the reach of the Family Resource Center of Gorham extends far beyond the local community. FRC serves all of Coos, as well as northern Grafton County. With a mission to build healthier families and stronger communities, FRC offers an increasing number of programs that serve to support social and emotional learning and development.
Grandparents/Relative Caregivers Support Groups Littleton / Lancaster / Berlin
Positive Solutions for Families Littleton / Lancaster / Berlin
Managing My Anger (Berlin)
FRC also offers several family support services that work with clients through evidence-based home visiting programs. Learn more.
Looking for more SEL news?
With the number of opportunities and updates related to SEL, the NCP4SELP will periodically publish a standalone newsletter. The February issue is available here. The SAU 36 System of Care also publishes monthly newsletters.
North Country High Schoolers Invited to Entrepreneurship Opportunity with PSU's Enterprise Center
The Enterprise Center at Plymouth is about to kickoff its APEX Accelerator spring series in Littleton, NH, and for the first time, some seats are earmarked for high school students.
The Apex Accelerator is a full immersion series of nine, four-hour seminars featuring applied experiential exercises focused on Rapid Business Optimization and New Venture Creation. The program represents the state of the art in business and economic development and is provided by the alliance of Live Free and Start, the New Hampshire Small Business Development Center and Plymouth State University.
The North Country Edition will run on consecutive Thursdays from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM in Littleton (likely at the Littleton Studio School).
Principals, CTE Directors, ELO Coordinators, or school counselors should contact Lori Langlois at NCES regarding student participation or may contact Eric Spieth at the Enterprise Center at Plymouth State University, easpieth@plymouth.edu for more information.
More information about APEX.
Scholarships for North Country Students
The Neil and Louise Tillotson Fund of the NH Charitable Foundation has announced the Tillotson Fund Scholarship program. The Tillotson Scholarship Fund focuses on students from Coos County, NH, and surrounding border communities in northeastern Vermont, who plan to attend any post-secondary institution including vocational and technical schools, community colleges, or four-year colleges or universities.
Preference will be given to students who plan to pursue early childhood studies or have identified an area of study in a field that holds strong potential for economic and career advancement such as teaching, welding, advanced manufacturing, business, information technology, or electronic engineering.
Scholarships will generally range from $2,000 to $6,000 per year depending on financial need and will be tied to academic progress. The deadline to apply is Friday, April 12, 2019.
Learn more
FREE Computer Science Fundamentals for K-5
Did you know, that in June of 2018, a bill passed in New Hampshire that requires computer science as a core content area in grades K-12? New to teaching computer science? No worries! Try a CS Fundamentals course and learn CS ahead of your students!

NCES and WMSI worked with the Code.org Regional Partner, the UNH STEM Teachers Collaborative, to bring the Computer Science Fundamentals workshops to the North Country. The remaining session scheduled for this spring is March 16th.
Gorham location: NCES, 300 Gorham Hill Road.
Instructor: Heather Drolet
Date/time: Saturday, March 16, 2018, 9:00 to 4:00 (lunch provided)
Cost: FREE Register: Gorham/March 16 registration
Registration deadline: March 6 (Note: 8 is the minimum # of participants required by this deadline in order for this session to take place.)
Learn more about CS Fundamentals and the courses you can use in your classroom for FREE.
in partnership with
North Country Listening Session: Arts Education Standards Revision
NH Department of Education is hosting six listening sessions around the state to kick off the content standards revision process in the arts (dance, media arts, music, theatre, and visual arts). Standards define what students should know and be able do and serve as the basis for local curriculum.
Through the listening sessions, DOE will hear from a wide geographic range of New Hampshire citizens about the best ways to approach arts learning in our public school sector. Students, educators, administrators, policy makers, parents and community members are encouraged to participate.
Date/Time: March 21, 2019 from 4:00 - 6:00 PM Location: Littleton High School. Facilitator: Marcia McCaffery of the NHDOE
Registration: Not required
Co-sponsored by the Arts Alliance of Northern NH, Littleton School District, and North Country Education Services.
Can't make the session? Input about the new standards is also being collected via an online survey through March 2019. Take the NH K-12 Arts Standards Online Survey
NH Early & Elementary Mathematics Collaborative
The New Hampshire Early & Elementary Mathematics Collaborative (NHEEMC) is a project bringing together PreK-Grade 3 teachers and providing math-related resources and professional development.
Math with Technology in Early Education, an online, 2 credit course, begins March 18 and ends May 9 (8-week term). In this course, students will gain knowledge of learning standards and teaching methods for the instruction of mathematics in early education settings with infants through 3rd grade. In addition, participants will gain experience in applying their newfound knowledge in the areas of mathematics with technology through a combination of teaching and digital experiences. The New Hampshire Early & Elementary Mathematics Collaborative (NHEEMC) is once again providing scholarship support to teachers, offering it as a FREE PD opportunity to Pre-K through grade 3 teachers in the state.
To learn more about this opportunity, including scholarship information, please contact
Project Coordinator at Kiki.Donis-Wahl@unh.edu.
Learn About the Changes Coming to AP in 2019-2020
Beginning with the 2019-2020 school year, some of the processes around AP Exam registration and ordering will change. At the same time, AP teachers and students will have access to a robust set of new classroom resources starting on August 1, 2019. All schools offering AP will implement these changes in the 2019-20 school year. During this session, you will receive information, support, and guidance to make sure the transition is smooth.
Date/Time: Monday, March 7 from 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Location: NCES Conference Room, 300 Gorham Hill Road, Gorham, NH Presenter: Dena Johnson, CollegeBoard Cost: Free Register: Register for March 7
Write Now! 2019 conference with Kylene Beers
Google for Education Summit Hosted by HCMS
On April 27, 2019, Haverhill Cooperative Middle School is hosting the White Mountains NH Summit featuring Google for Education. Learn about the latest developments and updates in workshops led by practicing educators, certified trainers and others who are leaders in the Google for Education community. All sessions at the Google Summit include hands-on activities so that you learn by doing rather than listening.
Learn more
NGSS Instructional Toolkit Workshop for NC Educators
Experience how high-leverage instructional practices benefit learners as you become acquainted with the equipment in a NHEEP materials kit to use in your classroom. Engage with anchoring phenomena and teaching routines that support student sensemaking. Investigate a NHEEP instructional kit and curriculum of your choosing more deeply. You’ll leave knowing how to use NHEEP materials and curricula to support your specific grade-level needs.
Date/Time: April 8, 2019 from 8:30 to 3:30
Location: NCES, Gorham, NH (see flyer for other locations)
Cost: $175/teacher, includes free kit rental. Vouchers are available for NH teachers thanks to NHSaves; please contact brian@veep.org for more info.
Register: Register at veep.org/onedaytrainings
Questions: Deanna Bailey, deanna@veep.org
Trauma-Conscious Teaching
Speaker: Alex Shevrin Venet Date: May 9, 2019 from 4:00 to 7:00 PM Location: Littleton High School Sponsor: North Country Reading Council Cost: $10.00 Please submit a check payable to North Country Reading Council to Karen Klos, C/O Littleton High School, 159 Oak Hill Avenue, Littleton, NH 03561. Wraps, salad, and refreshments will be served. Registration: Contact Heather Wright at hwright@littletonschools.org by May 6, 2019.
Alex Shevrin Venet is a teacher educator through Antioch University New England and Castleton Center for Schools, and an instructor at the Community College of Vermont. She offers workshops and seminars in Trauma-Conscious Pedagogy and Reflective Practice, Preventing and Addressing Vicarious Trauma, Teacher’s Trauma Tool Box and Fostering Resilient Learners workshops through Antioch as part of their Microcredential in Trauma-Conscious Teaching. Alex believes that all students deserve a safe and caring school environment and that we create this environment through unconditional positive regard for the person and conditional response to the behaviors, recognizing the dynamics and complex lives of our students.
Free Youth Mental Health First Aid Training
NH State House Bicentennial Mixed Media Contest

The New Hampshire State House Bicentennial Commission is offering a 2019 NH State House Bicentennial Mixed Media Art Contest. A total of 9 awards will be given. Any child between the ages 5-21 that resides in New Hampshire and is a public, private or home school student in kindergarten through 12th grade can participate.
The theme is “The New Hampshire State House and its Meaning Today”. Art and entry forms must be submitted by Friday, March 29, 2019.
More information
Social Studies Professional Development
C3 Framework for K-12 educators
Learn or deepen your understanding of the C3 Framework with the guidance of Professor John Lee, one of the authors of the College, Career, and Civic Life (C3) Standards.
- High School: August 5-6, 2019 (two full days), $350 per person
- Elementary School: August 7, 2019 (one full day), $90 per person
- Middle School: August 8-9, 2019 (two full days), $350 per person
New Hampshire History Institute
This four-day workshop provides an overview of New Hampshire history, covering topics like colonial and revolutionary New Hampshire, immigration, industrialization, and tourism. Explore the new elementary social studies curriculum, "Moose on the Loose," which uses state history to teach ELA, math, science, and social studies. This free, online curriculum, created by the NH Historical Society, will be available in Fall 2019. Dates: August 12-15, 2019
Cost: $150 (includes breakfast and lunch)
Location of events: NH Historical Society, 30 Park Street, Concord
For more information contact Katie Corbett at NH Historical Society, at kcorbett@nhhistory.org or 603-856-0644.
Note: The College, Career & Civic Life - C3 Framework for Social Studies State Frameworks are available online.
WMCC Hosting NH Girls Technology Day
Girls Technology Day was started in 2012 to engage young women in the STEM related fields that support our everyday lives and our futures. According to the U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, women comprise 48% of the workforce, but less than 25% of the workforce in STEM related fields. In the past three years, more than 2000 young women in NH’s 9th and 10th grades registered for NH-GTD events. Currently in its sixth year, the event has expanded from one original site to five locations. White Mountains Community College, Berlin, NH, will host North Country students on March 22nd.
Survey of Rural Schools and Communities
Input from rural teachers and community members is being gathered from across the country. The responses will inform an effort to recruit educators to rural communities.
If you consider your community to be rural, you are invited to respond. This is open any community member, not only teachers and school personnel. It should take no more than 10-15 minutes to complete. Your participation is a great way to highlight NH's rural communities.
The open response questions you will be asked are:
- If we were to visit your community or region, what would you want us to see or know?
- Which organizations (or individuals) are known to be strong ambassadors and/or advocates for your community/region?
- If artifacts from your community or region were going to be displayed on a website to tell the story of your place, what would want to include? (e.g. cultural traditions, natural resources, foods, music, etc.)
- How would you describe the role your rural school plays in the success and well-being of your community?
- What resources are most needed in your rural community to ensure the success of your local school system?
Respond to the survey here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/M3XR8BR
Coos Early Childhood Connections Spring Summit
Sponsored by the Coos Coalition for Young Children & Families, the purpose of the Summit is to:
- Continue the work to sustain positive social/emotional development in children
- Expand communication between early childhood educators across Coos County - and Grafton and Carroll counties as interested (and space allows)
- Develop shared goals for information sharing for children entering kindergarten
- CELEBRATE all the work that has begun since November 2017 Summit
Who should attend?
- Elementary Principals
- Early Childhood Teachers & Directors
- Preschool & Kindergarten Teachers
- Head Start Teachers & Directors
- Early Childhood Home Visitors
- Special Education Case Managers
Date/Time: Tuesday, April 2, 2019 from 1:00 to 6:00 PM Location: Town & Country Resort, Gorham, NH Cost: None
Want to learn more about education funding in NH?
Reaching Higher NH has a series of articles that explains different aspects of the issue.
Advancing NH Public Education has several articles on education funding as well.
Ed Funding Forum
Andru Volinski and John Tobin will present an Education Funding 101 forum in Littleton soon. The tentative date is March 28th. The event will be shared on the NCES Facebook page once it is confirmed.
Granite Guarantee: Tuition-Free College
The Granite Guarantee is a financial aid program that makes college possible for qualified first-year and transfer New Hampshire students by covering the cost of tuition for up to four years. This program defines the University System of NH's commitment to providing a world-class education at the University of New Hampshire, Keene State College and Plymouth State University.
To qualify, students must be:
- a New Hampshire resident
- entering their first year of college OR immediately transferring as a CCSNH graduate
- eligible for a federal Pell Grant
Students meeting these criteria automatically receive the Granite Guarantee. The financial aid program remains in place for four years provided the student is enrolled full-time, remains income-eligible, and makes satisfactory progress toward their degree.
Learn more about the Granite Guarantee process at participating schools:
or learn more about the program through the University System of New Hampshire or by calling 844-309-3855.
CIA Scholarships & Internships
High school seniors and college undergraduates can apply to the Central Intelligence Agency scholarship program until July. Program highlights include:
- Up to $18,000 per year for tuition
- A year-round salary
- A job at the CIA after graduation if you perform well and pass security processing.
Learn more
Foster Care: Short-term and Long-term Families Needed
It is probably not a surprise to hear there is a need for foster homes in the North County area for children of all ages and sibling groups. However, did you know there are foster care opportunities for short-term care and providing respite - like fostering only on weekends?
If you’ve ever thought about becoming a foster parent, please act now. You decide what you can handle. If you’d like to learn more about the foster care program, contact Linda A. Pivin at (800) 972-6111 Ext. 28326 or (603) 752-8326 or LINDA.PIVIN@dhhs.nh.gov or visit the NH DHHS webpage on Becoming a Foster Parent.
Supporting North Country schools in planning for comprehensive and strategic implementation of computer science in grades K through 12.
Coos Adult Learner Services offers small group instruction in basic reading, writing, math, English for English Language Learners, and preparation for the HiSet exam.
Services available in Berlin, Colebrook, and Lancaster locations. The program serves all of Coos County.
Volunteer tutoring opportunities as well.
Call 603-752-1927 to get started.
Feeling Overwhelmed?
Many school insurance carriers offer free employee assistance programs, even for those not participating in health coverage.
HealthTrust Schools LifeResources Employee Assistance Program, call 1-603-769-8463.
NH Interlocal Trust Schools Employee Assistance Program (EAP), call 1-855-853-1528.
SchoolCare Schools Strength & Resilience Program, call 1-800-809-9598.
Contact your Human Resource department for details regarding participation in employee assistance programs.
Big Brothers Big Sisters
BBBS of NH is actively recruiting for "Bigs" and "Littles" in the North Country. Site-based programs are in the works for Groveton, Whitefield, and Lancaster areas. There is potential for matches in other communities. Visit https://www.bbbsnh.org
The Amazon Future Engineer program initiative seeks to dramatically expand access to high caliber preparatory courses, curricular resources, and programs for schools and districts to help prepare and propel high school students forward in their pursuit of AP Computer Science education.
With a special focus on students in lower-income communities and in states that have made computer science education a clear priority, the Amazon Future Engineer sponsorship opportunities are available for schools offering AP Computer Science for the first time.
Learn more.
Protecting children is all of our responsibility. The Granite State Children’s Alliance, New Hampshire’s network of Child Advocacy Centers, served 2,359 child victims of abuse last year. But with only 10% of victims reporting, we know there are 21,231 child victims still waiting for help. Know & Tell is a new public responsibility movement to educate Granite Staters to KNOW the signs of abuse and TELL responsible authorities.
NCES Online Professional Development Library & Educational Student Texts

Want to enhance your ebook collection?
Check out the hundreds of educational ebooks available to NCES member schools:
School Resources About Military Families
There are many resources available to school personnel who are working with military connected families including the NH National Guard. Visit the Clearinghouse for Military Family Readiness at Penn State's Applied Science Research Center for more information.
New Hampshire schools with questions should contact the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard School Liaison Officer, Kristen Ferullo, for more information at kristen.ferullo@navy.mil or (207) 318-1730. Learn more.
Households with income of $66,000 or less may qualify for free tax preparation through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program. There are locations throughout the state. Call 2-1-1 to schedule an appointment.
Learn more
Help support NCES' mission
With your tax deductible donation, you are invited to support NCES' mission of:
- Being a leader in providing professional development and educational services,
- Facilitating partnerships and fostering collaborations that benefit member schools,
- Advocating for resources for teachers and students, and
- Continuously creating opportunities that enhance education in the North Country.
Contact Information
North Country Education Services
300 Gorham Hill Road
Gorham, NH 03581
NCES is an equal opportunity employer and provider.