Comments from Attorney Deborah G. Stevenson on Sections 17 & 18 of S.B. 874
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From Attorney Deborah G. Stevenson, of National Home Education Legal Defense, in regard to Sections 17 and 18 of S.B. 874 Regarding the comment that registration is needed so that 'DCF can cross-check families with investigations so that no case of neglect goes unnoticed because of an abusive of the homeschool option....That is a BOGUS excuse. Here's why - if DCF is "cross checking" with the public school, DCF ALREADY HAS AN OPEN CASE ON THE FAMILY, AND DCF ALREADY HAS SOME IDEA THAT THE FAMILY WANTS TO, OR IS, HOMESCHOOLING. THERE IS NO NEED TO REGISTER OR TO CROSS CHECK WITH THE PUBLIC SCHOOL TO SEE IF THEY ARE REGISTERED. DCF HAS AN OPEN CASE, AT THAT POINT, AND THEY SIMPLY NEED TO DO THEIR JOB TO INVESTIGATE ACTUAL NEGLECT OR ABUSE. Registering all homeschoolers will not make DCF better at their job.
Legislators should not be duped by a failing DCF system. They have been under federal oversight for decades, and the latest report from the person in charge of that federal oversight indicates they STILL have FAILED on HALF of the items they needed to improve upon in order to escape federal oversight...including FAILING ON PROVIDING SERVICES FOR FAMILIES AND CHILDREN, INCLUDING OUTPATIENT MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES, IN HOME SERVICES, SUSTANCE ABUSE SERVICES, DOMESTIC VIOLENCE SERVICES, MENTORING, SUPPORTING HOUSING VOUCHERS, FOSTER AND ADOPTIVE RESOURCES, AND READILY AVAILABLE PLACEMENT AND TREATMENT OPTIONS. And the Governor and legislators want homeschoolers to register with the public school so DCF can have access to those registrations to "cross-check"? I don't think so. Let your legislators know. *See the linked article below. Also, remind them that the Connecticut Supreme Court in the Connecticut Coalition for Justice in Education Funding v. Rell case 327 Conn. 650 (2018) cited the court's finding that there is "clear evidence of failing public school, unequal treatment, and illiterate students being graduated" from those public schools. Again, they want homeschoolers to register with those public schools? I think not. Tell that to all of them. Now.
This is a farce. What is really happening here is that DCF WANTS HOMESCHOOLERS TO REGISTER, IN REALITY, WITH DCF. But they can’t say that openly. Because that really is outrageous. That’s why they have to say we need to register with the public school. Don’t let them get away with this! *This article about DCF FAILURES was just published in the CT Mirror. https://ctmirror.org/2019/02/26/federal-monitors-report-in-dcf-case-shows-continued-concerns/